Approved Log My return to health and fitness - HGH deficiency log

Even though you hate meal prepping, I find it to be the #1 key to consistency and success. Just pick one day per week and cook for the entire week. That way you always have a healthy option ready for you.
Hi all, came down with flu, at least it's not the spicy one! Thought I just had a bit of DOMS till it spread to whole body aches, sore throat etc., and I have been out of action for 2 days.
Thanks so much for all the Info, questions and support!
Not coming from the BB community I was feeling very intimidated and hesitant to join in, but you've all been wonderful and so encouraging! Thank you.
Nonetheless, I feel pretty squirrely about pics etc online, also a bit dysmorphic having gotten to this size. I understand these are the tools you need to help me though, I'm working on it.
My scales used to do body fat analysis, but a few weeks ago started throwing an error ERR2 when I try to use that mode. Not sure how accurate they are/were anyway but last measurement of body fat was super high, 60% from memory.
I have attached a pic of protein water with my supps on page three, will attach a screen shot of analysis from their website, they're Australian like me, so maybe not well known elsewhere, but recommended post bariatric surgery or if having trouble eating enough protein.
Any suggestions for resuming activities / training while recovering from virus?
Thank you all again.


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