PharmacomStore bulking log


New member
ok this years bulking cycle hopefully goes great with no distractions or sickness and i stay injury free is my prayer to the gear gods

this will be around 16-20 week cycle starting about mid september (i hope i can wait) it will include sustanon, nandrolone blend, superdrol, winny and ending with either tbol or anavar maybe both depending on the liver (i will be using tudca during the cycle and im taking milk thistle now)

the nandrolone blend is called pharmanolt 300 which consist of

  • Nandrolone propionate 60 mg/ml
  • Nandrone phenylpropionate 60 mg/ml
  • Nandrolone decanoate 90 mg/ml
  • Nandrolone laurat 90 mg/ml
im one of those who thinks its better to front load of sorts with more injections early with the blends and later on when the longer esters start to kick in lower the dosage and pinning frequency so planning my dosage out would be difficult but i will try to get around 800mg of test and 600mg of nandrolone a week

i will be getting some superdrol from a friend pretty soon which i will run for 25 or so days at 20-30mg and i will take off orals for at least 10 days then start the winny (i like the strength i get from winny and decent muscle gains) run that at 40mg for 5 weeks then take another 10 days off and start the tbol/var at 50-60mg for 6 weeks. im on TRT so i will have a nice cruise for a few weeks before spring which i hope to go on a cruise to mexico

i say its a log and hopefully i can post at least a few times a week on progress let you know im eating a lot and chasing the wife around the house which she will be on some primo for the first time (yes presser i will be posting pics) but until then here is some porn lol




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IronJ, I'm looking forward to following this log. Your line "I hope I can wait" sounds just like me. If it weren't for The Dude, I'd look like a science experiment gone bad (lol) cause I'd be on anything at anytime. I just love trying new stuff! Speaking of new stuff, is your beautiful wife taking anything w/ the Primo? I was on that and deca quite awhile back and pretty happy with my results. Plz tell her I said hi and I want pics of her too!! Ok, back to you... so are you going to post before/after pics or take measurements showing your progress? Just curious. Good luck!
Yes the wife will be running winny with it she actually prefers winny now over var and from what I read primo and winny go good together she had to come off cycle early last time so we will probably start around the same time (sex is going to be soooo good) I'm sure she will be excited you said hey and may get a special pic from her lol

Yes I will do before and after pics I need to go ahead and start preparing for that I don't want to start off looking to bad. When it comes to diet I'm pretty much bulking year around I'm starting to use the excuse its teaching my kids to eat

also my friend was going to send the superdrol he made up a month ago but my subconscious said wait you will jump back on sooner than needed i mean that shit talks to me for real when its just sitting around saying "pin me pin me" like in the movie half baked thurgood talking to his joint
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