New member


New member
Hi guys. I’m 33 male been training for about two years now. This is my first time on a forum. Looking for guidance on training diet and gear. I am far from it now but would like to get on stage at least once in my life. Trying to get my wife pregnant now so some things are on hold. Any advice would be appreciated thanks
Welcome to MC and when are you trying to have kids? Now or down line? It took me a bit to have kids after my first cycle which lasted 10 or so years lol

Where are you now in training and what's your diet and stats look like?
bump for new member geareduprn, and my question regarding your getting wife pregnant.
Sorry for the late response I’m still learning how to check posts. I’m 33 and have done 3 cycles. This last one was an 18 week test at 625 with 50 of windy for last 4. I’m 5’8” and 195. I’ve always struggled with body fat. On cycle I’m around 14 or 15 (just guessing) and probably close to 20 when off. Before my last cycle my test level came back at under 300. Pct is alway ruff for me as I have to choose between getting fat or losing all my gains. I’ll be looking for trt after she gets pregnant

- - - Updated - - -

Sorry for the late response I’m still learning how to check posts. I’m 33 and have done 3 cycles. This last one was an 18 week test at 625 with 50 of windy for last 4. I’m 5’8” and 195. I’ve always struggled with body fat. On cycle I’m around 14 or 15 (just guessing) and probably close to 20 when off. Before my last cycle my test level came back at under 300. Pct is alway ruff for me as I have to choose between getting fat or losing all my gains. I’ll be looking for trt after she gets pregnant
Welcome to MC. You came to the right place to get educated. Stick around, ask lots if questions and learn to use the search function. There's a TON of good info here.
On the side of getting your wife pregnant, I would suggest holding off on the gear. A lot of steroid where developed and can be used as a male controceptive. I think australia has been using Deca and other forms of test as a form of a male controceptive for 15-20+ years.

Definititly do some research and don't listen to the guys on forums that brag about doing a gram of deca and getting 5 chick pregnant at once. When it comes to having kids, they are #1 you can run your gear later!!