Pre-Workout Meal effects on GH- HELP NEEDED!


New member
Hey guys, i have an important question to ask and that is whether or not taking carbs before a workout or fat before a workout has a negative (declining) effect on GH levels mid-workout/post-workout???? I usually eat a pre-workout meal with some type of protein source (turkey, etc.) and some type of complex carbs (usually a bowl of oats with a tbsp. of honey) and applesauce with 2 slices of whitebread. I've read where taking in complex carbs pre-workout is good for sustained energy and quick carbs for instant i take in both...but does that negatively affect my GH levels? What about the ingestion of fat? Does that positively/negatively affect my GH levels cuz now im really confused as to what i should eat pre-workout.

Thanks alot, all the help i could get here would be much appreciated but i definitely think this is something everyone could use.
either way it's not going to effect your GH levels enough to do any harm. I would take out the white bread, there's no nutritional value to white bread, the rest of your meal looks OK but make sure that you are getting the right carbs post workout as they are much more important then the Pre carbs.
DEFINATLY .... pre work out (1.5-2 hrs) potatos, pnb , whey and casien shake... I notice the ADDED fat to this meal increases strength dramatically ... get tired less uickly as well
interesting, so u guys time ure preworkout meals rather far from ure wo...any other good fats u think would be good to take in in a preworkout meal?
also, when taking fish/flax oils, should those be taken earlier in the day for energy during my workout or later?
thanks again fellas