New AX Proviraplex


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The new Proviraplex formula is white tablet coated in a bright blue protective cover that will prevent absorption in the stomach, thus allowing for correct absorption in the lower intestine. "Now Available"
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yeah... you know what could happen next? ...
well i just looked at the picture again, and they look great.. LOL bump for good AX products....
i think like anything else it can be hit or miss... it really depends on genetics and of course lab results...

if the correct amount of mg's of product is there.. regardless of the ester/brand... you will get some of the desired effects as well as the undesired sides as well...
ewwww, was that supposed to be a bicep shot?

and how many times do we gotta say it, axio HAD problems a few months back. It not a newsflash or anything. But things are running good for them now.

I think any ugl/brand/whatever, if they are around long enough, will have some type of problem eventually.
The new Proviraplex formula is white tablet coated in a bright blue protective cover that will prevent absorption in the stomach, thus allowing for correct absorption in the lower intestine. "Now Available"

Excuse me Bro... but who the hell are you? Your not with Axio!