Q&A W/ IFBB Pro Lost sex drive


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Q. What should I do to kick start my sex drive after my cycle is complete. I have been mixing sustanon and a test enanthate and my drive has completely left. How to I get it back and what cycle should I take going forward for this not to happen again.

A. Steroids shut down your natural production of test. All of them. Any time that you take an anabolic steroid, your body stops producing. What you want to do is run a PCT after your cycle is over. It sounds like you haven't done that. PCT isn't a magic bullet, but it will help to get you back on track. I would do this now.

wk 1
Nolvadex 40mg ED

wk 2-3
Nolva 20mg ED

In the future, you may consider using HCG at a low dose while on cycle to keep your body used to producing so that you may not be shut down as hard, 250iu 2x wk through cycle. You do not want to use HCG in PCT