Must read on Axio Labs latest news...


MuscleChemistry member
Axio Labs is back and better....
Probably what we are about to tell you will be met with some mixed feedback, but at the very least will provide a good topic for conversation for the next while. In any walk of life, but especially in this business, we believe that through adversity comes life's greatest triumphs, and while this may not rate up there with the invention of the telephone or penicillin, for us and our community this is a great day.

When Axiolabs began it was synonymous with good quality product, then later when this Lab was run by a greedy fat tyrant (we will call him N), the lab became synonymous with all things bad. It was a long road to recovery and this lab had to go further than anyone to prove it was better than the bad press it was receiving.

It must be repeatedly declared that this lab has absolutely nothing to do with the lab of old and it is for this reason we carried on with the lab and have continued our quiet support for them. In the hopes that they would prove to us that our support and that of our members was well earned.

It is with great pride and admiration for the guys at AX that we are proud to announce the first 4 lab results that we received from the new AX lab. This completely new laboratory under new management has done a spectacular job. And while all the products you have received from this lab with the TV or DC batch numbers are perfect we can at least now once again independently verify the accuracy of each batch for you. Lab results can once again start to be found at

Further advances with this lab include a very well spoken chief scientist that will from time to time make comments to our members. We will introduce him to you soon.

This lab still has a long way to go to earn back the reputation it deserves, but as long as they realize that, they will always be trying to be the best and continue to make superior products.

You can also look forward to 1ml ampoules in the very near future beginning with Equiplex 200mg per ampoule.

Best Regards,
Team Axio
I tried opening up the lab test results for the sust325, eq, deca,ect, ect......
Everything I tried to open said "error file not found" or something to that extent.....

Anyone know what I'm doing


Dammit... someone beat me to this Which browser are you using? I had the same issue using firefox... with explore you should be good!
windows explorer........maybe they just need to update the site?....
adobe couldn't open the file....It said file not found.....

I'm sure they'll get everything straightened out though........
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I think it's 8.1...?

Good to have ya here, I'm sure you're gonna be real busy.....LOL
By the way you got a PM
