New Lottery! Sponsored by "Fit-ForYouSupplements" & "MCAS"

still looking for the mc stuff i got a couple different supps and stuff to tie me over so no worries no hurries i am excited to try igf now that i have learned how to drive it home with slin though!!

i did however drive home several grams of bcaas and glutamine from my winnings after a chest workout today and im still very full at this late hour
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still looking for the mc stuff i got a couple different supps and stuff to tie me over so no worries no hurries i am excited to try igf now that i have learned how to drive it home with slin though!!

did u even get a tracking number yet brutha? if not please shoot me ur addy again so i can look up the tracking number and see where the hell its at
i like all the stuff. i think i will order aminos from them the price is really good