My DNP log

Nice log so far. I think if dnp is done correctly and in moderation then it's all good. The only issue I had w/ dnp was 3 days after stopping, I broke out around my ankels and elbows an itchy rash. Took Benedryl and all was fine.
Nice log so far. I think if dnp is done correctly and in moderation then it's all good. The only issue I had w/ dnp was 3 days after stopping, I broke out around my ankels and elbows an itchy rash. Took Benedryl and all was fine.

Thank you! As far as the DNP goes, I know it's risky and I'm being as careful as I can. I'm not even telling my gym rat friends about it. I don't want to put them at risk. Too many people have the "more is better" attitude and it would kill me if something happened to them so I'm very thankful for The Dude and his help. DNP is not something I'd do often... I'm fine with good ol fashion weights, cardio, diet AND AAS, lol! As far as your sides SwolenUp, thanks for the heads up. I hope I don't get anything like that...or worse needless to say.
Thank you! As far as the DNP goes, I know it's risky and I'm being as careful as I can. I'm not even telling my gym rat friends about it. I don't want to put them at risk. Too many people have the "more is better" attitude and it would kill me if something happened to them so I'm very thankful for The Dude and his help. DNP is not something I'd do often... I'm fine with good ol fashion weights, cardio, diet AND AAS, lol! As far as your sides SwolenUp, thanks for the heads up. I hope I don't get anything like that...or worse needless to say.

i wouldn't either , lol. You will get one of two looks from your gym rat friends:

1) Are you fucking crazy using that pesticide shit!

2) Whats DNP….Who makes that Muscle Tech?

So either way not worth mentioning as you said!
Lol Presser...smh :-)

GOTGrowth, I did take before pics, but I'm not posting them till I post my after pics. I have 2 more days to go so I'm thinking I'll take some pics on my last day (Thursday) and another pic 3 days later, so Sunday. I hear you don't see the full results till about 3 days after your last day on DNP.
I'd like to do it just to eliminate the fat, but as everyone mentioned- scary stuff
So I haven't weighed myself in the morning on an empty stomach since day 3 and that was 161 lbs. Well I took a pretty long nap after work and decided to weigh myself before drinking/eating anything... I was 158.6 lbs and this is day 12. I'm curious what I'll be when this is all done and I can check my fasting weight.

I know I said it a few days ago, but daily I'm less and less miserable. Personally I like the miserable feeling cause it feels like stuff is happening, lol... With that being said I'm still NOT changing my dose like some would if anyone was wondering. I guess others up the dose as they go(?)
So I haven't weighed myself in the morning on an empty stomach since day 3 and that was 161 lbs. Well I took a pretty long nap after work and decided to weigh myself before drinking/eating anything... I was 158.6 lbs and this is day 12. I'm curious what I'll be when this is all done and I can check my fasting weight.

I know I said it a few days ago, but daily I'm less and less miserable. Personally I like the miserable feeling cause it feels like stuff is happening, lol... With that being said I'm still NOT changing my dose like some would if anyone was wondering. I guess others up the dose as they go(?)

fuck wish my wife felt like this lol cause i make her super miserable lmao
and 3 pounds in 12 days on dnp doesn't sound like that much to me??

It's actually 3 lbs in 9 days...remember I didn't know my starting weight till day 3 so 1 lb lost every 3 days on average. I'd say as of right now it's been close to 4lbs of FAT! Correct me if I'm wrong (because I'm learning as I go with this stuff) but I thought that's what was "so great" about DNP, that it was mostly fat lost. On top of that I really like how I look even though my muscles are flat!! So I have 2 days left, it'll still be in my system for a few days after so I easily have another 1 lb to loose right there. Then once I'm all done I'll have 5 (give or take) less lbs of fat AND my muscles will have the full look that I've so missed, lol... I'm reserving judgement till this experiment is over since so many people don't notice real changes till after they've been off for 3 days. Good or bad, I'll let my pics speak for themselves...fingers crossed :-)
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In addition to the weight lost on the scale DNP makes you retain water weight. It takes about 3 days for that to subside. Either way I think 4lbs of pure bodyfat loss even in 14 days with no change in diet or training is pretty incredible. As Silk said though it will probably end up being quite a bit more. Not bad for popping a pill a day

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All done! Today was my last pill. Yay!! I made it, lol... I'll weigh myself tomorrow when I wake up and also get the before and after pics up soon! To be continued... :-)
Yup, the scale will prob drop more after sev days.

Yep, that's what I hear :-) I was going to take my morning weight every day for the next few days. I'll keep updating the thread. As of right now I am happy with my results. I'm looking forward to the days ahead.
You did awesome! So many people struggle to get through workouts and still do their cardio on DNP. Not only did you do both, but you kept your diet so clean! Your definately a MuscleChemistry chick!!

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