revalor conversion


Hey guys. Im having some issues with the revalor conversion. Ive done the fina a million times no prob so i figured with the dvd the kit came with it would be easy. I was wrong... everything seemed to go ok until the rinsing. It says to use two gallons of water and im on my fourth and i still have a pinkish orange foamy mess.. I guess im wondering if this is normal , if i just need to rinse more..I guess it would have been wise to start with 2g instead of 10...Any info on this would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry for delayed response brutha, the board was down for upgrades right after u posted, as for ur questions im not familiar with it, but ill bump this up so others see it and im sure we have some guys who can help out
You using distilled water? How much estro-solubilizer did you use?

Perhaps we should ask if posting a step by step layout of your conversion process is compliant with board rules, then go from there.

I have an inkling in the back of my mind, however, that implants are being manufactured so that conversions can be thwarted. Just a feeling though.

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You using distilled water? How much estro-solubilizer did you use?

Perhaps we should ask if posting a step by step layout of your conversion process is compliant with board rules, then go from there.

I have an inkling in the back of my mind, however, that implants are being manufactured so that conversions can be thwarted. Just a feeling though.

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oops double posterd
If you still have the box the implants came in, check to see if there is Tylan Tartrate in the mix. Would you have happened to notice that some of the pellets may have been discolored before solubilizing them in methyl alcohol?
IM not sure on the amount of estro remover..i used a 10g kit. And followed the directions that came with the kit. As for the carts, I dont think revalor has the tylan option..i was rincing with distilled water..almost five there a special trick to the rinse..i have been using the little squirt bottle that came with the kit..
Is it possible for me to try the conversion again without the lye..just disolve the foam and try the drip again...
I'm at a loss. I suppose you could redissolve it and try the drip again. As for not using the NAOH, I personally wouldn't take the chance. I would rather err on the side of safety and hit it with another hour of NAOH solution. The acetate ester should be resilient enough to undergo the process again. All in all, it just my 2 cents. Bump for more responses
I think thats what im gonna do then..does anyone know the amounts that are to be used..the kit did not explain how much of anything to use..does it matter how much water to let drip..
2 bottles of HEET (blue and yellow colored bottles)
500ml distilled water for the drip
technical grade sodium hydroxide (NAOH)- I'll look up the amount & get back later
coffee filters

thats about all I can think of off hand
WHen you say two bottles, does that mean red or yellow.. or one of each..are these amounts universal or is this just for for the naoh..i thinks its like .75g disolved in 5ml water..i could be wrong on the last part
Yellow bottles!!! dont use the red!! I meant to say yellow with the blue label/writing.

And its 75mg NAOH per 5 carts so you'll need 150mg total. Just add distilled water slowly to the NAOH till it dissolves entirely (5-7ml). Then just use it when you're ready. Pour, stir, wait an hour, drip, filter and rinse.

Should be good to go
ILl give it a try..hopefully it works there any special technique you use to rince and is it better to use coffee filters or the fabric they give you
I've never used a kit when converting synovex. Same should apply to revalor. IDK about the fabric but I've just used 2 coffee filters fastened to the inside of a 44oz plastic drinking cup with the bottom cut out.
The fasteners I use are heavy duty paper clips that are colored black with 2 wire tabs that you squeeze to open, about an inch wide in size.
As for technique on rinsing, its handy to purchase a ketchup bottle and keep some distilled water in it. when pouring the dist water in your rinse, keep a steady hand and try not to overfill the filter. The water level will rise and take your crystals up with it. Just use the ketchup bottle and squirt a steady stream of dist water to wash it back down to the bottom of the filter. Use 2 gallons of dist water total
so how do you know when its done being just stop at two gallons or do you wait untill its all crystals and no foam..ive never done a syno conversion so im not sure how close they of right now I have a pile of pinkish orange foamy stuff dried on a rag..i know what fina looks like and its not that..and im very e sensative
I don't know what the pinkish orange foam is, your guess is as good as mine. Two gallons is a general rule for the rinse but you can use more if you like. As for your concern to e sensitivity, I'm the same way and I run .5mg adex eod. But regarding the conversion, the benzoate ester attached to the estradiol should cleave off in an hour, leaving the estradiol to be water soluble and wash out in the rinse. Just be sure to stick to the 1 hour rule after you stir in your NAOH solution. After the hour is up, then start your cold dist water drip. That process should take another 30-45 minutes for the 500ml of water to form the crystals. Should be more of a clumpy consistency, white in color. Filter and rinse.

The only way to really be sure you got it all would be a melt test and I don't know off hand what the melting point of TrenAce is.

Did you notice anything in the kit that had a red/orange/pink hue to it? What all did this kit have in it?

Ok, and one more question: Did you filter out the crushed pellets after you soaked them in methyl alcohol overnight?
Lol.. U guys sound like Frankensteins dr.. Why bother when ug test is cheaper than 10 gallons of gasoline in newyork city ..
Lol.. Well then get the finaplex h from amazon and quit makin the pink orange cotton candy for Pressers kids who aren't here yet..Maybe the DVD is made by metal 85 ?
Lol.. Well then get the finaplex h from amazon and quit makin the pink orange cotton candy for Pressers kids who aren't here yet..Maybe the DVD is made by metal 85 ?

you should put some sort of Cryptanalysis in your signatures to Decipher your coded messages,lol[h=3][/h]
Yeah correct Presser. It has to do how the pellets are put forth in the correct recipe so as not to turn to taffy.. I agree..