No side effects


New member
I think I've found my mix. I'm in the middle of my 3rd cycle, 9 weeks in, and I'm loving the fact that I've experienced no sides at all. I believe it was Crank who started the thread a week or 2 ago where everybody listed the sides they've incurred and I had plenty in my previous cycles. This time, it's been nothing but solid gains and feelin good!

The cycle so far is:

1-4: 40/ED dbol (brit disp thais)
1-20: 750 Cyp (denkall)
1-20: 600 Eq (QV)
20mg nolv ED

And I'll be adding in 50 ED each of winny (QV) and var (denkall) in week 15.
not a bad cycle bro, id atleast add prop for the last 3 weeks your shots are leaving your system to keep yourself going...are you going to take hcg since your running a relativly long cycle...MM
Madmax said:
not a bad cycle bro, id atleast add prop for the last 3 weeks your shots are leaving your system to keep yourself going...are you going to take hcg since your running a relativly long cycle...MM

I haven't used hcg yet but I plan to. My nuts shriveled up all last week and I was going to use it but I waited and they dropped so I'm saving it for later. I have prop so I may take your advice and use it at the end. How would you run it? weeks 18-20 @ 100 ED along with everything else?
well your shots are still in your system up till week 23 so you might as well run the prop till then..especially since its short run it for weeks (18-23) then id run hcg the last 10 days your running the prop, then id start pct 3 days after hcg and prop is ended...

you might want to take 500 iu ed for 5 days during the middle of your cycle to keep the boys around, that cycle will shrink them down eventually....MM
Madmax said:
well your shots are still in your system up till week 23 so you might as well run the prop till then..especially since its short run it for weeks (18-23) then id run hcg the last 10 days your running the prop, then id start pct 3 days after hcg and prop is ended...

you might want to take 500 iu ed for 5 days during the middle of your cycle to keep the boys around, that cycle will shrink them down eventually....MM

I have 10,000IU/1ml hcg ! Measuring 500 IUs will be interesting. How would you run the hcg at the end bro?
that would be easy to measure on a slin pin in slin units 5 slin points ed for 10 days would be the whole ml @ 1000iu a day might be better to take 500 iu ed may be more accurate to add another cc of bac water and 5 slin iu's would equal 500iu ed for 20 days (it would be hard to use 2.5 iu's accurately).

I would mix and pre-load a few slin pins would be close to 100 iu if used just the ml of bac water supplied. Once re-constituted (mixed) it should be good in fridge for close to a month and keep rerideratred...A good place to hide em is under the meat or veggie tray.

I have a few Pregnyl 5,000 iu hcg amps myself for getting my nuts back fast. I dropped one of the bac water amps and it broke on the ground.