My DNP log

Jesus Silk!! Looks like you should be very proud of your results!! Way to coach her and stand with her Dude!!
Thank you goodness and Austin. I am very happy with my results! I like what I see in the mirror...not the pics so much, lol. Oh well, it is what it is. And yes, The Dude has been a huge help and motivator. No way I could've done it without him :-)
NICE!!! :D Your hot. Silk is this the end result of you using DNP?

Thanks but more importantly I have an awesome personality and I know that's what really matters with you guys LOL

Seriously, thank you GOTGrowth. I guess this is sort of the end result, but I'm not done making improvements. I'm going to try AAApeptides next and see where that takes me. I love the way I look now, but as you guys know there's always room for improvement :-) so let's see where that takes me. I'm enjoying the ride so far!
Great job you guys! Very impressive and motivating.
Silk you have very strong looking forearms, generally don't see that on ladies and of course those squats are paying off big time ;p

Keep up the good work!!!

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Thanks but more importantly I have an awesome personality and I know that's what really matters with you guys LOL

Seriously, thank you GOTGrowth. I guess this is sort of the end result, but I'm not done making improvements. I'm going to try AAApeptides next and see where that takes me. I love the way I look now, but as you guys know there's always room for improvement :-) so let's see where that takes me. I'm enjoying the ride so far!

The dude said you need to do kegel exercises lmao :saywhat::moon:
Look at those quads!

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looking really good Silk! Congrats and Kudos to you and your hard work paying off!

I know, I know, your just waiting for one of my Smart ass, crass Sexually Obscene comments but this threads too good to shit up like i sometimes do! So yeah looking great hun!
I'll probably try it at some point, but I am trying other ways other than carb elimination to get rid of belly fat, including elliptical work, over a gallon of water a day, yohimbine , and now trying to clear out the liver w NAC too to help w the fat loss. Hopefully all of that does the work I need.
Great job you guys! Very impressive and motivating.
Silk you have very strong looking forearms, generally don't see that on ladies and of course those squats are paying off big time ;p

Keep up the good work!!!

Thank you! Yeah the forearm thing just kinda happened. I didn't specifically try and train them. They just sorta showed up one day, lol... The few times I've gone out without The Dude I've had guys point out my forearms and ask me to flex! I do btw cause I'm a a dork :-) It is a creative pickup line I guess.
looking really good Silk! Congrats and Kudos to you and your hard work paying off!

I know, I know, your just waiting for one of my Smart ass, crass Sexually Obscene comments but this threads too good to shit up like i sometimes do! So yeah looking great hun!

Thank you Presser, but you're smooth lines (aka smart ass remarks) are part of your charm. That's why I keep coming back LOL!

And Metal, I'm not sure if I misread your post. I was not on a no carb diet. I didn't go crazy, but I did eat carbs. I was on a clean well rounded diet for the most part.

Again, thanks for following and posting such encouraging (inappropriate - Presser) words. It really helped keep me on track :-)
Thank you Presser, but you're smooth lines (aka smart ass remarks) are part of your charm. That's why I keep coming back LOL!

And Metal, I'm not sure if I misread your post. I was not on a no carb diet. I didn't go crazy, but I did eat carbs. I was on a clean well rounded diet for the most part.

Again, thanks for following and posting such encouraging (inappropriate - Presser) words. It really helped keep me on track :-)

Oh no not you, I was saying I'll probably try DNP one day, right now what I listed is what I am doing, and I figured someone would say diet more, and I don't want to diet anymore than I am. So cleaning up the liver is next, and if that doesn't work I may go for the DNP
This isn't a dig on Silk, but she still hasn't gotten the posing thing figured out. She doesn't know how get things to seperate and pop like many of us. I had to kind of get her near the pose and tell her to move around. Once stuff flexs I try to tell her to hold it long enough to snap a pic. She really is looking good

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Oh I don't take it as a dig at all. I KNOW I need help with posing. Especially my side poses...omg they suck! Oh well, there are worse problems to have right, lol! I'll definitely be working on that though.
At least you look good no matter the pose. Some women cant pull it off if the pose is perfecto. Dont squash me Dude. Just a compliment... K?
This is MY log and in MY log compliments are 100% ok!! Lol, and thank you Austin. I didn't want to sound like a snob, but I was thinking at least I look good doing those Godawful poses HAHA!
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This is MY log so and in MY log compliments are 100% ok!! Lol, and thank you Austin. I didn't want to sound like a snob, but I was thinking at least I look good doing those Godawful poses HAHA!

There ya go Silk!! I have guys trying to get me to compete alot of times, but I will never shave all over like that so its not for me. Let alone pose down and stuff. I love Bodybuilding, but Some guys just aint shavers... LMFAO!!!!
Lol!! That's funny. I'm thinking about competing next year so I have my work cut out for me. Good thing I'm not scared of a little work :-)
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Oh I meant to post earlier, so as I said before DNP makes you soft, well today was my first day being lean AND on MC's igf. OMG! It was awesome. I wish The Dude was there to take pics I was pretty impressive! It even gave me a big head! Lol