New Member..Disappointed..

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Ban hammer him please, we don't need trollers like him coming in here, registering and running his mouth about things he doesn't know what he speaks of. He obviously craves and needs attention. Just ban him, problem solved.
You have me confused. Nothing offends me. I've just about seen it all in my time. Happy motoring...
Ban hammer him please, we don't need trollers like him coming in here, registering and running his mouth about things he doesn't know what he speaks of. He obviously craves and needs attention. Just ban him, problem solved.

So, let me get this want me banned over starting this thread. If I offended that bad bro..sorry, but asking for me to be banned over this is ridiculous.
I totally agree with u..u should not be banned for voicing an opinion. .I looked at some of your posts u seem an intelligent guy with some good knowledge. .but what I dont understand is why u think a forum with many members from many places and backgrounds should only be about BB AAS use..this is a part that brings us together. .the rest is what keeps us all here year after fun it keep us smiling..and if we get a little stuck with the best new found peptide or weight gain then these guy will help me with that..plz excuse my lying in bed on my phone. .p.s fanny farts are indeed funny.
So, let me get this want me banned over starting this thread. If I offended that bad bro..sorry, but asking for me to be banned over this is ridiculous.

i wont ban you over a thread like this (someone might, lol) , hopefully you can look around and find what you like on here, theres something for everyone
I totally agree with u..u should not be banned for voicing an opinion. .I looked at some of your posts u seem an intelligent guy with some good knowledge. .but what I dont understand is why u think a forum with many members from many places and backgrounds should only be about BB AAS use..this is a part that brings us together. .the rest is what keeps us all here year after fun it keep us smiling..and if we get a little stuck with the best new found peptide or weight gain then these guy will help me with that..plz excuse my lying in bed on my phone. .p.s fanny farts are indeed funny.

-Straight up...this is only the second Blog for all things fitness related that I've registered too (there may be a forgotten one out there also). It was just surprising to me to see so much activity was non fitness related is all. I haven't visited many other blogs, other than when I look something up and google takes me there for an answer. To be honest, that's how I found this blog.
-What initially got me curious about this site, is the technical format, functionality, options, and layout is almost exactly like the other blog I use. I mean, I would bet who ever set this site up, set up the other site I go to. So I started thinking maybe they're related. I joined up to check it out and see if this site was as informative. I've learned that things are different here. The members, the sponsors, and of course the info. I don't mean that in a negative way either. I mean because of the technological aspects, It made me think the experience was more or less gonna be parallel.
-And to close it out..Yeah, I'll be sticking around. Trolling all the threads I can. I don't give out a ton of advice because the day I starting coming to sites like this, I realized that I know shit compared to some of the guys here. So, I enjoy all the info the vets, pro's, and the newbies bless us with on daily basis.
-Thanks for the kind words bro!!!
Although I try not to judge too fast, I do have to say that there are tons of BB and AAS info on this site. As well as dieting and nutrition, hell even alot of recipies. It does throw up a little red flag to see someone just out right bitch about something that clearly isnt true. Just because we all post (God Forbid) about life outside of BB'ing, doesnt mean we're not knowlegable and Damn Dedicated to our passion Bro. It means we're human and we relate. If you eat, sleep and shit this stuff without having at least a breath outside in the real world for a min, It'll never become a part of your life. Which is how it stays with ya. Up into your 40's and 50's and so on. Its got to become part of you, not you becoming part of it.
My 2 cents,
Steve Austin
In all honesty, maybe you checked us out on a bad day. I'd guess since you posted yesterday you might have registered on a weekend which is generally our slow periods on here because most people are out with their families or just taking it easy at home. The reason I say that is because that's typically when us sport nuts like to talk trash, gamble our credits (used to score freebies from the store here) and generally just shoot the shit because sports are all that some of us watch on the weekends (me especially). That's not to say everyday is the same here. Yes, we have a sports forum that will get blown up at times if there's big games or crazy shit happening in sports, but all of our forums here will do that from time to time.

I'm glad you've decided to stay and I personally know that you will learn a lot and I'd honestly be willing to bet that if you stay a regular around here, within a year you'll have more knowledge than you'd ever dream. It won't take long being around the guys we have here for you to learn MANY things you want (and some you'll wish you never learned) to know about.
In all honesty, maybe you checked us out on a bad day. I'd guess since you posted yesterday you might have registered on a weekend which is generally our slow periods on here because most people are out with their families or just taking it easy at home. The reason I say that is because that's typically when us sport nuts like to talk trash, gamble our credits (used to score freebies from the store here) and generally just shoot the shit because sports are all that some of us watch on the weekends (me especially). That's not to say everyday is the same here. Yes, we have a sports forum that will get blown up at times if there's big games or crazy shit happening in sports, but all of our forums here will do that from time to time.

I'm glad you've decided to stay and I personally know that you will learn a lot and I'd honestly be willing to bet that if you stay a regular around here, within a year you'll have more knowledge than you'd ever dream. It won't take long being around the guys we have here for you to learn MANY things you want (and some you'll wish you never learned) to know about.

aka the queefing thread
Little late for me to chime in, but this site is awesome not because im a rep, because its full of info in every aspect. Its a forum you can learn about any part of BB and still go to the other sections and bs with each other. Its more like a family here than just meat heads taking about steroids. Obviously its not for Rama1214.
Well since this is only the 2nd board you have visited Rama, then maybe ur not familiar with how to navigate them, and i would would bet that you were viewing our site through the "whats new" link up in nav bar, which is a list of all threads from all forums, and Sunday was a football day so those were all the posts at the top, but you can view the site forum by forum, as we have many different forums for many different topics,

So maybe you were viewing the site in the wrong way, cause had you of been in our main Anabolics forum, you would not have seen gambling, spreads and football betting, so im guessing you were in the "whats new" area at the top nav bar

and no one is going to ban ya brutha for voicing ur opinion, it was pretty lame in my opinion to post that your new and disappointed rather then just moving on to a site that better suits your needs! But I can almost certainly Guarantee you'll wind up back here after dealing with all the know it all dick wads on other sites lol.

This is amature group whos more like family then just names on a screen, stick around and find out, or don't, its your call brutha, but no were not banning ya
Also, I don't know about everyone else, but I haven't been in the gym much during the holidays, so I'm in no mood to discuss anything bodybuilding related. So, I'd rather talk football and MMA...hahaha.

But, we are certainly glad to have you, Rama. Jump right in with any questions you have and please share any knowledge you have. I have to say that some of the best friendships on here have started with very heated debates. Just ask Metal85...he's usually in the middle of them.

Also, Anavar29, who are you to suggest banning someone on your 7th post? You need to get a little time in yourself before you start trying to run the board.
First off most learning about any field takes quite a long time. Like gaining muscle or a quality physique it takes years. You come here and want a microwave approach to something that is quite complex in nature. You need to understand patience. Thats the problem with you youngsters. You think you are the center of the Universe and it revolves around you, well guess what, it doesn't. Most people here have been here for years. Start off by asking questions then you will get answers. If your looking for a bunch of guys to shine your ass you wont get that from here.
As you will come to find out, I am the biggest, strongest, and most well versed individual here. :) lol
Although I try not to judge too fast, I do have to say that there are tons of BB and AAS info on this site. As well as dieting and nutrition, hell even alot of recipies. It does throw up a little red flag to see someone just out right bitch about something that clearly isnt true. Just because we all post (God Forbid) about life outside of BB'ing, doesnt mean we're not knowlegable and Damn Dedicated to our passion Bro. It means we're human and we relate. If you eat, sleep and shit this stuff without having at least a breath outside in the real world for a min, It'll never become a part of your life. Which is how it stays with ya. Up into your 40's and 50's and so on. Its got to become part of you, not you becoming part of it.
My 2 cents,
Steve Austin

Well said Austin.
-Straight up...this is only the second Blog for all things fitness related that I've registered too (there may be a forgotten one out there also). It was just surprising to me to see so much activity was non fitness related is all. I haven't visited many other blogs, other than when I look something up and google takes me there for an answer. To be honest, that's how I found this blog.
-What initially got me curious about this site, is the technical format, functionality, options, and layout is almost exactly like the other blog I use. I mean, I would bet who ever set this site up, set up the other site I go to. So I started thinking maybe they're related. I joined up to check it out and see if this site was as informative. I've learned that things are different here. The members, the sponsors, and of course the info. I don't mean that in a negative way either. I mean because of the technological aspects, It made me think the experience was more or less gonna be parallel.
-And to close it out..Yeah, I'll be sticking around. Trolling all the threads I can. I don't give out a ton of advice because the day I starting coming to sites like this, I realized that I know shit compared to some of the guys here. So, I enjoy all the info the vets, pro's, and the newbies bless us with on daily basis.
-Thanks for the kind words bro!!!

The important thing here is that we welcome new members but more importantly we welcome new member who contribute to make the forums(and this site) better for our members.
A lot has been said about covering topics we have discussed multiple times over the years. Trust me- I have been here pretty much since day one, and while there are days that we have a lot of activity on fitness, supplementation, diet, etc there are times where there is discussion on hot fitness chicks, new cars we bought, death, birth, divorce, marriage, etc... I think it's cool that our family of members here feel comfortable enough to share other things other than the typical topics we normally expect. Our members are sounding boards )without passing judgement or being dicks about it) for other members- which is something you really don't find anymore on any forums. At the end of day everyone is entitled to their opinion- our members are always driving the bus when it comes to feedback- it's how we grow and get better to service what they are looking for and while you are looking for info on here, you posts and your questions are welcome- whether its about food, or an injury or how your ex-wife screwed you in the divorce settlement- it'a all good for us and the member. We are here to listen, we are here to help where we can.
Thanks and Happy New Year.

MC Site Administrator
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