Question about Alcaholic Beverages


New member
Ok guys, I'm a 24 yr old who has been working out for a long time and am in the middle of a huge cutting phase. As of now i'm all natural and eating healthy and working out correctly.

My question is: I allow myself 1 "cheat" night every other week so that I can socialize with my friends and being of an age where alcahol is huge when hanging out, I need some advice on what is the "healthiest" if at all, of all alcaholic drinks that I can order at the bar/club.

I've heard that hard liquor is better than beer, and I heard that a bicardi/diet coke is a good drink. But I'd like to know as far as caloric intake and least amount of carbs, which drink i should order.

Any response would be much appreciated and please feel free to give any imput you may have on this matter.
stay away from beer. Your best bet are Jack and waters. Try one before you knock it.
so your suggesting mixing jack daniels with water?

i've never had that before, but it doesn't sound too tasty.....
yep, jack and water. No carbs, no nasty stuff (for the most part).
Jack & Diet, Bacardi & Diet. That's what I usually go with.
I have heard that anything over 80 proof mixed with a diet soda is ok. I'm not sure why and I'm not sure where that info came from, but I've heard it a few times...
alcohol is alcohol no matter if its beer or liquor. Remember this:
Alcohol = sugar
sugar = carbs
The amount of carbs thats in non diet soda or OJ or whatever won't even matter considering the amount of alcohol you take in
winneevee said:
alcohol is alcohol no matter if its beer or liquor. Remember this:
Alcohol = sugar
sugar = carbs
The amount of carbs thats in non diet soda or OJ or whatever won't even matter considering the amount of alcohol you take in

That's true to an extent. All booze is bad/non-healthy like his question asked, but in terms of calories, there are "better" decisions than others. For example, if you order a Pina Colada (I'm not sure what guy would do that, but for sake of argument) I think it's something like 500+ calories where if you order a Bacardi & Diet it's 100 calories.
PJT said:
That's true to an extent. All booze is bad/non-healthy like his question asked, but in terms of calories, there are "better" decisions than others. For example, if you order a Pina Colada (I'm not sure what guy would do that, but for sake of argument) I think it's something like 500+ calories where if you order a Bacardi & Diet it's 100 calories.

Yeah thats very true as far as calories. And as far as the pina coladas.. I used to be a bartender and we would have men walk up and order strawberry daquoris or pina coladas, and these dudes would even be hitting on ladies next to em.. I would fix em up real nice with like 5 pieces of fruit, beads, whipped cream, the whole nine yards
nice winnee lolthats pretty funny. Yeah alcy is alcy some drinks are better then others but none are gonne be good for you and its still gonna hinder your progress, but if you must drink i would say liquor and a diet coke.
winneevee said:
I would fix em up real nice with like 5 pieces of fruit, beads, whipped cream, the whole nine yards

Haha, nice! I'm a jack n diet guy myself. I stay away from beer. I had my first two drinks in 4 months last week... I was toasted! It's cheap to have such a shitty tolerance :D
i wish i had shitty tolerance i start drinkin and end up tossing like 15 beers everytime lol. So i just try to stay away period or i findmyself getting in trouble.
winneevee said:
Yeah thats very true as far as calories. And as far as the pina coladas.. I used to be a bartender and we would have men walk up and order strawberry daquoris or pina coladas, and these dudes would even be hitting on ladies next to em.. I would fix em up real nice with like 5 pieces of fruit, beads, whipped cream, the whole nine yards

Jesus Christ, that's a load of shit. Most hard liquers contain next to no sugars...research it!
Alcohol Item (serving size) Carbs (g)
Beer, regular (12 fl oz) 13g
Beer, light (12 fl oz) 4.5g
Wine, red (3.5 fl oz) 1.75g
Wine, rose (3.5 fl oz) 1.5
Wine, white (3.5 fl oz) 1g
Cider, dry (1 pint) 15g
Gin, Rum, Vodka, Whisky (1 fl oz) 0g
Sherry (2 fl oz) 3g
Port (2 fl oz) 6g
Guinness (1/2 pint) 4g
also, diet soda is just as stupid as anything else you could mix it with
sandiego said:
Jesus Christ, that's a load of shit. Most hard liquers contain next to no sugars...research it!

San diego, alcohol converts to sugar in your blood. Reasearch it Nair Balls! ;)
Get_Swole said:
i wish i had shitty tolerance i start drinkin and end up tossing like 15 beers everytime lol. So i just try to stay away period or i findmyself getting in trouble.
this sounds like me, and I dont even hardly drink. take 4 or 5 to get a buzz and a case to stay buzzed for the evening.
so sounds like drink of choice based on these responses is jack/diet coke or rum/diet coke.

thanx for the imput guys!