Obvious signs people are on?

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
A lot of people think they know when people are on or just assume someone Is on simply because they're bigger than they are, but what are some dead giveaways? I know most guys I see on have back acne, huge traps (weird but true), carry around gallon jugs of water, yell a lot more than most and go too heavy and lose form. Now this Is only from friends or friends of friends that I know for a fact are on. But what gives It away to you?
Air Lats! When they walk around with fucking Air Lats I know they are on something and they want everyone else to know to, mostly cause you cant tell if their on or not otherwise cause they look like ass even juiced up!

Lets see what else, well alot of the younger guys in my gym talk loud to their buddys so everyone else can hear, they do that shit on purpose like its fucking cool, and you can hear them saying they are on this or that shit,lmao

My wife gets so annoyed cause shes always hearing guys talk loud so she can hear and everyone within a football field can hear about them talking about getting "Mad Pussy" lmao, Yeah we have a bunch of young deusch bags in my gym
they turn into a superhero, IE Captain America, Bane, the Incredible Hulk (I know it was the gamma radiation but it was steriods that he pumped in his system before he was exposed to the radiation)
Oh I got one. I dont go to a gym (basement for me) but my son goes to karate and there is a Snap Gym nex to it. Last week I was at the water fountain and this guy is coming in and I saw from my side veiw this Imaginary Lat Syndrome,.. I looked up and he was about 1.4 bucks total but you could tell he had probably just started working out. His WHOLE body was shaved and oiled. His legs and all. His "shift-made" tank top was cut out on the sides. Hell, i was thinking throw a wig on him and I might do him, he was so pretty,.. Anyway, I started laughing so hard that water came out my nose. I didnt mean to but it all happened so fast. I was like, wow, I hope I never did that!!!
You flair out your arms as if you had big lats to push them out, but you don't.

It's like air guitar: you're pretending that you're playing the guitar.
It's pretty easy for me to tell at my gym. Guys look pretty much the same for 6-8 months then gain 15 or more pounds in a week, then lose it a few weeks later. It's pretty comical.
One of them is my wife's ex. Nice guy, but it's pretty funny. He was on when I got down to 208 for my show the last week and he was probably up to 180 and looked at me like he was near my size even though he had the smooth moon face and was puffy. Now he's off again, back to about 170 and I'm around 230 almost as lean as I was the last week of the show.
when a guy looks beat red for 8nweeks, they walk around clinching there fists. its so funny.
Gaining 50 lbs of muscle in 6 weeks.

Something like this is usually the giveaway for me. There are a few guys in my gym who seem to go back and forth. They'll be gone for weeks at a time, then when they finally come back in, they are visibly smaller. Then in virtually two weeks time, you can see them blow up again, and you know they're "on" again.
I like "Air Lats" but I thought it was called "I.L.S." --- Invisible Lat Syndrome. Everyone in my gym always refers to these guys as having a bad case of ILS.
you can always tell when im on bc I light kittens on fire, for no reason.