New Lottery! Sponsored by "Fit-ForYouSupplements" & "MCAS"

Ok the winning numbers for the April 15th Lottery were 0-9-0.

No member hit all 3 numbers in perfect sequence.
No member hit all 3 numbers in any sequence.
So we move to rule number 3 which states that winner is whomevers number is closest in terms of numeric value.

The member whos number was closest and the winner of this Lottery is member "theBIGness" Congratulations brutha! Please pm me you shipping address and I will make sure your prize is mailed off to you from our Lottery sponsors "MuscleChemistry Advanced Supplements and from Fit-ForYouSupplements"

Side Note: We did have a member whos numbers were much closer in terms of numeric value and who would have won this lottery had they of had the 10 post minimum. So for anyone wondering why member "24than" didnt win, its because he only has 2 posts!
TheBigness, your supplements went out today, enjoy!!!!
Hey guys, give a try to this new line of supplements, you will love flavors and they work.
go to
I personally like the Whey Pro is a mix of whey protein with whey isolate witch you dont see very often and much less at that prices.
Congrats, dude!!

I think it's funny how all the lurkers come out to post when a lottery is open! :p
Congrats, dude!!

I think it's funny how all the lurkers come out to post when a lottery is open! :p

Haha oh i know its hilarious you will never see so many 10 posts and under people. And if you look at their posts they are 90% for the lottery's over the months haha.
Haha oh i know its hilarious you will never see so many 10 posts and under people. And if you look at their posts they are 90% for the lottery's over the months haha.

LOL, I was going to ask if thats where all their posts came from!

At least respect the site and contribute once in a while... I think everyone is pretty fun and knowledgeable here. If it's good enough to win free shizzle from, it should be good enough to post on. Just sayin'. :)