progress or not?

We'll what I mean is most people dont hit the target heart rate, they do to short of time for the results they want out of it, and they bouce from machine to machine in one session, which I personally dont agree with. Also lets say you plan on doing 30 min. of cardio, but it takes you 10 min. to hit your target heart rate. Then you would actually need to do 40 min. to have 30 min. of cardio that actually worked towards your goal.

oh i see what you were saying, and yeah i agree 100%.

low intensity just does not work for some people though. i have a friend who NEEDS to do HIIT in order to slim down...
Everyone in here has given good advice, but I just want to throw this out there. I wouldn't do too much too quickly. By that I mean don't start cutting carbs, and increasing cardio at the same time. You may be making slow progress, but it's still progress. If you cut too much too soon, what do you have left to adjust when you hit a sticking point. Maybe cut the carbs down by 50g until you get stuck, then up the cardio another 10 minutes, then cut 50g more carbs, something like that.
Okay I'm no expert, but... why not do morning cardio before you eat?? Or, only have a shake (with water, not milk) pre-cardio to break the body of the overnight catabolic process? Then have the oats and banana post-cardio...

If i try to do any kind of exercise on an empty stomach i get lightheaded and want to pass out. Even just a shake would do the same thing to me. Reason I have my oats before cardio, is because I eat them home. After cardio I run straight to work and a banana and shake is just easier. I guess I can do water, but all these shakes taste like puke when i mix them with water, skim milk makes it a bit more tolerable going down.

Bottom line I just have to give it more time. What im doing is working, because I have lost 2%bf in a month. Yesterday the last carb I had was around 5pm, and it was a banana. Last night for dinner I had 16oz chicken breast strips cut up into small pieces with baby bella mushrooms and a little hot salsa sprinkled on top with 1/4 tub of cottage cheese. If the meal had 5 carbs its a lot.

When i am in between meals and need a snack I used to just make a piece of toast and slap some peanut butter on it, can anyone give me other ideas for those quick little snacks that are fairly low carb?
First off you are not 15 % body fat, you are +20, fret not Dough Boy , seek long term plan and like norm says lower carbs, carb cycle, cardio over a year long period, say next summer you could be lean as hell, empty stomach cardio is a myth, it's c alories in calories out, take in less lose fat. There is set points that need to be broken. Persistence is key. Fat is merely stored energy, it needs to be used up. Toast with peanut butter will not help you, eat fruit, vege's, have low fat cheese turkey roll ups. Eliminate all starches, no alcohol
First off you are not 15 % body fat, you are +20, fret not Dough Boy , seek long term plan and like norm says lower carbs, carb cycle, cardio over a year long period, say next summer you could be lean as hell, empty stomach cardio is a myth, it's c alories in calories out, take in less lose fat. There is set points that need to be broken. Persistence is key. Fat is merely stored energy, it needs to be used up. Toast with peanut butter will not help you, eat fruit, vege's, have low fat cheese turkey roll ups. Eliminate all starches, no alcohol

i agree, whoever is doing your bodyfat doesnt have clue.
the handheld bf monitor tells me im 15.7!! Ill see if jon has callipers and have him do my bf, i doubt im 20+

Turkey roll ups sound great but im worried about the sodium. Even boars head low salt has like 300mg per serving
First off you are not 15 % body fat, you are +20, fret not Dough Boy , seek long term plan and like norm says lower carbs, carb cycle, cardio over a year long period, say next summer you could be lean as hell, empty stomach cardio is a myth, it's c alories in calories out, take in less lose fat. There is set points that need to be broken. Persistence is key. Fat is merely stored energy, it needs to be used up. Toast with peanut butter will not help you, eat fruit, vege's, have low fat cheese turkey roll ups. Eliminate all starches, no alcohol

Uuuummmm..... no. It is not that simple. Cardio is substantially more productive on an empty stomach after fasting (morning) or after training. Fat is stored energy and is only called upon when blood glucose is expended. This state is reached nearly immediately at these two times where it could take much longer other times of the day. It has been proven in numerous research studies to burn more fat. But the AM cardio MUST be on an empty stomach and preferably with a stimulant.
Im trying to think out the box for a second and only wish and pray I can get down to the BF% i want in 5 weeks that Im having crazy thoughts.

If my girlfriend will allow it ofcourse...

What would be so wrong with doing AM cardio like im doing now, skipping my training session on my lunch hour, then hit the gym around 9 when im done with my second job than do post workout cardio. Keeping my meals clean, is 2 cardio sessions a day overkill?
no, many people hit cardio twice a day to acheive their results.

ive never had to do that, but im an ectomorph. most arent as fortunate in that area.

i agree with not being too drastic in changes. steady, weekly changes get results.
no, many people hit cardio twice a day to acheive their results.

ive never had to do that, but im an ectomorph. most arent as fortunate in that area.

i agree with not being too drastic in changes. steady, weekly changes get results.

I got 5 weeks to be where I want to be, for the next 2 im going to do what ive been doing, and if the monitors not dropping ill re-access my diet and get that xtra cardio session in
Definately cut out fats too. 90/10 lean ground beef, grilled plain chicken, salads with no dressing, no cheese on sandwhiches, no damn butter on anything, lol, and just plain eat less amounts too, just make sure you have enough protein throughout the day. With less carbs you WILL be weaker for sure, but also LEANER! With that, and all that cardio, you should be a little happier in 5 weeks buddy.

whats with 5 weeks? You going on a trip with your girl or something?
yea bro, we got a cruise to bermuda on sept 11th (yea i know sept 11..) Im not looking to be 7% or anything, I dont think my desire is that high for that, but I would like to get to 12-13%. I heard at around 12 is where abs start to show.

Diet has been on point past few days. I had a slight fallback on thursday and sunday, but sunday was just a few pieces of my gf's calamari she ordered. Everything I consumed today has been

630am- 3/4 cup oats
730am- cardio
815am- 1.5 scoop pro complex in 8oz skim 1 banana
1030am- 10 egg whites on gutted kaiser roll 1 nutragrain bar
1pm- train
145pm- 1 scoop ON whey 2 scoop Pro Complex in 12oz water
245pm- 2 cans no salt chicken breast drained with just onion powder 1 serving brown rice
5pm- 10oz steak 1 sweet potato
7pm- few pieces of celery with 2 TBSP Hummus

Dinner will be around 9ish and that will be 12oz chicken breast tenders w/ TBSP salsa and FF cottage cheese

I burned 450 cal this morning on elliptical and kept my HR at 140 for a good 25 min straight
yea bro, we got a cruise to bermuda on sept 11th (yea i know sept 11..) Im not looking to be 7% or anything, I dont think my desire is that high for that, but I would like to get to 12-13%. I heard at around 12 is where abs start to show.

Diet has been on point past few days. I had a slight fallback on thursday and sunday, but sunday was just a few pieces of my gf's calamari she ordered. Everything I consumed today has been

630am- 3/4 cup oats
730am- cardio
815am- 1.5 scoop pro complex in 8oz skim 1 banana
1030am- 10 egg whites on gutted kaiser roll 1 nutragrain bar
1pm- train
145pm- 1 scoop ON whey 2 scoop Pro Complex in 12oz water
245pm- 2 cans no salt chicken breast drained with just onion powder 1 serving brown rice
5pm- 10oz steak 1 sweet potato
7pm- few pieces of celery with 2 TBSP Hummus

Dinner will be around 9ish and that will be 12oz chicken breast tenders w/ TBSP salsa and FF cottage cheese

I burned 450 cal this morning on elliptical and kept my HR at 140 for a good 25 min straight
thats not really too many calories..... which is what you want. If you go from 15.7 to 10 in 5 weeks, your doing good bro! Set your goals high man! I will be following your progress too, cause im intrested to see how you turn out, ....... so NO MORE CALAMARI!! lol
thats not really too many calories..... which is what you want. If you go from 15.7 to 10 in 5 weeks, your doing good bro! Set your goals high man! I will be following your progress too, cause im intrested to see how you turn out, ....... so NO MORE CALAMARI!! lol

But it's sooooo goooood..... lol.:chicken:
Last night my last meal got ruined because my GF came home late and didnt feel like cooking so she treated me to Ruby Tuesday. I love their salad bar, but I watched myself. All I had was

mixed greens
black olives
chick peas
ham (took a few pieces from one of the pasta salads)

with a drop and i mean DROP of light ranch. id say it was barely half a tsp. Threw on a few scoops of cottage cheese and I was good. No more of this going out shit. Im doing an extra 5 min of cardio this morning for that light ranch dressing!
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you wana use something to mix your protein with, so it dont taste like shit tri unsweetened almond milk, 2gms of carbs per serving and one gram is fiber,4.5g of good fat, tri that its delicious, so if you do cardio and have to have something in your stomach, do a scoop of whey with that milk, its better than oatmeal for the purpose you want it for, than after have the oatmeal with more whey , when eating carbs after fasting(sleeping) even though the gi index is low your glucose will raise rapidly, so when you run you are only burnning what you ate, you got a good start , good frame, fuck going by the scale go by the miror, "miror miror on the wall where shut i put the siringe or should i inject it all"
thanks martino, couple of the guys/gals suggested I reverse oatmeal and shake. I think im going to try it. I wake up starvin like marvin and a shake isnt going to do me no justice to last a 30 min cardio session. I dont know how it will work out, but ill give it a go