progress or not?

ok nother idea would be to take a fat burner right away soon as you awake so it would curve your appetite and give you a litle boost for the cardio sesion, take it with aminos or get something like no shotgun it has it all in it bca's ,energy, N.O and no carbs, or jacked 3d i been hearing good things about it. if there is a will ther is a way, i guarantee you do that you will see better results soon, what do you use for fat burner???
that pre cadio would be better than the oatmeal, you ota give it a tri, i use redline ultra hard core as soon as i wake with no shoot gun, anavite right after i do the igf, then half an hour later i eat 1/2 cup oatmeal with a scoop of whey 3 raw egss and a dash of cinamon in a half cup of the almond milk, i been eatin that 4 times a day with couple of solid meals, red meat or chickn
good luck bro keep up the good work, newer get discouraged, u sayd earlier you wanted a pizza, well i work in my familys pizzeria, iam around pizza and calzones all day fuck ok ok you got me i had a few slices today, dam it was good
Unsweetened almond milk is really good... great suggestion!

And SP250 is the shit... LOVE that stuff!
do i have to go to a specialty store to get the almond milk or can I get it in my local grocery store?

I have tapered off my carbs about 5 hours before bedtime. I added a second cardio session in, its been 3 days in a row, but I will not be able to do that everyday, but when i can i will. The only carbs im taking in is from sweet potato, banana, oatmeal, skim milk, and brown rice. I also might have 1 nutra grain bar a day just to get me through a lull if I really need it. I feel like I might have to up my carbs a bit between the hours of 9am and 1230pm somehow. I train at 1pm and ive been draggin ass and feeling weak, which i know is supposed to happen. SP250 can only do so much for me

Also ive noticed that I go further and burn more calories on the elliptical, but when i walk on the treadmill and jack the incline up im able to focus on contracting my abs hardcore and throw in a few side twists for the bliques here and there. I just feel like when i get off the treadmill and raise my shirt in the mirror, i look flatter and more defined after squeezing the shit out of my abs for 35 min. Dont get me wrong im drenched on the elliptical and i burn 500 cals in 30 min everytime, but just a different feel when i get off.
What would be so wrong with doing AM cardio like im doing now, skipping my training session on my lunch hour, then hit the gym around 9 when im done with my second job than do post workout cardio. Keeping my meals clean, is 2 cardio sessions a day overkill?
I'm training a guy right now who started off at 247lbs. We're 4 weeks in, and he's lost 17lbs. His face is much thinner and his clothes are fitting much differently. We do cardio for 25 mins in the morning on an empty stomach, then hit the gym around 7pm to workout and do another 25 mins of cardio after we do our resistance training. I've got him keeping his carbs under 100 throughout the day, then immediately after the night time workout, he pounds a shake with ~30g of carbs then we eat a good high protein meal about 20-30 mins later. He looks skinnier every day... so I'd have to say NO, 2 cardio sessions a day is NOT overkill.
Almond milk is sold at any grocery store around here... I've seen it everywhere - ShopRite, A&P, PathMark, etc. It's usually in the same aisle as (and next to) the soy milk... it's is in similar packaging because it's sold unchilled and in a box with a spout.
thanks steph, ill look for that today! To clarify, ill be using that with my post w/o whey correct?

Leather, thats awesome results! Im not really looking to drop too much weight though. I can live with 195 i guess, that would be a 10lb loss total. I guess im looking for the impossible by dropping bf and not losing too much lbs in the process.

Ill post another pic this tuesday
Almond milk is sold at any grocery store around here... I've seen it everywhere - ShopRite, A&P, PathMark, etc. It's usually in the same aisle as (and next to) the soy milk... it's is in similar packaging because it's sold unchilled and in a box with a spout.

I picked up the almond milk, to me it doesnt taste any different than the milk i drink now, so thats good. I even made a mini shake last night with it and it was awesome! Great suggestion!

I attempted the shake first, then cardio, then oats pwo and it didnt work so well. About 10 minutes in I got real lightheaded and shaky. I forced out an extra 10 min before I had to stop. Maybe ill try 1/2 cup oats pre, then maybe have another 1/2 cup post with the shake?
5 weeks cardio/ diet modification. Last 2 meals of the day (530pm- 830pm) are carb free over the past week. Dropped the elliptical, sticking with treadmill on 15% incline, I feel like I can contract my abs that much harder. I feel like I can take a hit from tyson in his prime to the stomach after getting off the mill, they're so tight. Not really, but ya know. Current weight 203

tried the no flash and stood under my dining room light, i know its a different angle, but I figured id post the pic anyway to keep all my progress on one thread..


***** 15 days til Bermuda *****

I couldnt be anymore consistant with diet or cardio and im still at a snails pace on losing bf with this carb cutting diet. I know theyre not the most accurate reads of bf, but before I started the diet/cardio the monitor said I was 17%, it got as low as 15.2%, now just last night I was 16.1%. Im doing it at the same exact time, after the same amount of meals so i dont know why its fucking with me.

The only thing that im doing thats a big no-no is having my oats before cardio. My blood sugar is borderline diabetic, but I often get symptoms of low blood sugar with the shakes and dizziness if I dont eat. I tried to do cardio first thing with just a half a banana on the way to gym, but I had to cut my cardio short because I thought i was going to pass out... Other than that everything is on point.

My goal was 12%. Theres no way im hitting that in 15 days unless you guys can think of something im not?

EDIT- Here are my starts and finishes to this point in 6 weeks

weight- 205---201
waist- 34---33
tape measure around my shoulders- 55'---55'
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hey man, you are definately leaner in this pic than in the first! your abs are clearly more visable. The scale fucks with me the same way that thing fucks with you,lol. First im up weight, then im back down 3lbs 1 day later, after ive been eating all day,lol. I see progress from the first pics, no bullshit. When you get back from bermuda, you should try some clen, or an ECA stack with your workouts. It might strip off the fat a little faster bro. Keep staying consistant though bro. It didnt take a week to put on, and it wont take a week to take off!
hey man, you are definately leaner in this pic than in the first! your abs are clearly more visable. The scale fucks with me the same way that thing fucks with you,lol. First im up weight, then im back down 3lbs 1 day later, after ive been eating all day,lol. I see progress from the first pics, no bullshit. When you get back from bermuda, you should try some clen, or an ECA stack with your workouts. It might strip off the fat a little faster bro. Keep staying consistant though bro. It didnt take a week to put on, and it wont take a week to take off!

Exactly. Also I'm sure Jon knows how to use the calipers. You don't even need to worry about converting the measurements into an actual percentage, just go by the mm on each of the 7 spots. If you are consistantly losing then you're on the right track. Do it once a week, same time, same food intake.
Leather, thats awesome results! Im not really looking to drop too much weight though. I can live with 195 i guess, that would be a 10lb loss total. I guess im looking for the impossible by dropping bf and not losing too much lbs in the process.
It's been 7 weeks now, and he's lost 25lbs... he had a week or so where he really didn't drop any weight, but I'm assuming that he's put on some muscle, so the scale was deceiving us for a while. He was a porker and wants to get down to around 200lbs. He's not looking to win any bodybuilding shows, but he wants to feel better about himself and be more healthy. So that's what I'm giving him. We've also cut our morning cardio out, just because getting 5 hours of sleep a day wasn't cutting it. He's still dropping fat, so we will see if/when he hits a sticking point, putting the morning cardio back in.

BTW, you're looking much leaner, bro. Keep it up.
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H8, I dont know about the clen, but i would like to try an elite fat burner, if there is such thing to see if it speeds up the process. I remember my ex used to take a CLA Tonelin capsule before or after every meal and she got pretty lean..

Ive done cardio 44 out of 45 days now, I would think that alone and not changing anything with diet I would see a bit more of a transformation, not to mention 40 out of the 45 days my diet has been legit along with the cardio. Little disappointed, but not backing down. Once I get back from Bermuda ill have 5 weeks to prepare for Dominican Republic the first week of November. I think im gonna give the carb loading a shot in those 5 weeks.

Also remember first pics were taken with flash, and the last was taken no flash under my dining room light.

Its fucked up how when im on the elliptical or treadmill i cant even pinch skin on top of my abs, but like now if i stand up i can grab a whole handful.. Crazy

well its 715am on saturday morning.. off to cardio :cardio: