My Transformation the beginning I was very discouraged....because I was sooooo far away from my goal. I just stayed focused and tried to be positive...after 2 months....I began to see results and that was enough motivation for me.
Wow! Great work. You have made a great transformation. You did not use any estrogen blockers of any kind to get rid of cellulite?
saiyajinali said:
Wow! Great work. You have made a great transformation. You did not use any estrogen blockers of any kind to get rid of cellulite?

None...I did it all naturally!! :)
CYPHON said:
Yea you should be. You had world champion personal trainer CYPHON showin you the ropes every step of the way :)

Remeber the beatings I gave you and mace were for motivational purposes and Im still waiting for my check!?!???

I couldn't have done it without you....but since I am jobless I guess you won't be receiving that check huh?! LMAO!
He emailed me back saying " I will send missy over to you and you can have her cut lawns with fez until all debts are paid.....Hell keep her.....This way my bathroom and mirror are free"

Doesnt look good miss
traumitizing,lmao, ahh hun it will be, fight fire with fire hun
Im tooooo much fire for meatball. She's come to accept the fact that I rule!!!!!!!

She's not traumatized.......She's high on redline crap.