Quality gear


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Its been years since I've had any quality gear. I'm talkin like since 2000-2001. I'm just takin 300mgs a week of axio prop and npp and my strength just keeps climbing. I cant wait to start the next part of my cycle in the next 2 weeks. It will start out with 500mgs of sustanon, 400mgs eq, and 30mgs ed of tbol.The sust will probably be bumped up to 750 in the following weeks. So if I'm making great gains off just 600mgs of gear a week right now, I cant wait till its over a 1000mgs of gear a week.
If your gaining off the lower dose, then dont bump it up just yet...Keep the gains coming, until you hit the wall..then bump them up
Its been years since I've had any quality gear. I'm talkin like since 2000-2001. I'm just takin 300mgs a week of axio prop and npp and my strength just keeps climbing. .
I loved the axio prop... are you taking axio npp, too? Or did I misread that? That's exactly what I want to do next.
If your gaining off the lower dose, then dont bump it up just yet...Keep the gains coming, until you hit the wall..then bump them up

This sounds like the best idea to me. Why increase dosage if you don't need to?