Need LOTS OF HELP with Winstrol


New member
Hi you doing everyone? I do Triathlons and was hoping to get a little thinner in order to improve my time. I am 19 years old, 6ft tall and weigh 190 lbs (Still got a little fat around my stomach). Anyways a friend of mine suggested I take Winstrol. I have no idea what it does and what the side-affects are. Will it really help me drop 10 lbs or so? Does it give you acne? Where, how often, and how much should I inject? Also anyother information about the drug would really help. Thanks.:confused:
first of all I think you are too young to use gear. Second winstrol by itself wont do much. I am sure that you could get the exact same results if you clean up your diet. It might help with the endurance, but it will dry up your joints then your screwed. But if you want to use it I would do 50mgs ed, 25 morning and 25 evening if your taking pills. good look newbie!!:)
I'm not a fan of you taking winstrol at your age or by itself. You will not drop weight with winny, the only way to do that is to clean up your diet and add a thermogen like ECA. Cut your cabs after 5pm and eat good carbs, no white rice, flour, or sugar
Thanks for the advice, I thought it would work for me supposably my buddy who's 20 took it and lost 20lbs in one cycle.... He also said there was no acne either, i guess thats all bs. LoL I cant afford my joints to dry up, that would be bad. So I guess I wont be taking any winstrol.

I am taking a thermogen, have been for a while. Its called kranker.... any thoughts on that?
yes, monitor your BP, heart rate and water intake while on it. that will elevate your body heat, any thermogenics will, and that will not give you a performance edge, same concept as cars with performance. a coller running engine performs better bro!

as for winstrol no, if you were to use anything use anavar, its much safer and wont dry you out your joints, but you will get good effects with the kranker with it, just drop it at least 2 weeks before any event
just my opinion and i dont agree to you using aas at your age, it can have long term effects, but then again you old enough to fight and die for your country and if you insist on this decision at least be aducated about it..
Thanks for the advice I dont think Ill be making my ass a pin cushion yet, but just in case any side-effects associated with anavar?
almost none, its is the safest by far. Its an oral. Do a search and read up on it on the net and this site. Not alot of mass from it, but it is one of teh few thats good on a low cal diet. Good for cutting on, but it won't work unless you watch your intake.
not a problem bro, its what were all here for, to learn and help others learn and share a few jokes or two along the way to our goals.