Occupy Protest.I want to give a shout out to Keith Olberman Show! & Occupy Protesters

Listen Im not saying or even suggesting every american is entitled to anyting at all much less am i saying lets give everyone 2 million dollars,lol, what im saying is something needs to be done about the corruption on capitol hill, and yes the gap needs to be tightened, and its all fine and good we have honest businessman creating jobs and employing millions, but we have a shit load of corrupt business man and law makers, back handed, underhanded deals, the bank bail outs was a disgrace, and the bonuses the awarded themselves was a fucking slap in the face to each and every tax paying American in this country. Now Freddy and fanny May doing the same fucking thing

And while Newt GingRICH is up there crying about this very shit, we find out he made 1.6 million dollars for doing nothing more then help pass legislation that would favor them, i would call that a conflict of interest but hey what do i know , I think this and countless other things i could write a book on is what the MAJORITY of Occupy people are protesting.

And yes I do believe the majority know what they are there for and yes your going to get conflicting reasons from each Occupy movement in different states, reason being each state has its own problems that need changing, and thier is so much that needs to be cleaned up ofcourse your going to hear people stating various reasons for being there.

And yes i am saying the mahjority of those arrests are bullshit!! Bloomberg coulnt find a legal way to get it shut down so guess what they conjour up bulshit and fox news runs with and we all know where fox news stands. So we cant legaly stop a Legal demonstration, so lets call it a health hazrd, and tell the masses people are deficating all over cars, lol, gimme a break man!

There are hundreds if not thousands of americans out there who are about to or already have lost their homes, because many were laid of by the greedy businessman your talking about. The business man who shuts down plant after plant only so his TOP shareholders keep seeing the same quarterly returns, come on man, its offensive to me! And general Electric making billions of dollars didnt pay a fucking dime, NOT ONE RED CENT in fucking taxes, again i could go on and on,

So yes something needs to be done, and theres a few shit heads out there during the protest, so fucking beit, but to say the majority of people dont know why they are out there is just ignorant on anyones part.

Most Americans are fed up, so what do you propose they do, cause we know voting the right person in office doesnt mean shit, Cause that whole process is corrupt as fuck to! So what do the american people do. The good hard working americans who are getting crushed!

Oh and doesnt anyone find it odd that Bloomberg had even the press arrested, yes the press, with clear presses passes around their neck,lol, this is America, you dont ARREST THE FUCKING PRESS! AND 4 NEW YORK COUNCIL MEMBERS, and held for more then 17 hours without so much as a call BUT I GUESS U WOULDNT KNOW THAT IF UR WATCHING FOX NEWS
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Sorry the more i write the angrier i get and not at you gusy who are just debating me, thats all fine and good, and healthy! but the more i write about this shit the angrear i get, my apologies
isnt it amazing how polarizing these issues really are?? our country is so divided on these issues its becoming alarming..

i agree with you corruption is the main cause..the debate is how you fix it

Term limits for congress step 1
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I'm saddened to see members not respecting other members opinions.
People need to step back to see whats going on. The Occupy movement has been inevitable. You say the people don't know what they are revolting about.... simple... everything. We do not live in a Capitalistic society. We are forced to pay an enormous amount of our income to a Govt that serves only itself and big business. I have no say that our Govt gives 100's of millions of dollars to IBM to not outsource jobs and they take the money and do it anyway. Same with GM, Jabil Circuit, all the way to pharmaceutical companies. Do you know the cost to produce a 80mg Oxycontin?? Less than 12 cents. Why do they need my tax dollars? I don't know anyone that believes steroids should be illegal. Why do I have to get a script of Keflex??! Is it more dangerous than alcohol or tobacco? Of course not. It's the profits of alcohol and tobacco companies that matter.

Our race is isn't even a footnote in the timeline of our planet, yet we do think highly of ourselves. Let's look at our society. I don't want to pay for laquanisha's 8 kids, her section 8 housing, food stamps, disability. Now multiply this millions of times, yet I have to jump through hoops and be paranoid because I want to spend my hard earned left over money that I earn from my occupation to build a more muscular body??!!
We are fucked. Our society is doomed. This is the beginning. We are spitting in the face of evolution and Survival of the fittest. Look at the groups "surviving".
Our society is fundamentally wrong.

wow and I figured you would be on a different page than me, glad to hear some realism coming from someone else! Thanks Dude, very great points

There's no need for disrepect bro, I'm trying to have a serious discussion.

And I agree with you on your first point of education, in a way. I am not sure if there is a specific profession you are referencing, but let's take teachers. They make hardly any money and require either a masters or PhD. Now, obviously if you are going to educate others, you need a 'premier' level of education. The disconnect is the salary. Why does Li'l Wayne have millilons of dollars, but teachers, policeman, firemen, paramedics, etc. make crap? I must concede this is backwards.

Comparing our education system to India is laughable. Most of India doesn't have potable water or electricity so I'm not sure their education system is something I would wish for our country. And why do you think there are so many Indian doctors in America? Two reasons, we have better medical schools, and they have the opportunity to actually make good money. Would you rather have open heart surgery here, or in India? Honestly.

Ok let me point out the places you are wrong, 1st of all most of these Indian doctors got there education in India, and than he money they make here is all profit, unlike our jackass college students that have to sell their kidneys to pay back the loan. 2) any musician making a lot of money is fine with me, its not like a CD costs what a prescription drug does, again I will mention the pharmaceutical president Frost with his retarded amount of money, people opt to buy CD's they dont opt to have to buy medications so they are sick or dieing. You thinking that our educational system should be held to such a high standard is laughable.
I wonder if CRG likes rush limbaugh and glenn beck lol which by the way fuck both of those guys, id gladly get into An MMA style fight for charity with either or both of them at the same time so I can smash their teeth down their throats
This is just wat the the cock suckers on CAPITAL HILL wants.. there will be no middle class in the next 10 years unless the people that are on the streets fight and stand up and speck there mind....

And I don't like to agree with Metal much.. lol But do you have to pay so fucking much for a education.. That when you get out of collage that there will be very few and I mean very few jobs in that field.. It is because the congress men are gettin to many fuckin kick back.. this shit needs to stop.. And if going to the streets and raising some hell then I for it !!!!

sounds like u pretty much do agree with me, I just put my opinions in a more harsh manor when they are things that have affected me and I know what the hell im talking about than others say dumb shit like capitalism and socialist remarks, Socialism has its good points anyways so I wouldnt completely knock it, I think I have mentioned this a few times now but I like Ideas like the USPS and having Ambulances, they are both pretty good damn things to fuckin have.
sounds like u pretty much do agree with me, I just put my opinions in a more harsh manor when they are things that have affected me and I know what the hell im talking about than others say dumb shit like capitalism and socialist remarks, Socialism has its good points anyways so I wouldnt completely knock it, I think I have mentioned this a few times now but I like Ideas like the USPS and having Ambulances, they are both pretty good damn things to fuckin have.

The problem is you need to be one or the other...pure capitalism or pure socialism. We are in between and obviously its not working.
The problem is you need to be one or the other...pure capitalism or pure socialism. We are in between and obviously its not working.

ok like any debate we got far away from initial things said--- point being, if shit is fucked up and people actually try to changes the fuced up shit, my hats off to them, bc if nothing ever changes and ppl kep getting rolled over on it will get much worse in a rapid fashion..

My brother in law was told this from his work.
"We can put any employee on an undetermined furlow"
This means no unemployment, and if you get another job they will assume you quit.

Ist this^^^^^^^ right? should people just take that kind of shit? fuck that id burn the fuckin building down , COMPANIES HAVE TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH POWER, IN FACT ALL THE POWER HERE RIGHT NOW, PERIOD.
If you disagree do us all a favor (to anyone reading) take your balls out, open a sliding glass door all the way, put balls where the door would close, than proceed to slam the door shut.
Listen Im not saying or even suggesting every american is entitled to anyting at all much less am i saying lets give everyone 2 million dollars,lol, what im saying is something needs to be done about the corruption on capitol hill, and yes the gap needs to be tightened, and its all fine and good we have honest businessman creating jobs and employing millions, but we have a shit load of corrupt business man and law makers, back handed, underhanded deals, the bank bail outs was a disgrace, and the bonuses the awarded themselves was a fucking slap in the face to each and every tax paying American in this country. Now Freddy and fanny May doing the same fucking thing

And while Newt GingRICH is up there crying about this very shit, we find out he made 1.6 million dollars for doing nothing more then help pass legislation that would favor them, i would call that a conflict of interest but hey what do i know , I think this and countless other things i could write a book on is what the MAJORITY of Occupy people are protesting.

And yes I do believe the majority know what they are there for and yes your going to get conflicting reasons from each Occupy movement in different states, reason being each state has its own problems that need changing, and thier is so much that needs to be cleaned up ofcourse your going to hear people stating various reasons for being there.

And yes i am saying the mahjority of those arrests are bullshit!! Bloomberg coulnt find a legal way to get it shut down so guess what they conjour up bulshit and fox news runs with and we all know where fox news stands. So we cant legaly stop a Legal demonstration, so lets call it a health hazrd, and tell the masses people are deficating all over cars, lol, gimme a break man!

There are hundreds if not thousands of americans out there who are about to or already have lost their homes, because many were laid of by the greedy businessman your talking about. The business man who shuts down plant after plant only so his TOP shareholders keep seeing the same quarterly returns, come on man, its offensive to me! And general Electric making billions of dollars didnt pay a fucking dime, NOT ONE RED CENT in fucking taxes, again i could go on and on,

So yes something needs to be done, and theres a few shit heads out there during the protest, so fucking beit, but to say the majority of people dont know why they are out there is just ignorant on anyones part.

Most Americans are fed up, so what do you propose they do, cause we know voting the right person in office doesnt mean shit, Cause that whole process is corrupt as fuck to! So what do the american people do. The good hard working americans who are getting crushed!

Oh and doesnt anyone find it odd that Bloomberg had even the press arrested, yes the press, with clear presses passes around their neck,lol, this is America, you dont ARREST THE FUCKING PRESS! AND 4 NEW YORK COUNCIL MEMBERS, and held for more then 17 hours without so much as a call BUT I GUESS U WOULDNT KNOW THAT IF UR WATCHING FOX NEWS

Do you have a source to confirm that the arrests were fraudulent? Or a source showing GE's revenue and taxes paid? I'm not saying you're wrong, but I would like to see some kind of data reflecting your assertion.

As for all the other problems you listed, the solution for all of them is basically for the government to get their greedy hands out of everything and let the people be the people. Arizone DEA allows Mexican drug cartel to smuggle drugs into this country in exchange for information on other drug operations but the FBI and a multitude of other agencies kick in the door with guns drawn to raid Rawesome, an organic food and raw milk co-op?! Now that's BS. The government needs to be downsized and stop playing God. Do you know that in California they are trying to pass legislation removing the requirement for parental consent to give children vaccines? So you send you child to school and tell them I don't want my child vaccinated, I believe they are more harmful than helpful, and they just vaccinate them anyway. Or maybe they mix up a drug cocktail and sterilize your child because you don't make enough money and the government doesn't want you as a burden...It's happened in NC, other places I'm sure.

Jpotch said:
isnt it amazing how polarizing these issues really are?? our country is so divided on these issues its becoming alarming..

i agree with you corruption is the main cause..the debate is how you fix it

Term limits for congress step 1

Step 2 - Public funded election campaigns. This will prevent rich idiots who just throw millions and millions of dollars at a campaign from buying there way into their position.

Step 3 -Regulation for campaign proposals. We have Truth In Advertising laws to protect consumers from fraudulent claims and misleading products. If a candidate panders to the public interest just to get elected, he/she gets the boot. Kind of goes back to an old adage my father gave me. Say what you mean, and mean what you say.

Step 4 - Healthcare. We don't need healthcare reform, we need HEALTH reform. We are on track to have 83% of men and 72% of women obese by 2020. Also by 2020, 77% of men and 53% of women will be diabetic. Do you that each year 39,000 people due to unecessary surgery and hospital errors, 80,000 people die due to infections contracted in hospitals, and 106,000 people die due to adverse drug reactions (this does not count overdoses or misuses). This puts modern medicine as the NUMBER 3 leading cause of death in the United States. This is a problem. Can you imagine what would happen if everyone had free health care, but no one needed it? What if instead of finding a way to get everyone in the country on all kinds of drugs, we educated people about what to eat and how to be active/exercise eliminating the need for all these drugs?

Step 5 - Flat Tax. This is in my opinion the only fair way to do it and will actually work better than people think.

Step 6 - Eliminate entitlement programs for people who don't deserve them. Veterans, disabled, elderly, mentally unstable.....yes, these people deserve help. Jamel down the street who is on government assistance and is perfectly capable of working does not. Drug test welfare recipients. Limit the length at which a capable person can receive unemployment. Etc.

Metal85 said:
ok like any debate we got far away from initial things said--- point being, if shit is fucked up and people actually try to changes the fuced up shit, my hats off to them, bc if nothing ever changes and ppl kep getting rolled over on it will get much worse in a rapid fashion..

My brother in law was told this from his work.
"We can put any employee on an undetermined furlow"
This means no unemployment, and if you get another job they will assume you quit.

Ist this^^^^^^^ right? should people just take that kind of shit? fuck that id burn the fuckin building down , COMPANIES HAVE TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH POWER, IN FACT ALL THE POWER HERE RIGHT NOW, PERIOD.
If you disagree do us all a favor (to anyone reading) take your balls out, open a sliding glass door all the way, put balls where the door would close, than proceed to slam the door shut.

Here's a little constructive criticism....when you say things like that, people don't take you seriously. If you want people to think you know what you're talking about, then you should sound like you know what you're talking about. Remarks about burning down buildings and slamming testicles in doors just makes you look ignorant.
I think what people fail to realize, or don't want to admit is that the government can't artificially stimulate or correct a 'free-market' economy. This idea is inherently flawed. You either have to take total control, or relinquish control and let the problem correct itself, which it will....eventually.
Thats fine, its the hatred in me leaching out, the points I make are the important parts of my statement, the parts f dumb people not being able to reproduce from their smashed testicles can be taken however you would like to.
Why dont you make mention to any one of my great points?
So you only pulling into the parts where im either joking or saying that when people are told ridiculous shit like the undermined furlow, that they should fight against it, how does it make you sound? you think people should just accept some bs like that?
Thats fine, its the hatred in me leaching out, the points I make are the important parts of my statement, the parts f dumb people not being able to reproduce from their smashed testicles can be taken however you would like to.
Why dont you make mention to any one of my great points?
So you only pulling into the parts where im either joking or saying that when people are told ridiculous shit like the undermined furlow, that they should fight against it, how does it make you sound? you think people should just accept some bs like that?

You'd have to make a great point for me to make mention of it :) Just kidding bro, calm down.

Did he sign a contract of employment when he started that made mention of this policy? Or is there some state or federal law that gives the company this right? Without more information I can't really formulate an educated response.

Metal85 said:
Ok let me point out the places you are wrong, 1st of all most of these Indian doctors got there education in India, and than he money they make here is all profit, unlike our jackass college students that have to sell their kidneys to pay back the loan. 2) any musician making a lot of money is fine with me, its not like a CD costs what a prescription drug does, again I will mention the pharmaceutical president Frost with his retarded amount of money, people opt to buy CD's they dont opt to have to buy medications so they are sick or dieing. You thinking that our educational system should be held to such a high standard is laughable.

Do you have any data giving legitimacy to your assertion that most Indian doctors are educated in India and come here to work? I know that all the doctors I visit have their credentials displayed and none of them are from Mumbai University.

Who does a prescription drug cost more for? The manufacturing company? The insurance company? The patient? I bet manufacturing costs for prescription drugs and CDs are much closer than you would think. The reason Frost has so much money is because the modern medical orthodoxy pushes drugs on people like it's going out of style. There are still some good doctors out there, but most have become monkeys in lab coats, giving out whatever new drug the pretty pharmaceutical rep just brought in samples of. There are many people to blame for this, doctors, pharm companies, FDA. This is a more far-reaching problem than just saying pharm companies price gouging.

Metal85 said:
people opt to buy CD's they dont opt to have to buy medications so they are sick or dieing

I don't know if there is a typo in there somewhere but I'm not sure what point you are trying to make here. Can you please clarify?
It sounds to me like everyone is on the same page more or less. Less Govt. Less I infringement on civil rights. I don't believe their is recovery for our Govt from where it has gone. Politicians are not supposed to be the 1% of the population that is absurdly rich. That in and of itself goes against what our constitution stands for. No matter how you look at it, the Govt needs to be undone. We've let it get too out of control. Lives will be lost, but that is where we are at. The longer it takes, the more blood shed there will be. Mark my words.
GE is public knowledge you can find it under the freedom of information act i believe , i personaly seen and heard it during a caucus i was watching on cnn about that and the postal system losing billion and them trying to cut the post master generals bonuses. yes i watch that shit u guys might think is boring , but its not, its eye opening and the debates get heated like u wouldnt believe, plus i like to know whats going on with my tax dollars.

As for the trumped up charges, lol, ofcourse they are bullshit, if u havent been following this movement then your realy missing out. lets see a 2 tour war vet iraq and aphganistan was just beatin until they ruptired his spleen and he wasnt doing anyting other then stand his ground, the ground he has every legal right to stand upon, and they beat him into the hospital, and i watched the entire video, and as of today 25 reporters and 14 new york council members have been arrested. Philadelphia retired police chief also arrested! And a new york judge there to watch was almost beaten as well and was pushed with a baton across her neck, their are now legal bystanders out there by way of judges and lawyers now watching because police brutality is rearing its ugly but well known head.

I wouldnt pull any of this shit out of my ass, lol, And ofcourse the jackwad who shot up the the whitehouse, is being mentioned with the occupy movement so people think he was somehow involved with occupy movement by guess who ...Fox News,lol,

Now the Unions have gotten involved more and the ever so out of touch with America, Bloomberg says they are just out there "Complaining" . Thats how these people of power view us, were just complaining, lmao

I realy think alot of you guys are missing the whole point here and are focusing in on the few nimrods out there combined with bullshit arrests and one sided News Coverage.

And for a 3rd time, i look up GE and lemme know how you feel about them not paying 1 fucking penny in taxes, i believe they had 15 high powered tax attornys working on their taxes, thats true to!
GE is public knowledge you can find it under the freedom of information act i believe , i personaly seen and heard it during a caucus i was watching on cnn about that and the postal system losing billion and them trying to cut the post master generals bonuses. yes i watch that shit u guys might think is boring , but its not, its eye opening and the debates get heated like u wouldnt believe, plus i like to know whats going on with my tax dollars.

As for the trumped up charges, lol, ofcourse they are bullshit, if u havent been following this movement then your realy missing out. lets see a 2 tour war vet iraq and aphganistan was just beatin until they ruptired his spleen and he wasnt doing anyting other then stand his ground, the ground he has every legal right to stand upon, and they beat him into the hospital, and i watched the entire video, and as of today 25 reporters and 14 new york council members have been arrested. Philadelphia retired police chief also arrested! And a new york judge there to watch was almost beaten as well and was pushed with a baton across her neck, their are now legal bystanders out there by way of judges and lawyers now watching because police brutality is rearing its ugly but well known head.

I wouldnt pull any of this shit out of my ass, lol, And ofcourse the jackwad who shot up the the whitehouse, is being mentioned with the occupy movement so people think he was somehow involved with occupy movement by guess who ...Fox News,lol,

Now the Unions have gotten involved more and the ever so out of touch with America, Bloomberg says they are just out there "Complaining" . Thats how these people of power view us, were just complaining, lmao

I realy think alot of you guys are missing the whole point here and are focusing in on the few nimrods out there combined with bullshit arrests and one sided News Coverage.

And for a 3rd time, i look up GE and lemme know how you feel about them not paying 1 fucking penny in taxes, i believe they had 15 high powered tax attornys working on their taxes, thats true to!