Post cycle help


Gold Member
I read the post on taking DHEA after your cycle with your pct. And from what some guys said it wouldn't be a good idea. But when i stop a cycle i'm so down because i'm so used to the pumps. I'm only running M1T by itself and have before. I plan on doing nolva and/or clomid as a pct, I was wondering if there was anything i could take post cycle with nolva and/or clomid so i wouldn't be so down and be able to lift with good instensity?
5htp in at 100mg three times a day, 100-200mg of Phosphatidyl Serine three times a day, 7500-10000mg of Tribulus Terrestris, and 450mg ZMA (30min before bed)

5htp increases mood and motivation levels, PS decreases cortisol and increases brain function and activity, Tribulus will help your normal test recover, ZMA will do the same and help with sleep, and tissue recovery.
damn all that ? seems like everyone has a different pct idea somebody says this the other that .im really confused here . lol
GrChRampage said:
damn all that ? seems like everyone has a different pct idea somebody says this the other that .im really confused here . lol

You don't HAVE to use all of that, but all of that together will help for a more enjoyable, smooth recovery from AAS or PH. You should at least use the Tribulus along with the Nolva or Clomid.
Everyone does have their own post cycle concoctions but the idea is to keep gains and minimize sides. You do what works for you, but in the beginning you have to find out what that is.
To add to your pile, consider maintaining the arimidex or ldex post cycle to minimize the acne that you'll get from clomid.