Retirement/401k advice...

The debt was never meant to be repaid. Anyway, I buy and sell financial instruments for a living. I would buy solid blue chips with good dividends. Each instrument I owned I would look at once a week. Study basic chart analysis and do a weekly review of each one starting with monthly,weekly, then daily chart. Micro manage your stocks. People give their hair style more attention than their financial assets. Have a risk management strategy and use it. If I buy something and it goes down 7% I sell no matter what. No questions asked. Learn the different stages to a stock. There are 4 distinct stages, with sub-stages to each. All Technical traders were out before the crash because they knew it was coming. Did I say Learn Technical Analysis, I believe I did. Hope is not a strategy. I have a specific system I use for day trades and one for swing trades with rules. Find one back test it then use it. Good luck
That's some good advice, thanks. I guess learning more about stocks and investments would make a lot more sense than learning useless things
Right now Europe in on a major decline and circling the drain. January 1st EVERYONES taxes go up. Raising taxes will destroy the economy. So Spring could just be the time the SHTF but I think it will hold off a bit longer than that.

Pretty much.
There is a reason why interest rates are so low and they are going to stay like that for about another 10 years because who are we going to tax when no one is working?

Will the shtf? No. Will things get worse if shit isn't realed in? Yes. Would I ever advise anyone to cash out of anything, hell no. But it's your money and you can do what you want. Personally, we are going to match up to 4% of contributions to 401k's starting January 1st but only if the employee max's out at 5% contribution. Meaning, the owners want people to invest and have a future and we still believe things will bounce back and want our staff to be prepared.
That's some good advice, thanks. I guess learning more about stocks and investments would make a lot more sense than learning useless things

IMO, nothing is going to be worth more than paying your debt down. Including homes and cars when in the past that wasn't really looked like as a debt. Now a days, you wan't nothing to owe and pay with cash. Credit is power but having no more debt is even more powerful.
IMO, nothing is going to be worth more than paying your debt down. Including homes and cars when in the past that wasn't really looked like as a debt. Now a days, you wan't nothing to owe and pay with cash. Credit is power but having no more debt is even more powerful.

This is absolutely correct and I kick myself everyday over screwing my credit up when I was younger. A lot of it was making the mistake to put my fiance (at the time, since broken up) on some of my accounts. I have intentions of paying these debts off at some point even though they are from like 6-7 years ago, I'd just like to have the past taken care of. I have it set in my mind that once I go full time at work and start making good money that these debts will get paid off so I can start re-building again, but that's probably still a couple years away.
Man Buffalo, I hope you're right, but I don't think that you are. The global economy is collapsing all around us. The only thing keeping us afloat are the uninformed masses that refuse to see the truth. It is coming my friend. It simply is not possible to "reel in" or save any part of our current society. It has become a fat, disgusting, corrupt whore.
For fucks sake we have the Federal Govt deciding what is and isn't Constitutional!!! The whole point of the Constitution was to limit the power of the Federal Govt!! The Fed owes over 16 trillion.
The Average debt of each person is America is $78,000 according to Equifax. There are 314,189,787 citizens in America. Do the math my friend. The numbers don't lie and they spell out the collapse of our society. Remember that the dollar has no value other than what the person receiving it believes it has.... Soon no one will accept our garbage currency. Then everything stops. At that point a single 5.56 round will be worth $1000 at least.
Look at things that should be the basis for value.... Gold, silver, ammunition, food, gas, etc and now look at their prices in relation to salaries....
To put it simply look at the price of a gallon of gas in 1998... roughly $1, now it is almost $4. A 400% increase. Minimum wage has gone from $6 to what?? Now $7.67.
It is simple we are all fucked.. Are so called leaders are killing the American people. And they are American's there self.. The only way you are going to make it in life hid your money like you do your gear or they are going to take it to.. It is so fucking sad how our fucked up leaders are doing this to us.. And still people believe the dems and the republicans party. They don't give a fuck about you or me or are beautiful children.. if we want something we are going to have to fight 4 it.. It is that easy . Our government are nothing but fuckin back stabers !!!!!
Man Buffalo, I hope you're right, but I don't think that you are. The global economy is collapsing all around us. The only thing keeping us afloat are the uninformed masses that refuse to see the truth. It is coming my friend. It simply is not possible to "reel in" or save any part of our current society. It has become a fat, disgusting, corrupt whore.
For fucks sake we have the Federal Govt deciding what is and isn't Constitutional!!! The whole point of the Constitution was to limit the power of the Federal Govt!! The Fed owes over 16 trillion.
The Average debt of each person is America is $78,000 according to Equifax. There are 314,189,787 citizens in America. Do the math my friend. The numbers don't lie and they spell out the collapse of our society. Remember that the dollar has no value other than what the person receiving it believes it has.... Soon no one will accept our garbage currency. Then everything stops. At that point a single 5.56 round will be worth $1000 at least.
Look at things that should be the basis for value.... Gold, silver, ammunition, food, gas, etc and now look at their prices in relation to salaries....
To put it simply look at the price of a gallon of gas in 1998... roughly $1, now it is almost $4. A 400% increase. Minimum wage has gone from $6 to what?? Now $7.67.

Makes sense doesn't it? You go broke just getting to work
There is a direct correlation to the cost of energy to the value of the dollar. Oil is traded in US Dollars. If the dollar was strong oil would be cheap, the dollar weak so all commodities are expensive in relation to the value of the dollar.

Price oil in Silver and its cheaper that it was 60 years ago. Heck in the 1950's you can feed your family with a quarter. You can still feed your family with a quarter today. It just needs to be a pre 1964 quarter made of silver. The destruction of the dollar and the inflation of the currency is why we are doomed. No society on Earth has made it more than 40 years on 100% fiat currency. Today we are on year 41 and in uncharted territory. Its only a matter of time before the dollar is no longer accepted and the SHTF.
Has anyone else heard that the USD, Canadian money, Mexican currency are all to be joined together similar to the Euro in Europe? I heard that there is talk that there are only going to be 2 major currencies in the world, the Euro and the Ameri-Euro (I think that's what they're calling it)
Has anyone else heard that the USD, Canadian money, Mexican currency are all to be joined together similar to the Euro in Europe? I heard that there is talk that there are only going to be 2 major currencies in the world, the Euro and the Ameri-Euro (I think that's what they're calling it)

Never heard this.. But Mexico already has lots of our money in the cartels pockets so why not.. The new dollar is called pesoshit I think bro..
Has anyone else heard that the USD, Canadian money, Mexican currency are all to be joined together similar to the Euro in Europe? I heard that there is talk that there are only going to be 2 major currencies in the world, the Euro and the Ameri-Euro (I think that's what they're calling it)

Never heard of it. A Euro is a Euro. The value of the dollar is different in their respective country. Someone correct me if they find something on this but I've never heard of this.
Yeah .. Think he saw it on jerry springer like you said buffallo.. Canada wants USA money cause it's less than their dollar so they can rip us
Well if you think about it when they introduced the Euro some countries currency was of less value than other countries so it wouldn't be surprising if this did happen. Someone at work was talking about it so I've not read anything on it
IMO, nothing is going to be worth more than paying your debt down. Including homes and cars when in the past that wasn't really looked like as a debt. Now a days, you wan't nothing to owe and pay with cash. Credit is power but having no more debt is even more powerful.

this has been my mentality sence i was a kid, my granfather tought me young, ive managed to never be in debt EVER!! ive paid everything off as quick as i can. only debt i have is phone bill, water and gas, grocery's, and gas in the fuel tank.

even my surgery im scheduled for in october is complete payed for.
There is a direct correlation to the cost of energy to the value of the dollar. Oil is traded in US Dollars. If the dollar was strong oil would be cheap, the dollar weak so all commodities are expensive in relation to the value of the dollar.

bro, we are at war for this reason, every one thinks its a war on terror. its a war against china, russia, and the middle east traiding there oil in euro's. Busch declared war on irag because irag was the first country to trade oil in euro's. us dollars being the base of trade makes us the super power of the world.