My guy Pictures 3 days out the Nationals


IFBB Pro Bodybuilder
He is very depleted because he has to make the weight in at 176 middle weight class. So my plan is have him semi carb loaded for the Thursday weight in and then carb load harder after and friday for the friday night prejudging. I am sure he will look dryer and full.
Roger won the Jr Nationals, Jr USA and the Arnold.
He is been with only 3 oz of oatmeal in the morning as his only carb for the day for the last 10 days, I am just paying with his protein and fats to get to his weight class, starting a low carb up today with only one gallon of destiled water to keep his weight below 175
Two days out

He is already at 176 and started carbing up after a full body workout at 5 am. No cardio today and no more training.
This pictures are after his fist meal at 7:30 am

I wont have my computer in Atlanta so i wonder if presser can get the next pictures uploaded, i will send them by email, so you can see his changes with the carb up
DAMN BRUTHA! He looks fantastic! those quad cross striations look especialy sick!!!
Yes, we are here at the hotel waiting to go to the weight in, holding the carb up because he was 176.5 this morning , just two meals so far, so I guess around 4 we will eat some dry oatmeal to keep the carbs kicking without gaining weight.
after weigh in, how much carb loading do you think he'll need?

A lot, he is totally depleted, 3 meals of 10 oz rice or baked potato, 8 oz steak with each meal and tomorrow starting at 5 am with one cup of dry oatmeal and steak and every two hours eating 10 oz potato or rice with steak , two hours before prejudging 3 oz dry oatmeal with honey
A lot, he is totally depleted, 3 meals of 10 oz rice or baked potato, 8 oz steak with each meal and tomorrow starting at 5 am with one cup of dry oatmeal and steak and every two hours eating 10 oz potato or rice with steak , two hours before prejudging 3 oz dry oatmeal with honey

holy shit he is gonna fucking EXPLODE the second he walks on stage!! if this guy doesn't take first I will honestly be surprised to see what does...
Roger is first or second, in my opinion he will win tonight, he is 175 today after all the carb up yesterday before and after the prejudging, looking fuller and tight, totally stable condition. He is been very easy to manage. I guess tonight I will have my first athlete winning the pro card !!!!