Roid Rage myth or fact?

I say myth. I think people that claim road rage are assholes before ever going on AAS and they use it as a reason to take it out on people. If you have self control and your fuse isn't extremely short you should be fine.
I was on fina and test and I just got annoyed when people asked me stupid questions. It was never like a loss of control or even getting mad. It was like I was PMS-ing. I diddent go smashing a can of tomato paste into my head or anything.
Guys, its not just a myth, or a rumor that media makes every single day. 95% of AS suppliments will deliver, bad mood (roid rage) and depression when off cycle. You become more angry, and agressive thats why they call it "roid rage" . Did you know that Ronnie Coleman almost shoot himself in 1997, and they found out that its due to extreme high AS/synthol usage.
AS just gives you confidence cause you know you're looking bigger so you might want to step up when you normally wouldn't.

For example, I was driving home the other night late and somebody threw a plastic pepsi bottle filled with stones at my car and hit it. I backed up, turned my high beams on the woods, got out and ran up in there ready to beast somebody. Too bad they got away. Now see, if I wasn't on AS, I probably would've given up looking after the first 30 minutes and went home but I was ready to manhandle a mutherphucker.
We had this discussion a couple of days ago on Fb. This is my thought on it:

personally , I think That, sure you become more aggressive, because your test levels are higher. Well , then you need to understand that , and be in control, always remembering in the back of your mind , some a$$hole saying , He's juicin , its all because of steroids . Just a stereotyp, that is simply not true . Some people control there aggressiveness better than others , and those of us that dont, need to work on it harder.

Also I began on Fb , therefore I prefer it, But I do like the different forums , here and different discussions .
MandalorE said:
95% of AS suppliments will deliver, bad mood (roid rage) and depression when off cycle.

depends on your definition or "roid rage"

Originally posted by MandalorE Did you know that Ronnie Coleman almost shoot himself in 1997, and they found out that its due to extreme high AS/synthol usage.

get a is this in any way associatied the term "RAGE"?sounds more like depression to me.The term "roid rage" came in 1981 I beleive when this football player went balistic on a guy at a party an killed him.he blacked out and wouldnt stop beating the guy(the guy died).This was a major media event in that day.I'll see if I can find the article in the archives.
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yes rage is not the proper word to use. It MAY alter your emotions seems usally just after you come off though. I almost wondered if it was the clomid with me. And yes jett as you know me tooo well it's probaly just me myself and Irene.
Define "Road Rage," which is illegal = This occurs when a traffic incident escalates into a far more serious situation. For example, a person may become so angry over an aggressive driving incident that he or she overreacts and retaliates with some type of violence.

How to me "Roid Rage," would mean when a incident escalates into a more serious situation, while on the usage of any AAS. Example: a person may become so angry over an aggressive act of throwing a bottle at a car and than he or she overreacts and retaliates with some type of violence.
I am a cranky bad-tempered irritable ratty touchy crabby cantankerous grouchy bitch all the time 24/7/365
I'm so used to it that if roids were makin a difference I'd never even know.
Now booze, on the other hand, that'll make you into a serious asshole.

hey latin, you're not doin any 40s are ya? hope not.
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notacow said:
I am a cranky bad-tempered irritable ratty touchy crabby cantankerous grouchy bitch all the time 24/7/365
I'm so used to it that if roids were makin a difference I'd never even know.
Now booze, on the other hand, that'll make you into a serious asshole.

hey latin, you're not doin any 40s are ya? hope not.

40's? :confused: What are you trying to say?
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I find if you have a short fuse anyway you tend to use being on juice as an excuse to lose it more often than usual.

Plus im sure mixing alchohol does affect slightly.
Bigup said:
I find if you have a short fuse anyway you tend to use being on juice as an excuse to lose it more often than usual.

Plus im sure mixing alchohol does affect slightly.

Most likely, but those two shouldn't ever be mixed....never!
i made that mistake once!! I can never go back to my favourite Indian Resteraunt.

Not sure if the chair is still in the cealing!!
Bigup said:
i made that mistake once!! I can never go back to my favourite Indian Resteraunt.

Not sure if the chair is still in the cealing!!

Hey Bigup, say a prayer for me because I know I will have to deal with my inner demons. I have been banned from almost all clubs out of my area because of someone pisssing me off!
hahaha you know that! I was tearing up London a year back but im nice and chilled now.

Im in Texas for Christmas this year and New Orleans for New Years. No Doubt i'll be chewing a few pavements (sidewalks) in the US! hahaha
Bigup said:
hahaha you know that! I was tearing up London a year back but im nice and chilled now.

Im in Texas for Christmas this year and New Orleans for New Years. No Doubt i'll be chewing a few pavements (sidewalks) in the US! hahaha

Yeah, I most likely being a worried nelly! I think I will be able to restrain myslef from such actions.
It will be my first visit to the states other than Orlando but that doesnt really count. Everything is fake there.

Can anyone tell me some good places to visit? im on a road trip from OKC through TEXAS and to New Orleans and then Memphis and back to OKC. I heard that Austin Texas is a good place?
Bigup said:
It will be my first visit to the states other than Orlando but that doesnt really count. Everything is fake there.

Can anyone tell me some good places to visit? im on a road trip from OKC through TEXAS and to New Orleans and then Memphis and back to OKC. I heard that Austin Texas is a good place?

Yeah Austin or Dallas. There like what LA is to California. You should find plenty of things to do there, but beware of fatties!