New Member..Disappointed..

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New member
Out of curiousity, I'm a member of another forum. I decided to check you guys out, just to see what you guys have here. First question I have is why is there so much talk of bullshit that has nothing to do with BB or body enchancing going on on this blog? I'm really disappointed to say the least, of how hard it is to find information on health and fitness and AAS here. Out respect, I won't mention the other forum I speak, but you guys seem to have very little to do the BB scene. There's bits and pieces, here and there..and then a bunch of unrelated stuff to weight training, dieting, etc. People come here for answers. If you wanna talk football all night, why not go to a sports blog??? I would have no problem with the other stuff (as I love sports), as long as it doesn't dominate your boards. I don't care if any of you flame me either. This is what I see from the outside looking in. :nope::nope:
We have several different forums on here where you can talk sports, peptides, whatever you want in that forum. I'm not sure what forum you're referring to, but there's plenty of talk about BBing, AAS, and whatever you're looking for. IF you are looking for anything in particular and can't find the answer, post a thread with your question and I'm sure you'll have the answer you're looking for
Welcome to MC its definitely not your typically BB forum

And for some reason i even care about whats going on in most these guys lives
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thats interesting. I just looked at the next three posts after your "dissapointed" post.
First one was "What is best mass building excercise for glutes"
next one was "Advice on a cycle"
next one was "Finally doing squats again"

I only noticed the following three posts and they were all related to bodybuilding and AAS. Just wondering
where you were looking? Just me but If I am just checking out a new site and dont like it I keep looking for
the type of site I like, I dont bitch to them about how they run THEIR site. Just me musing bro.
Muscle Chemistry can't make everyone happy. Maybe we should change the name to "sports chemistry" !!!
Posts like this seem to go against your claim there is too much BS talking. The original poster, threads like this just add to the mix of more "bullshit". Why don't you post up some compelling article or start a thread about a bodybuilding or lifting subject instead of insulting everyone that happens to like this board?

I for one happen to like this board because we have people from all walks of life, all different backgrounds and there is no drama queens like yourself. Sorry you don't like the board but from the sound of it you wont fit in around here with all that sand in your vagina.
lol, sand in Vagina, as for the original post, maybe cause we been here 14 years and everyone knows every topic under the sun has been talked about 1000 times each and all u need to do is use the search function to find what ya want, or maybe cause your an idiot looking and reading the wrong forums, or maybe it really is all the sand in ur vagina as said above lmao

or maybe your an ex banned member with an ax to grind under a new name lol, hmmm
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Having been a member or just visiting literally dozens of other boards similar in content, I can say no doubt this IS the best out there. Yes we have lives outside of BB'ing and fitness as evidenced by the variety of threads. But when fitness and weight training is ingrained in you, part of your DNA, it would stand to reason that in regards to other issues, you would want opinions from others who have same thought processes as yourself. If you having GF/wife problems, she cant justify why you refuse to miss a WO, why go to some other board who's members haven't trained a day in their lives? They likely would tell you to drop the training and focus on the woman....we all know that not to be true.

Me thinks Presser was spot on, a disgruntled previous member grinding an axe. Why would you bother to complain? If you don't like it here, move on. Trolls are a dime a dozen......
Having been a member or just visiting literally dozens of other boards similar in content, I can say no doubt this IS the best out there. Yes we have lives outside of BB'ing and fitness as evidenced by the variety of threads. But when fitness and weight training is ingrained in you, part of your DNA, it would stand to reason that in regards to other issues, you would want opinions from others who have same thought processes as yourself. If you having GF/wife problems, she cant justify why you refuse to miss a WO, why go to some other board who's members haven't trained a day in their lives? They likely would tell you to drop the training and focus on the woman....we all know that not to be true.

Me thinks Presser was spot on, a disgruntled previous member grinding an axe. Why would you bother to complain? If you don't like it here, move on. Trolls are a dime a dozen......

great reasoning to by the way, especially the training and wife / gf bit! Like minded people is where its at!!!!!
and let me chime in with this, most guys here know what the fuck there doing from very experienced to pro level, and its not some newbie playground, while we welcome them , we still have more experienced guys here and when a newbie comes here and asks a question, he usually gets 1 or 2 answers and the rest of the members read that answer and its usually spot on with no need for 50 different guys to post their way of doing it, cause theirs usually the right way and the wrong way, and we usually have a guy or 2 nail the newbies answer from the gate...the rest of us read it and have no need to reply to it,

But as stated above no one posts about disappointment lol, they just move on! this is an ex banned member, or someone looking to invite others to their new board,lol, which by the way ive seen DOZENS AND DOZENS come and go over the last 14 years.....and half of them wind up in jail or i think im ok with MuscleChemistry's track record!
Have a look at full of anal retentive guys with a finger stuck in there sandy vaginas. U should fit right in there..
Rama, if you search, you have over 10 years of knowledge at your disposal. If you ask a question, you will get several great answers. Other than that MC members talk about just about everything, because most of us have been friends on the site for several years.

I came here as a newbie with absolutely zero knowledge of steroids. I'd been lifting for years and finally realized that I needed something extra. If you can find my original posts, I really asked the stupidest questions, but I got answers and I learned a ton. And, I'm so glad I asked questions here before beginning my first cycle blindly.
Fucking right on to everyone above... I am a member of lots of forums, but I've pretty much stopped going to all the others because I know most of the posters here (most not personally) and have developed relationships with them. Like Julius said, I care what's going on with them.

Honestly dude I also think that you are overcomplicating shit. Training, AAS, diet isn't fucking complicated. One of the biggest problems is that people get so caught up in the extreme broscience and over complication of bbing or powerlifting. The only complicated thing is figuring out your own body which, for the most part, can't be figured out over a forum. Yes, you can always learn and always improve, but again for the most part this is figuring out your own body.

And for the most part, the posters here all know all of this basic stuff and don't need to ask beginner questions. So I apologize that we aren't all confused as you apparently are. Seriously, if you do have questions, we will answer them, but if not, it is nice to be a part of a forum where every thread isn't asking for pct advise on a first cycle.
So let me get this straight, he waisted his time to post saying he was disappointed with the posts. Instead of being on his " "much better site" lol TOOL. It's clear that he started a site and did not get many members and that's where his anger displacement comes from. But not judging and I hope he gives us a chance and realizes that conversions can be frustrating and sometimes a little break from the norm and laughing a bit or actually reading something that makes you smile will make it a lot easier to keep Fit healthy and happy
Guys don't be affended by this dude. What most fail to relize is he Internet is full of know it alls. Guarantee this guy is late teens, early twenties. If not be is a guy that just is full of talk. Never done a show or has a physique of a fat wanna be.

Every one reads something or is told something by their friend and their a fucking genius.

All we talk about on this site is peptide use, slamming tren in our ass, and getting blown on test. What else is this guy wanting to see. Most of us on the site are bro's and this talk about things bro's talk about. More to life then just slamming gear and lifting weights my friend. Mind stimulation=stress free, fun life.
RAMA1254, not every forum is for every person.
Thank you for your opinion, and sorry to hear your disdain for things such as MMA, or Football, or Fast cars, used along side Body building, Cycles, Progression blogs, Training articles, etc.
Sorry you don't like the board but from the sound of it you wont fit in around here with all that sand in your vagina.

Oh..please lord have mercy. I've offended someone with my thread..and now I won't fit it in around here. Back in high school again brother?? Where fitting in matters!! I'm here for information. I voiced my opinion. I knew some guys would be offended, like yourself. Not my intent. My intent was to question why on a BB/AAS..etc Blog are half the posts i see are about the lines of football games, other sports talk, Vagina Farts (which was funny I might add), etc?? I was a little disappointed is all. Thats real. If you want fake asses on here who don't wanna ask questions because they're afraid they won't fit it, maybe you should check yourself. For the record, I'm reading every response, even if I don't respond to it..I will read it. So thank you to everyone for responding with your honest opinions.., even this guy!!

- - - Updated - - -

or maybe your an ex banned member with an ax to grind under a new name lol, hmmm

Definitely not a banned member. All you have to do is ask your administrator to check that out. I'm a brand spanking new member....with sand in my vagina!
i am gona guess you didnt see the sponsors sections you were looking like alot of boards that blatantly sell shit,
or did you miss the
can i drink winny?
whats the best cycle for mass?
what the best cutting cycle?

or all those generic ass threads.

but if you want real world responses ask a question and you will get an answer from someone probably alot more educated on the subject than joeblow22 from
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