Planet Fitness is an equal opportunity discriminator


Just saw this and thought well, i guess attacking the bodybuilders got old.
And if a gym was full of woman like those in the commercial they would have tons of members.

They want a bunch of people who will go for a few months then bail on their membership. Not the long term people the ones that come and go, I can only imagine the list of members they have because they come and go and are never heard from again because they've gotten too fat to go back
I heard they serve doughnuts. Tables with coffee, OJ, doughnuts ect. Made me think about checking them out.
I love doughnuts. Im thinking I can eat more doughnuts then I would pay in dues. Mmmmmm???
I went there once with my friend who begged me to help him bench and he had some card that let me in free..I made him buy me dinner as a bribe, not for the help, but for stepping foot in there.

I'm not a big guy by any means, but it was like a record skipped walking around there, everyone was staring at me angrily.

I was helping him with his bench form, went up to 315 for a quick set, and after my set I had a few 16 year old teenagers asking for my autograph. I just laughed and said look kids, I am no one, go to a real gym and you will see this is common. They said they didn't have the money, so on that note makes sense...pretty sad 315x1 is probably a record at that branch.

But yeah I hate that place.
doughnuts AND PIZZA?? I am seriously thinking about it. Wes, 315 for a single. WOW. And to think I knew you before you
got all big and famous, giving autographs ect... The add said it best, "WE ARE NOT A GYM". Thats pretty sad. Lot of places
around here do the auto pay for 25 to35 a month. Guess it aint the 10 Planet fitt. charges though. (is it still $10 a month? I
KNOW I can eat more then that in pizza and doughnuts - lol)
I understand the low cost draws people in, but still at what point do you realize that your gym is a bullshit gym. I mean I don't see how people can agree that this kind of advertising males the gym members look good. You're basically being called a fat piece of shit that doesn't belong in any other gym.
I got kicked out of planet fitness one time when training with a friend for punting an empty gallon jug across the gym. The manager came up to me and told me that they do not allow water bottles let alone gallon jugs in the gym because they could ruin the electrical systems on the treadmills. I was on the treadmill when he said that and he asked me to get off and move it. I was doing interval training (during a diet phase) and explained to him between deep breaths that I was timing my running and really working hard and asked him kindly if he would mind moving it and that I would never bring it back. He replied with a huge attitude that he would not do that and I need to get off the treadmill immediately and remove it. So I calmly got off and punted that mother fu**** across the gym. It hit the ceiling and must have gone 20 yards. Needless to say I haven't gone back since.
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i put up 390 on bench at planet fitness 5 weeks ago. i started at PF about 5 years ago because a friend was member it was all i could afford at the time and still go there once or twice a week mostly for tanning and quick workout after work my gf also goes with me for free sometimes. the owner of the ones in my area is actually pretty cool guy he has been involved with bodybuilding for many years and still judges some shows. i tried to get him to build one closer to my house but he wouldnt do it because he is friends with one of the gym owners there and didnt want to hurt his business. i pay $55 a month for the one close to the house and the equiptment sucks but it is 24/7 and i can lift heavy
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I took a tour with the wife a long while back and they basicly let me know from jump street that i wasnt welcome there, and I always wear a visor workoing out as im a sweatly pig, and they told me they do NOT tolerate people working out in hats or visors, lol. What a crock of shit, the manager of this particular Planet Fitness actually goes to a real gym a couple miles up the road to workout,lol, he wont even workout in his own fucking gym

and Thats the first time i have seen that commercial, now they are shitting on the girls who are in shape and pretty, what a crock of shit! Next they will have commercials letting Black People Know they arent welcome , lmao. What the fuck is this world coming to!
Like mcgaret I want to go to one of these and just eat all of their pizza and doughnuts. To fit in with the rest of the group I think I'll wear a a polo shirt and jeans. I'll go in and just shove piles of pizza/doughnuts in my face while curling a 1 lb dumbell. No one will suspect a thing. lol.
Like mcgaret I want to go to one of these and just eat all of their pizza and doughnuts. To fit in with the rest of the group I think I'll wear a a polo shirt and jeans. I'll go in and just shove piles of pizza/doughnuts in my face while curling a 1 lb dumbell. No one will suspect a thing. lol.

LMFAO! Bro, we are both in calif. We could meet at one and they would start wondering why they were loosing money. Our personal mission
to eat, I mean, Put them out of business.