NukNuk's Contest log...

ok Im 7 and 8 weeks out. Things have changed up so this is where Im at now with things.

Test E 400mg EOD.
Tren Ace 100mg EOD.
Primobolan 100mg Every fourth Day
Masteron 200mg Every fourth Day
D-bol 50mg a day
Winny 50mg a day
HGH 2iu a day
IGF 100-200mcg a day
Arimidex 1mg a day
Clen 40mcg a day
T-3 25mcg a day

6 Days a week 45 mins.
4 days out of those 6 i do 30 mins at night.
ok Im 7 and 8 weeks out. Things have changed up so this is where Im at now with things.

Test E 400mg EOD.
Tren Ace 100mg EOD.
Primobolan 100mg Every fourth Day
Masteron 200mg Every fourth Day
D-bol 50mg a day
Winny 50mg a day
HGH 2iu a day
IGF 100-200mcg a day
Arimidex 1mg a day
Clen 40mcg a day
T-3 25mcg a day

6 Days a week 45 mins.
4 days out of those 6 i do 30 mins at night.

sounds good
Weight is looking great man, finally leveled off and seems to increase every couple days just slightly
ok Im 7 and 8 weeks out. Things have changed up so this is where Im at now with things.

Test E 400mg EOD.
Tren Ace 100mg EOD.
Primobolan 100mg Every fourth Day
Masteron 200mg Every fourth Day
D-bol 50mg a day
Winny 50mg a day
HGH 2iu a day
IGF 100-200mcg a day
Arimidex 1mg a day
Clen 40mcg a day
T-3 25mcg a day

6 Days a week 45 mins.
4 days out of those 6 i do 30 mins at night.

Pretty hefty, but it looks like it's doing well for you
225lbs today. I am starting to feel really tired and wornout. last night it took all I had to cook and prepare my food for this week. I just wanted to lay down right there on the kitchen floor and go to sleep.
225lbs today. I am starting to feel really tired and wornout. last night it took all I had to cook and prepare my food for this week. I just wanted to lay down right there on the kitchen floor and go to sleep.

I know that feeling all too well. Those frozen steam in bag veggies were a life saver for me and so was the pre-cooked frozen chicken breast for my last show. I was spoiled with that stuff