New to the board, Few pics inside.

flexmaster said:
like presser said that's a little hard to believe bro. if you truly are then it's a huge compliment that we ALL think you juice. even if you are juiced though, you're looking good.

Welcome to MC from a fellow Texan!
Very impressive at 21 for a natty guy. I would not have guessed but its a compliment to you. Good luck in your show- if you have questions for us, please feel free to ask us. Looking forward to your participation.

Mighty big to be natty. I ain't believin it. I think I saw you using.
what constitutes all natural these days? maybe I am out of the loop, is it anything under a gram of test a week and u can call urself natty? or is it 2 grams? sory I must be getting old
Presser said:
what constitutes all natural these days? maybe I am out of the loop, is it anything under a gram of test a week and u can call urself natty? or is it 2 grams? sory I must be getting old

IMHO, if you have used prohormones, AS, thermos then you are not a natty.
mmx2 said:
IMHO, if you have used prohormones, AS, thermos then you are not a natty.
completely agree.

but you still look great fowler!
mmx2 said:
IMHO, if you have used prohormones, AS, thermos then you are not a natty.

thats funny cause the average person who wants to drop 10-20 pounds or so, and uses a thermo is considered unnatural. Anyhow, you look good man, i'm 22 and trying to look like you. i'm not natty cause i used ephedra and 19-nor andro before......
Yeah, you look nuts, bro.

I have a friend that's never touched an AAS and gets huge when he dedicates himself, so it's possible.

How tall are you? Are your legs as big as your arms (my buddy's aren't)?

Do you party at all or 100% dedication? I've seen that to be a factor as well.
big fowler

ive had the privilege to work out with this guy! and believe me he is a monster at the gym. i have been lifting weights for the past two yrs and i couldnt keep up with the man. keep it up Fowler!!! so i have no doubt that he's natural
Bro awsome job

I got a bro just like you, hes all natural and prob becomeing into his next show at 220 around 3-4% body fat and its amazeing because he 5"8 and strong as hell...he should be getting his natural procard soon then he is going to get out of natural divison and go into NPC but still stay natural... Lookiing good bro keep it up.
Re: Re: Fowler

Fowler said:
so u saw me using huh, where?
don't sweat it fowler, you look good. who cares if you use or not. stick around and chat it up for a while bro.
No Worries bro' We're all friends here.

Usually guys as big as you only get that way using steroids.

Like everyone said before, if you are natural, that's crazy. You're so big no one believes it :)

Take it as a complement, you look stong as hell. And you've obviously put a lot of sweat into the gym.
yeah when i first saw the pic's the first thing that came to mind was juice........but w/ favorable genetics, dialed in training + dialed in diet conitinuously for 3 years its definitely possible to look like that naturally......why not?? I have been training only since jan. of this year, less than a year, and at my rate of progress its actually very possible/probable that i could look something like that coming into my 3rd year of natural training. People at the gym are asking me what i am "supplementing w/" because of how far i've come this year. Some have just straight asked me if im juicing, i take it as a compliment. I'll admit it is hard to look at a physique like that and believe it to be natural though.
i dunno, i can see him as a natty. If you train with more powermovements and get your diet dialed in anyone can accomplish alot.

Whether or not you are it doesnt matter AAS is a supplement. Its diet and training and dedication that gets u where u want to be some things just help you along the way.
da_Fonz said:

Whether or not you are it doesnt matter AAS is a supplement. Its diet and training and dedication that gets u where u want to be some things just help you along the way.

Thats what I was gonna say! LOL!
wheelzdgh said:
clean diet and vitamins alone never made me look like that

genetics don't create an equal playing field.....and patience too.....alot of peeps don't wait that long before giving in to chemical enhancement, and some guys end up w/ less progress from gear then some peeps who are natural just cuz they decided to take the plunge for gains they prolly could have made naturally if they had just held out and gave there bodies a chance to grow........not saying this applies to you so no offense here.......but i know peeps who have results they could have gotten naturally if they had the patience to obtain it naturally.
Jumbo said:
genetics don't create an equal playing field.....and patience too.....alot of peeps don't wait that long before giving in to chemical enhancement, and some guys end up w/ less progress from gear then some peeps who are natural just cuz they decided to take the plunge for gains they prolly could have made naturally if they had just held out and gave there bodies a chance to grow........not saying this applies to you so no offense here.......but i know peeps who have results they could have gotten naturally if they had the patience to obtain it naturally.
oh, i know the factors, i am just joking a lot of the time, i just have a view on this post and i stated that