Real Myostatin Inhibitors Available

Supposed to start human clinical trials soon with Follistatin. It runs 4500.00/mg. Man what I wouldn't give to get in that trial.
I wasnt asking if you were smoking , but hunger affects compared to THC

Well, having never used thc, I wouldn't know. Considering that Michael Phelps was smoking weed and eating (as he said) 11,000 calories, it probably doesn't compare to hunger off of thc.
Did you notice any improvements in muscles regeneration?

Regeneration? How exactly? If the stuff worked, then I guess I'd say that my muscles felt like they were growing constantly.
Update: Hunger is dropping off somewhat now. It's not as strong as before though it's still there. Plus, the insomnia that I was getting from it is also disappearing. I completely zonked out 10 minutes after getting in bed last night.
I'm definitely going to have to get some more. Hunger has definitely dropped off now, but the strength I gained has remained.

Someone mentioned that 3500 cal = one pound of muscle and no one said anything in reply to this. Where is this info from? 3500 calories equals one pound of fat, not one pound of muscle. Correct me if I am wrong.
Even just 2 months would be well worth it!! Keep us and especially me informed! I'll do it!

You have no idea what i would do to get my hands on some of these things ... If your serious about knowing where to get a legit version, SOD THE COST (which you seem to be) oh man guinea pig me up bro!!!!
The stuff I used in this thread is Stamulumab, an antibody myostatin inhibitor. It may well be that you need more at once when using this type of inhibitor as evidenced in my other myostatin inhibition experiment. In another thread I journaled about when I tried ACVR2B which is not an antibody, but it binds to myostatin far better. The results from that stuff were far superior, and I only had 0.6mg of it. I used it differently though. I had 3 vials of 0.2mg, and I used two of them at first, and then in another week I used the remaining 0.2mg. THAT'S the one I want. If I could get one whole gram of it, I would be set.

With Stamulumab being far cheaper, I may probably get 3-4mg of it and run it in a similar fashion. Considering the results I had, it should be interesting.
Wow ACVR2B is expensive man, have found a place online thats selling it and its like $5000 for 1mg ... there is a bonus though ... for some reason they give away 16 x 5$ starbucks coffee cards with your purchase lol
I think it's possible now. These compounds just need to be mainstreamed like IGF. They can synthesize any of them pretty easily, but they just need to start doing it in a lot larger amounts. When I ordered my acvr2b, it was all ready to go, and they shipped it pretty much the next day. They were just used to doing small amounts though so I received three vials of 0.2mg instead of one vial of 0.6mg.

I don't know what place you looked at, but a 5K price is ridiculous. If I had just a little more money, I would have got 1mg for $1,300 (not including shipping).
I think it's possible now. These compounds just need to be mainstreamed like IGF. They can synthesize any of them pretty easily, but they just need to start doing it in a lot larger amounts. When I ordered my acvr2b, it was all ready to go, and they shipped it pretty much the next day. They were just used to doing small amounts though so I received three vials of 0.2mg instead of one vial of 0.6mg.

I don't know what place you looked at, but a 5K price is ridiculous. If I had just a little more money, I would have got 1mg for $1,300 (not including shipping).

Your souce sounds a lot more reasonable Saudades, if your not offended by the question .. fancy sharing the source by PM? :thumbsup: ... bet you didnt get any starbucks cards with it though lol
I'd be a guinea pig in a heartbeat. Though this begs the question how someone might go about testing their dna to begin with to see if they hit the jackpot.
So can your body learn to make these antibodies, I wonder? I decided to not take the stuff yesterday and today to see if there would be any difference in the way I feel, but my appetite has not changed although I think the strange pump has worn off some. Hmmm....

If your body started making these antibodies, you would have an autoimmune disorder since you would be making antibodies to self (myostatin) proteins. Maybe desirable in this case, but scary in general -- autoimmune diseases can kill you. I strongly doubt it would happen.