MC Igf, damn.

Been awhile since I applied the magic elixir known as IGF. Stopped working out for awhile due to stress and getting ready to move. Finally workout again yesterday and happy to report my shoulder is healed, no pain in any pressing movement.
Been awhile since I applied the magic elixir known as IGF. Stopped working out for awhile due to stress and getting ready to move. Finally workout again yesterday and happy to report my shoulder is healed, no pain in any pressing movement.
Shoulder injuries are the worst! They affect so many different lifts pulling and pushing! Glad to hear your healed up and back at it!
Shoulder injuries are the worst! They affect so many different lifts pulling and pushing! Glad to hear your healed up and back at it!

yeah I couldn't agree more, I had a bad shoulder injury about 13 years ago, I had to stop flat bench for about a year or so, and do all dumbbell work for chest. I will say this though, the dumbbell work made me strong as an ox and by the time i was able to get back under the bar, i was a lot stronger barbell flat benching then when i had stopped the year prior. So theirs something to be said for using dumbbells for a while!
Ya same shit here. I couldn't do flat bench for about a year either. When I did shoulders I had to spend 15 mins warming them up and it still sucked!
yeah its a bit of a mind fuck not being able to barbell bench at first, but again best thing i could of done was use dumbbells