NukNuk's Contest log...

IGF is bumped to 400mcg a day and Clen is bumped to 60mcg a day, starting today.

let us know if you feel a difference running igf that high. you were using about 100 to 200mcg/day right?

i've very interested in those experimenting with high dose igf.
let us know if you feel a difference running igf that high. you were using about 100 to 200mcg/day right?

i've very interested in those experimenting with high dose igf.

will do. Just wanting to stay full looking.
220lbs today.

T-3 is bumped to 2 tabs a day.
Clen is dropped for two weeks, then will be added back in.
Nolvadex is added in at 20mgs a day
Test Prop is added in at 200mgs EOD
Test Susp. is added in at 200mgs EOD.
214lbs today. Winny bumped up to 100mg a day, and Proviron is added at 50mcg a day. Letro is also added.
220lbs this morning. Legs are looking crazy veiny in the morning, like I have never seen them before. Before bed my weight is up around 230lbs the last 4 nights.
Udate: Weight 218lbs this morining. Cardio 2 45min sessions. Carbs High days 450 low days 150.

Test Prop 200mg EOD
Test Susp 200mg EOD
Winny 150mg ED
Tren Ace 100mg EOD
Masteron 200 mg EOD
Primobolan 400mg week
Clen 80mcg a day
T3 25 mcg a day
Letro half a tab ED
Arimidex 2mg ED
Nolvadex 20mg ED
Provirion 50mg ED
IGF 600mcg ED
HGH 3iu ED
It looks like alot when you write it out that way, but when I compare it to my plan it's very similar. I'm keeping my IGF pre workout at about 150mcg each time until 4 weeks out. Then it will be ED at a much higher dose.
You look fucking INSANE!! You look like you're growing into the show! You'll be a strong HW for sure!
Im pulling for both of you guys. You both have inspired me. It gives me the energy to workout and be a dad during this shitty, crazy ass divorce. Thanks, guys