My DNP log

Thank you! I'm tryin :-)

As far as women and posing idk. That may very well be true for the majority. In my case I've never actually taken the time to learn so that's why I suck, lol! When The Dude takes pics of me it's sorta like "do this with that leg, do this with that arm, now turn this way" and so on. I usually end up getting overwhelmed, lol... Not The Dudes fault. I really need to get serious about learning poses now so if and when the time comes I'll be that much further ahead of the game. As you guys know holding a pose IS HARD! After I'm done I feel like a fat girl who just tried running up a flight of stairs LOL! Oh well, we can't all be good at everything or we'd all be pros right? :-)

Lol! You were dying and pouring sweat when we tried to snap some pictures at the gym!! That was crazy. You're in very good cardiovascular shape so I was surprised.
In my case a mirror doesn't get by me with out at least a couple quick poses...

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Lol! You were dying and pouring sweat when we tried to snap some pictures at the gym!! That was crazy. You're in very good cardiovascular shape so I was surprised.

I think that was the result of leftover DNP still in my system. But yes, it's was pretty crazy...and gross, lol
Going back to the posing thing for a second: i agree with Presser, it must be a woman thing, at least with regard to the lat spread. My wife can't seem to do it, and I can't seem to be able to explain how... I mean, you just spread your lats, right? But her former trainer (former because we moved - otherwise she'd still be her trainer) is a figure competitor and she has trouble with the lat spread too. I really wonder what that's about?

Looking fantastic, Silk, keep up the great work!

yeah its pretty weird isn't it,
So I noticed this log has had about 5,300 views.....that's a lot! I can't help but think that maybe 500'ish views were people actually interested in the log and the others were just looking for pics. Perverts! LOL
So I noticed this log has had about 5,300 views.....that's a lot! I can't help but think that maybe 500'ish views were people actually interested in the log and the others were just looking for pics. Perverts! LOL

Speaking of.... any naked pics? I find clothes hide so much progress

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I love how you put that Silk. No way he'd let you, but the words could have been "I'm not posting naked pics", but I didn't see that in your reply.... Just an observation Dude. Or maybe I've been around Presser too long.....LMFAO!!!!
I love how you put that Silk. No way he'd let you, but the words could have been "I'm not posting naked pics", but I didn't see that in your reply.... Just an observation Dude. Or maybe I've been around Presser too long.....LMFAO!!!!

Ya, you've been hangin around Presser too long, lol! I don't mind sexy pics, but no naked pics. How does the saying go - say it forget it, post it regret it - or something like that.
Ya, you've been hangin around Presser too long, lol! I don't mind sexy pics, but no naked pics. How does the saying go - say it forget it, post it regret it - or something like that.

I wouldnt know, but yeah your right.... The lady is always right
Ya, you've been hangin around Presser too long, lol! I don't mind sexy pics, but no naked pics. How does the saying go - say it forget it, post it regret it - or something like that.

You've sent me naked pics before, but I lost them when my phone was stolen. You should take a few for me... You know... to evaluate your progress of course

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Oh and back on topic.... DNP is some pretty amazing stuff. Silk will likely use for a few weeks during her contest prep next year. I would to, but I dont see myself competing that soon

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Ya, you've been hangin around Presser too long, lol! I don't mind sexy pics, but no naked pics. How does the saying go - say it forget it, post it regret it - or something like that.

never heard that before, but i like it!
i think it should be "Send" instead of "Post" , sorry I'm weird like that
bumping a solid DNP log! A lot of people are dead set against it, but the information in this post is Priceless, as those who decide to take it should read this and get and be as educated as possible!
lol well damn I need to try too, guess I will have to wait until when i'm going to get other shit too to try
lol well damn I need to try too, guess I will have to wait until when i'm going to get other shit too to try

If you decide to do a log, just warning ya that Presser will harass you and try to get you to post naked pics "for science"...LOL
bumping a solid DNP log! A lot of people are dead set against it, but the information in this post is Priceless, as those who decide to take it should read this and get and be as educated as possible!

Silk is an excellent lab rat. She will do anything in the name of science... that's why I married her
you wouldn't believe what Ive convinced her to do... before she took any AAS she was getting her steroid dose second hand
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If you decide to do a log, just warning ya that Presser will harass you and try to get you to post naked pics "for science"...LOL

I'm used it. He requested 7 dick pix this week to see how the Masteron is working on me.
Silk is an excellent lab rat. She will do anything in the name of science... that's why I married her
you wouldn't believe what Ive convinced her to do... before she took any AAS she was getting her steroid dose second hand

lol, umm yeah lol