New Member..Disappointed..

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aka the queefing thread

Hahaha! Fuck yeah the queefing thread.

- - - Updated - - -

-Straight up...this is only the second Blog for all things fitness related that I've registered too (there may be a forgotten one out there also). It was just surprising to me to see so much activity was non fitness related is all. I haven't visited many other blogs, other than when I look something up and google takes me there for an answer. To be honest, that's how I found this blog.
-What initially got me curious about this site, is the technical format, functionality, options, and layout is almost exactly like the other blog I use. I mean, I would bet who ever set this site up, set up the other site I go to. So I started thinking maybe they're related. I joined up to check it out and see if this site was as informative. I've learned that things are different here. The members, the sponsors, and of course the info. I don't mean that in a negative way either. I mean because of the technological aspects, It made me think the experience was more or less gonna be parallel.
-And to close it out..Yeah, I'll be sticking around. Trolling all the threads I can. I don't give out a ton of advice because the day I starting coming to sites like this, I realized that I know shit compared to some of the guys here. So, I enjoy all the info the vets, pro's, and the newbies bless us with on daily basis.
-Thanks for the kind words bro!!!

On a serious note man please ask any questions you have and use the search function. I've never had a question that I've asked here that hasn't been answered or lead me to an answer based on somebody's reply.

And you're off to a rocky start but at least we know you speak your mind.

Oh and feel free to chime in on the queefing thread.
As one of the other site administrators, Rama1214, first just to give you some terminology, this is not a blog. It's a discussion board (don't say you didn't learn something new today, lol). It seems you went into only the General Conversation subforum which is for everything under the sun (every board has a subforum like that), and you didn't go look at the one labeled MuscleChemistry Discussion which contains all the AAS related things you were looking for. There are lots of other subforums on the board that deal with other topics. If we didn't keep it separated that way, no one would be able to find anything. And btw, no, the same guy did not set up the other board. I should know. Sorry you got off to such a rocky start although you sort of invited the flamers. There is a ton of information on this board so please search to your heart's content.
As you will come to find out, I am the biggest, strongest, and most well versed individual here. :) lol

You are the biggest, strongest douche that curls in the squat rack. The most well versed in how the special olympics were ran the last time you were in them and you're the sloppiest window licker here
aka the queefing thread


I have been here off and on for several years. I'm a regular guy, father of 3, business owner....just a guy trying to stay fit as I age. Im no where near a pro body builder like most of these guys, but they make me feel like I'm on the same level as all of them.

I say dumb shit, ask dumb questions, comment about queefing, my life of work, talk about UFC and other sports... this group of freaks, weirdos, muscle heads, beef cakes, questionable homo activity (at times) make me feel right at home. It does not get any better than the group of guys on this board, they are genuine as they come.

Im sorry you feel disappointed, but just as in life...if you dont like what you see, change the channel... before you state your disappointed learn the site before putting your foot in your mouth :)

Pretty Simple
Thanks for the warm invite and insight brother. Hopefully I also will make valid contributions in time as many of you already have.

The important thing here is that we welcome new members but more importantly we welcome new member who contribute to make the forums(and this site) better for our members.
A lot has been said about covering topics we have discussed multiple times over the years. Trust me- I have been here pretty much since day one, and while there are days that we have a lot of activity on fitness, supplementation, diet, etc there are times where there is discussion on hot fitness chicks, new cars we bought, death, birth, divorce, marriage, etc... I think it's cool that our family of members here feel comfortable enough to share other things other than the typical topics we normally expect. Our members are sounding boards )without passing judgement or being dicks about it) for other members- which is something you really don't find anymore on any forums. At the end of day everyone is entitled to their opinion- our members are always driving the bus when it comes to feedback- it's how we grow and get better to service what they are looking for and while you are looking for info on here, you posts and your questions are welcome- whether its about food, or an injury or how your ex-wife screwed you in the divorce settlement- it'a all good for us and the member. We are here to listen, we are here to help where we can.
Thanks and Happy New Year.

MC Site Administrator
... before you state your disappointed learn the site before putting your foot in your mouth :)Pretty Simple

Thanks for jumping up to respond here brother and sharing a bit about yourself. Nice to make your acquaintance. I respect your opinion, but would never consider you as "putting your foot in your mouth" should you state it and I disagree with it. :cool::cool::cool: And You know, this thread has introduced me to some very passionate members, including yourself...who have given great insight as to culture around here. I'm sure we'll bump into each other on the open boards..cheers and Happy New Year til then bro!
Thanks for jumping up to respond here brother and sharing a bit about yourself. Nice to make your acquaintance. I respect your opinion, but would never consider you as "putting your foot in your mouth" should you state it and I disagree with it. :cool::cool::cool: And You know, this thread has introduced me to some very passionate members, including yourself...who have given great insight as to culture around here. I'm sure we'll bump into each other on the open boards..cheers and Happy New Year til then bro!
My apologies is it came off was not my intention at all :)

the "homo" activity around here can be questionable at times, its usually resolved with a slap on the ass followed by "good game"...haha :eek:... I mean our fearless leader is pictured in a "lowered" pushed down speedo in his avatar :satan::satan::satan: lol
lmao the "Speedo" is I believe made by Andreas Cahling lol. If I wanted to hide my legs in board shorts i would have been a Physique Competitor lmao. dicks! lol
Thanks to all those who responded to this thread. Think we can "shutter down" at this point. Thanks again for jumping in!!!!!!!
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