Need help with homebrew


New member
Well my first homebrew was a complete and utter shit show. I weighed out 20g of test e, put it in the beaker, and then like an asshole I mixed up the ba/bb ratios! I specifically told myself I wasn't going to fuck that up and somehow I did anyway. So through that shit in the trash because I wasn't sure how I could really save it at that point.

I started over, weighed out 20g test e raws, 3ml of BA and 15ml of BB into beaker, heated up a little on stove top skillet with a light later of water underneath the beaker. I paid attention to not letting it get too warm. but apparently it still may have been, I don't know.

Pour my mixture right into my red Nalgene nylon bottle top. Unfortunately my hand pump doesn't have a gauge so I was unsure how much pressure to use. I pumped it about 5 or 6 times and realized basically nothing was happening. Then drop after drop ran through the filter. I was confused because I didn't think it wsa supposed to go this slow, so I pumped it probably 12 more times over the next two hours. I think all in all it took about 2.5 hours to filter 100mls. Does this sound right?

Anyways, only 3 or 4 of my vials came out clear, as I got towards the bottom of the media flask I realized the bottles were starting to have a light sediment in them, and/or being slightly cloudy. FUCK seriously. I assumed I blew the filter. Maybe the filter was supposed to go that slow, I wasn't sure? Maybe I gave it too much pressure or it was too warm?

I put on a 33mm .45 syringe filter. Holy fuck no matter how hard I squeeze that shit would barely come out. drop after drop. I got about 2 bottles before it slowed down so much that I gave up. I put a .22 filter on just to see if it would make a difference and that shit was even worse. I just threw away the shitty syringe filters and said fuck it. I think I bought bobo syringe filters that were too small anyway. 33mm must not be very big. so all I did was make a mess and end up with about 4 useable bottles of test e 200 after about 40grams of powder.

wow, I seriously thought I was reasonably intelligent, but I straight butchered that shit. If anyone can give me some advice i'de appreciate it. I have a Millipore bottle top left, i'm hoping to make a better batch after I get some advice.

How much oil is supposed to be filtered through these bottletops? it has to be more then 100ml's..

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So I just tried, to make another batch. Test E 200mg/ml (100ml total)

3ba/15bb in GSO

I only bought two bottletops at first to see what I liked and to make sure things were okay. The first was the Nalgene nylon .22 which I used in the post up top. This time I used an AutoFill PES .22 compete bottletop.

I put the gear in the filter at 90 degrees, or maybe a little under. Attached the hose and pumped it 4-5 times. After 15 minutes not a single drop came through. So I pumped it a few more times and nothing. I start playing around with the bleed valve on the hand pump and notice that there isn't any vacuum. WTF. I pumped it a few times and noticed it would only hold pressure for maybe 5 minutes. Know Idea why.. the hose is attached, I don't see any cracks or damage anywhere. WTF. A few drops come out finally and I think, okay I'm just going to have to check the pressure every 10 minutes for the next 2.5 hours, fun.

About 3 hours later and it's fucking cloudy! You have to be kidding me. The filter looks fine, nothing looks wrong with it. Towards the end it started dripping out slowly even without a vacuum which made me suspect the filter being fucked up. I really don't know how any of this happened or how I blew the filter considering I couldn't even get the thing to hold pressure. I'm chalking this up to the fact that this filter system sucks and I wish I would have bought two nalgenes. Anyways this kind of sucks, I don't have any filter systems or syringe filters left,

don't know whether I should try and bottle them up or just leave it in the plastic media bottle unti I get another filter. Is there any chance the solvents could eat through the plastic? Am I better off just bottling them?

I'm pretty frustrated at this point, I've literally been meticulous and this shit just isn't coming out right.
I think you are rushing things. Before you filter make sure the gear is clear with no swirlies or sediment at the bottom.
I think you are rushing things. Before you filter make sure the gear is clear with no swirlies or sediment at the bottom.

I guess considering I forced someone to awnser me, that was the awnser I got.

Definitely not rushing thing, I very much took my time. In the beaker it was perfectly clear. That actually seemed like the easiest of all the steps. ba/bb dissolved the hormone quite easy. then I added the oil and heated a bit longer.

In case you overlooked, I did ask some very specific questions.. like should the gear go into the filter warm or room temperature? I keep reading conflicting reports about this. I just don't want to ruin the filter by putting it in too warm but I can't seem to find a recommended temperature. Yesterday I added it to the filter at probably 100 degrees. I bought a thermometer today and it went in at about 90 degrees.

last night after the bottletop came out cloudy, I used the syringe filter to get about 4 perfect bottles (shown in the picture), before I basically couldn't squeeze anything out of it anymore. I think I just got a shitty one, or it was too small in diameter, and I also just read its harder to push oil through syringe filters when using bigger syringes (like a 20ml).

Anyways, i'm out of syringe filters and I have the media bottle capped off. Will the gear hold in the plastic media bottle until i'm about to get new filters? I just don't want to waste these vials, and I don't want to have the solvents eat through the plastic (which is what I read somewhere, one of a few reasons plastic media bottles suck).

Lastly, even if the gear wasn't cloudy, is it normal to see the ba/bb in the mixture? I've noticed it in some gear that I've gotten from ugl's, and some gear has been absolutely perfectly clear. It doesn't look like sediment, or cloudiness, or junk, it looks like the ba/bb, is that normal? And how do you take care of that?
I guess considering I forced someone to awnser me, that was the awnser I got.

Definitely not rushing thing, I very much took my time. In the beaker it was perfectly clear. That actually seemed like the easiest of all the steps. ba/bb dissolved the hormone quite easy. then I added the oil and heated a bit longer.

In case you overlooked, I did ask some very specific questions.. like should the gear go into the filter warm or room temperature? I keep reading conflicting reports about this. I just don't want to ruin the filter by putting it in too warm but I can't seem to find a recommended temperature. Yesterday I added it to the filter at probably 100 degrees. I bought a thermometer today and it went in at about 90 degrees.

last night after the bottletop came out cloudy, I used the syringe filter to get about 4 perfect bottles (shown in the picture), before I basically couldn't squeeze anything out of it anymore. I think I just got a shitty one, or it was too small in diameter, and I also just read its harder to push oil through syringe filters when using bigger syringes (like a 20ml).

Anyways, i'm out of syringe filters and I have the media bottle capped off. Will the gear hold in the plastic media bottle until i'm about to get new filters? I just don't want to waste these vials, and I don't want to have the solvents eat through the plastic (which is what I read somewhere, one of a few reasons plastic media bottles suck).

Lastly, even if the gear wasn't cloudy, is it normal to see the ba/bb in the mixture? I've noticed it in some gear that I've gotten from ugl's, and some gear has been absolutely perfectly clear. It doesn't look like sediment, or cloudiness, or junk, it looks like the ba/bb, is that normal? And how do you take care of that?

Just put it in a glass jar. U still gotta filter it. Stop panicking and start thinking. Everything is fine, u mixed it all store it in glass jar it doesn't matter its not sterile until filtered. Boil water to sterilize jar if u worried then put it till u can filter.
Same difference as getting simi-finished!!
Next time experiment with just oil to get your filtering set and your feel of it. I would just use 3 ml syringe and syringe filters. I am a mechanic and a vacuum pump is same as one for penis pump. Improvise! U need a vacuum gauge I have lots of them hydraulic and autoparts stores sell them. I have electric vacuum pumps. U can buy a one way valve that closes at certain suction from compressor shops or even other places.(a scavenger line one way valve)
I am going to brew soon but haven't because every place I know of is out of Whatman syringe filters. Other brands give trouble and certain types can melt depending on what they for. And what they made of. I have bought from ebay or Amazon because I don't have actual part # for filter type and they don't show info like at med lab sup.
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Just put it in a glass jar. U still gotta filter it. Stop panicking and start thinking. Everything is fine, u mixed it all store it in glass jar it doesn't matter its not sterile until filtered. Boil water to sterilize jar if u worried then put it till u can filter.
Same difference as getting simi-finished!!

I'm not worried about the shit I have in this bottle, i'm mainly trying to prevent It from happening again. I just ordered up some new filters.

I don't have a vaccum gauge on my pump as I mentioned.. So can someone give me a way to tell if it's pressurized enough? Or make a recommendation on how many times I should pump the handle? Do I just eyeball the speed of it dripping?

It's not hard to see how someone using these vacuum filters for the first time could have a couple technical difficulties with it. The main reason behind my whole post is i'm trying to pin point what could have gone wrong. I've never used one before, so i'm not sure how fast it was supposed to drip. Overall it still took like 3 hours, but apparently I still had to much pressure to where some of the filter blew through.

The gear looked cleaner in the storage cap up top, then it did after it went through the filter so it's obviously an issue with the vacuum.. but I feel like i'm doing everything right, and just wasting shit at this point.

I know I came off as frantic in this whole post, but more so i'm just pissed, because I don't feel like these filters are supposed to be a pain in the ass like this. I would have been better off leaving out all the jibber jabber in this thread and just highlighting my questions, but oh well that's just how I rant.
When u have your filters you can boil water place jar in water to help kill bacteria then refilled. Trust me this will be fine if u that worried but filtering is way to sterilize. Use a glass bottle or jar to store your semi finished product until u ready to filter then just reheat submerging it into boiling water. Then filter but not too hot. Water boils at 212' F. Your gear will be fine unless u have tren.
In a calmer and more organized manner i'm going to specifically ask a few questions, because i'm trying to pin point how I fucked this filter up.

1) Recommended temperature when adding gear to a Nalgene Nylon .22 Filter

2) Roughly how long should one expect the filtering process to take for say, 100ml of gear in GSO.

3) I don't have a gauge on my hand pump, any idea how many times to pump it or a way to tell that my pressure is even borderline correct, and not close to either blowing the filter or cracking the bottle?

4) Gear went in the bottletop cup clearer and cleaner looking then it did when it came out of the filter and into the receiver flask? wtf? I didn't see any signs of crackage, the filter looked okay to the naked eye, and it took a long ass time to filter.

5) recommended bottletop filter size and type? It looks like nylon .22 is the go to, but some people use PES.

6) Is 3/15 ba/bb okay for 200 mg/ml of test e. It was recommended to me by someone who runs a very well known ugl that's why I went with that specific ratio.

Sorry if you made it through all of this thread.

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When u have your filters you can boil water place jar in water to help kill bacteria then refilled. Trust me this will be fine if u that worried but filtering is way to sterilize. Use a glass bottle or jar to store your semi finished product until u ready to filter then just reheat submerging it into boiling water. Then filter but not too hot. Water boils at 212' F. Your gear will be fine unless u have tren.

Thanks for the advice brother, most of what I seem to be going through is just troubleshooting why my filter is leaving my gear worse off then when it went in. I just don't want to keep fucking it filters. To be very honest, I feel like I made some type of mistake with the first filter, i'm not sure what, maybe I ran the pressure to high or the gear went in too hot and melted it, but the second filter I think was defected or broken because I couldn't get it to even hold pressure from the start.
All I can tell u is plastic type will break when u have enough pressure so that won't work. I never used one myself but would rig up a valve that closes at max vacuum pressure and install a gauge. Most one way valves or adjustable simply experiment on close rig up that u make and install gauge set valve to close at a little less than max pressure u need then u reuse that set up over and over except for your bottle top arrangement. I saw there are some that are good for 100ml 500ml and 1000ml but they only like $20- $30 so sounds cheap to me so never went that route yet.
Sounds like u have a leak in your system and u pulling air or going too fast. I never used bottle top but as a mechanic thus happens to oil when it is circulated and gets mixed with air. I work on air compressors alot so I know alot about vacuum and putting oil under vacuum and compression with presure.

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Use your old filter the one use already contaminated and experiment with just your oil if u have enough solvents throw them in there too.
Let your gear cool to about 122' F at min before filtering.

U need a vacuum gauge negative pressure experiment with your oil get mark on gauge to know what it takes.

Make sure system doesn't have leaks and too much pressure will create leak.

What filter pore size are u using. U should be able to check your type and see what kind of samples it is good for if it sterilizes and protein separations.

Your ratios on ba and bb are fine.

Your gear may clear up u. Heat it up with a vent if sealed a needle thru for vent. Let it cool see if it's clear. Oil does this under vacuum pressure u made it unstable it will bind back up. Try it and see.
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Millipore pvfd. Is best what I found out.
U need glass media bottles to connect to plastic bottom with break and bb will eat plastic. Dug a little and found this out

Your problem is u need glass media bottles not plastic and if u using wrong bottle top a plastic tube that feeds filter inside filter will melt from bb. This is what I found out on your issue. I need set up myself because Whatman filter or not in Stock.
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Let me know if u got it. U need red nylon other colors will not work they have plastic that solvents melt.
Just transferred the gear into my beaker and put some tin foil over top of it because I don't have any glass jars. I just placed an order for a glass media bottle, 2 new bottle tops and a few syringe filters. The filter size i'm using is .22. MEdlabsupply is pretty good so I should have it in 2 days or so.

I'll give it a go when the stuff comes in.
They say not to go over 130 on Millipore bottle top. I always used filter good for much hotter. I read 95' F
They say to get hot glue gun and run a bead around hose at connection to top to seal. If u sacking air it with take long. The cloudness is probably from solvents melting plastic. I will be ordering mine to filter this weekend been wait on Whatman but think I know what to do now
Yah i filtered at like 90 so i shoulda been good there. Your right i have a strong feeling the cloudy is from melted plastic.
Yah i filtered at like 90 so i shoulda been good there. Your right i have a strong feeling the cloudy is from melted plastic.

Know I wrote u bunch of stuff off my head till I actually looked. Lol. Use rubber cement to seal around connections or hot glue gun.
Use red pdfv Millipore

I will use .22 size but I have read. 45 is still pharmacy considered sterile. It was always standard bacteria can't get thru but certain viruses can but using ba stops growth of them.
Most ugl use .45.
Your system should still take some time unless u seal off leaks. Millipore steriicup heard is good
As stated go with pdfv or red nylon one other is best but more expensive can't remember name
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