Poll Do you aspirate?

Do you aspirate?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • No

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Sometimes explain

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • yes out of habit not safety

    Votes: 2 10.5%

  • Total voters


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I need to rotate some sites around but i cannot fucking aspirate 1 handed on my shoulders. I can but then by the time i get no blood the pin has moved around so fucking much im gonna be sore for a week and theres no telling if its in a vein at that point. Im starting to see it as a pointless task if your doing it one handed unless your a hell of a lot more steady handed then me. Not to mention my short ass fingers dont help.
I think alot of people do it out of habit, to tell you the truth, I've never aspirated blood OR puss. Maybe I'm in the minority though.
Only if its oil going into the muscle.

Long ago i sometimes pulled to hard caused a vacuum and it would be painful and bleed in and i thought it was a vein i hit in reality i just damaged tissue. eehhh thinking about it makes me cringe. Now when I do, do it myself i pull barely just enough. i dont know if you injected anything in your major veins, but when u pierce a vein it should flow very easily to the point where ull see it especially with larger needles. If you do get it in a vein ull feel it in your lungs ull cough and have difficulty breathing almost instantlly. That said even if you partially do get it in your blood ur not likely to die... I would aspirate all the time especially careful about uncomfortable spots where u cant see what ur doing ex traps...
I just think that on some sites its litterally pointless except for making you feel secure. Think about the needle going in and staying still then you move your hand up on the syringe, even if you have very steady hands etc it will move a little 1mm even is enough to push it back into a vein, when you start pushing same thing even if you are really solid its still going to move a tiny bit.

Im thinking of just pinning and pushing a tiny bit in and waiting about 30 seconds and if i get no reaction go on with the rest of the shot. That way if i happen to nail a vein it will only be a tiny amount in the vein and not the full cc or more.
I never do. I just stick, push, pull. See, I thought before that you NEEDED to do it, but then my son got the "inject ease" shooter, so you can't aspirate if you use that. Then he got a "pen" style injector, and you can't aspirate using that. So I figured, he's shooting growth without doing it, so maybe it's not really necessary. So far, knock on wood, I've never had a problem.
i didnt used to..... until i started tren

getting hit by that train, ill never take my chances again
Read the posts next time and then you will know why im most likely not going to on shoulders anymore. Its just a little reading not too difficult. :thumbsup:
LOL!! Don't know why, but that made me laugh hard enough to shoot water out of my nose. :wave:
LOL!! Don't know why, but that made me laugh hard enough to shoot water out of my nose. :wave:

lol better then it being coke that shit burns. Its just not hard to read the reply's and then bring some insight in on the topic, rather then post a vague question that is already answered in the thread.
lol better then it being coke that shit burns. Its just not hard to read the reply's and then bring some insight in on the topic, rather then post a vague question that is already answered in the thread.
Yes, coke will definitely clean out your sinus passages. BTW, I may need a new keyboard now... stupid water.
It only takes a little back pressure. If your in a vein it will slide back very easily. Use the tip of your thumb to apply slight pressure under the plunger.
It only takes a little back pressure. If your in a vein it will slide back very easily. Use the tip of your thumb to apply slight pressure under the plunger.

So you dont actually have to pull back till you get a bubble? I can pull back a little to put pressure on it no problem, its just at that angle i cant get it pulled back all the way without moving the needle around too much.
So you dont actually have to pull back till you get a bubble? I can pull back a little to put pressure on it no problem, its just at that angle i cant get it pulled back all the way without moving the needle around too much.

Exactly. I've been a Paramedic for over 13 years and know that you'll find out right away if your in a vein. Just a little back pressure is fine. You don't need to pull back far enough to see a little bubble.
Exactly. I've been a Paramedic for over 13 years and know that you'll find out right away if your in a vein. Just a little back pressure is fine. You don't need to pull back far enough to see a little bubble.

Well thanks for the tip then, i thought i remembered you being a fireman or paramedic from a while back. This is going to make my life much much easier.
I never do. I just stick, push, pull. See, I thought before that you NEEDED to do it, but then my son got the "inject ease" shooter, so you can't aspirate if you use that. Then he got a "pen" style injector, and you can't aspirate using that. So I figured, he's shooting growth without doing it, so maybe it's not really necessary. So far, knock on wood, I've never had a problem.

Dude shooting growth and anything water soluble hell even vodka in the vein will not do anything... shooting oils is very different and dangerous especially be careful of new areas with unknown vein placements...
CI is right on the water based stuff for sure. Im still thinking of just pushing a little to see if i have a reaction IE coughing etc then just going the rest of the way. I always aspirate on glutes and ventro glutes, but even just barely pulling back on the plunger causes me to move the needle around, i really dont think theres a purpose on shoulders, If your steady enough one handed to pull back and not move the needle even the slightest then props to you.
I don't mean to sound dumb, but are there veins inside muscles? If you're shooting I/M, wouldn't you be past the veins? I honestly don't know.