Real Myostatin Inhibitors Available

I don't see any reason you couldn't combine it with the antibody since they're two different things. One would bring down the amount of myostatin, and the other would block the rest of it from getting to the muscle cells. Damn, I hope this ace-031 stuff becomes available soon. I'd be curious to know what doses you'd have to take as well.

As for the doses, i forgot that they mentioned them at the graphs on their site.
I suppose 1mg/kg is only minimal and the subjects were not training.

One shot (1mg/kg) means (i guess not always) 1kg (>2 pounds) of muscles in two weeks so it looks pretty good to me. Of course i think it depends on many factors so the final result can be different. Two shots per month + weight training and it should be really interesting.
I saw the graph, but I looked like the highest results there was for 3mg/kg, so does that mean for example a 60 kg man was given a dose of 180mg to gain that 1kg of muscle? This is where dosing is a big thing because it means that for this kind of inhibitor, the cost is still inhibitive (to make a pun). I didn't see anything on half-life to know how long this stuff stays in the body to exert its effect. I would guess it lasts a while from the results they posted for two weeks from one shot, but still, if it was in the range of 180mg, what good would 1mg do you since that would probably be all we could afford? Too bad ace-031 is still unavailable at the moment.

For antibodies as was earlier discussed, the dosing, strength, and effects could be completely different since it acts in an entirely different way. Damn, we really need some more research on this stuff! I can only guess however that much smaller amounts would be needed, and I for one am really hoping that the body picks up on it and generates more antibodies.
There is yet another option. AAV-FS344, follistatin delivered to muscles by adeno-assosiated virus. Only one shot and you get rid of myostatin forever, but it carries some risk since as i know changes can't be reverted.
Yeah, there would be some risk there. We've seen some research that you don't really want to mess with follistatin since it is involved with more than just myostatin.
wonder if the gains are permanant? Remember that picture that was going around - I think it was a dog? Looked like Presser's pic
of that bull. They didn't "train" and they still look really freaky. How the hell would a human react who trains like we do and what
about doing other "supps" at the same time? We might have another Greg Valentino-like special comming up. Keep us posted
Presser (this is kind of exciting - lol)
Here's a nice one.

Mice trated with 50mg of ACVR2B (it's something like ace-031) per 1kg (2.2lbs) of body weight produced over 60% increase in LBM in two weeks at a single dose each week. I won't comment how unhealthy gaining such amount of muscles in such a short period of time can be.

I had read also that it is an oil based injection which is active for 21-28 days.

Let's see...

85kg man would need something about 4,25 grams of ACVR2B per week to achieve that type of gains. I found many types of ACVR2B's but the price of each of them is extremely high for example 0.2mg goes for 400$ as i mentioned before...
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Here's a nice one.

Mice trated with 50mg of ACVR2B (it's something like ace-031) per 1kg (2.2lbs) of body weight produced over 60% increase in LBM in two weeks at a single dose each week. I won't comment how unhealthy gaining such amount of muscles in such a short period of time can be.

I had read also that it is an oil based injection which is active for 21-28 days.

Let's see...

85kg man would need something about 4,25 grams of ACVR2B per week to achieve that type of gains. I found many types of ACVR2B's but the price of each of them is extremely high for example 0.2mg goes for 400$ as i mentioned before...
wow! That is some serious muscle, seriously fast! I couldnt even imagine....
I'm in!! 60% LBM gain in two weeks - YEAH!!! I'm just wondering if they will notice at work?????????
The gains are permanent from what the research says, and damn, yeah that would be expensive, but you wouldn't even need that much. Even a 20% increase is a LOT. That would take me from 210 to 252--in two weeks. I'm amazed because the stuff is available. Damn, I'm going to save up for that.
Here's a nice one.

Mice trated with 50mg of ACVR2B (it's something like ace-031) per 1kg (2.2lbs) of body weight produced over 60% increase in LBM in two weeks at a single dose each week. I won't comment how unhealthy gaining such amount of muscles in such a short period of time can be.

I had read also that it is an oil based injection which is active for 21-28 days.

Let's see...

85kg man would need something about 4,25 grams of ACVR2B per week to achieve that type of gains. I found many types of ACVR2B's but the price of each of them is extremely high for example 0.2mg goes for 400$ as i mentioned before...

Did anyone see this part?!?! $400 for 0.2mg is $2000 per gram and you need 4.25 grams....That's $8500!!! Holy crap!!
You're wrong.

200ug (micrograms, 200ug = 0.2mg) goes for $400 which means that 1mg costs $2000.

$2000 * 4250mg = $8500000 for 4,25g (LOL)

Price is high because probably production costs are so high.

I think that the prices are not going to be lower in coming months or maybe even years but somehow it has to change since after all it's a product designed for use by average people especially for those with some kind of muscle diseases.

Well, you can always wait for christmas. Maybe then they will give you a 99.9% discount or something :)
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I'm thinking that I doubt that it costs that much to produce. There is always something in the way of supply and demand, and they aren't mass producing this stuff. I'm hoping now that it's out that someone is going to grab this somehow and start making a lot of it. Same thing happened with IGF-1 not too long ago.
Yeah, i don't think too that producing this could cost that much. They may also deliberately inflate prices. Imagine what would happen with bodybuilding and not only after making it available to everyone. Many companies would lose money, because people would have an effective product under their nose. I guess the time will show.
You're wrong.

200ug (micrograms, 200ug = 0.2mg) goes for $400 which means that 1mg costs $2000.

$2000 * 4250mg = $8500000 for 4,25g (LOL)

Price is high because probably production costs are so high.

I think that the prices are not going to be lower in coming months or maybe even years but somehow it has to change since after all it's a product designed for use by average people especially for those with some kind of muscle diseases.

Well, you can always wait for christmas. Maybe then they will give you a 99.9% discount or something :)

Oh crap, overlooked the mg thing. That's even crazier. Too rich for my blood too. :(
Yeah, the acvrb2 stuff is still expensive, but some of the other antibody inhibitors are a little more affordable. Have to try those out, too.