Running into a ex


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I was out with a good friend of mine tonight having a few drinks and just plain out bullshitting around. Well I heard the chime from the front door go off and turn around to look. Low and behold its one of my ex's and holy fuck that bitch got fat. That's not where it gets good, withing 45 minutes to a hour 3 more come in and motherfucker these bitches were swole too. They all see me and course I'm still in great shape and they all give me the go to hell look. Think I might have cursed them or instead of blowing cum in them my cocks shootin out carbs and calories. Had to get out of there before the stampede started.
so you were in a place where 3 of your ex happen to be at the same time? what are the odds?

did you know that out of all the fetish porn out there fatty porn is in the top 3? maybe you would like it?
so you were in a place where 3 of your ex happen to be at the same time? what are the odds?

did you know that out of all the fetish porn out there fatty porn is in the top 3? maybe you would like it?

Bro in a town this small the odds are real good, the little sports bar I go is like a starter point before going to other places. Fatty porn, may look into it.
Instead of good luck chuck, you're bad luck chuck, they date you and turn fat afterwards. Makes you come out looking like a genius
I ran into one of mine a while back. She did a double take, stopped and said Damn!! When did you get out?? WTF, like you gotta go to the pen before you can bulk up??? Fat Bitch!! Bahahahahahahah!!!!!!!

Still Laughin my ass off...... ;)
I ran into one of mine a while back. She did a double take, stopped and said Damn!! When did you get out?? WTF, like you gotta go to the pen before you can bulk up??? Fat Bitch!! Bahahahahahahah!!!!!!!

Still Laughin my ass off...... ;)

thats funny, "when did you get out" what a compliment. lol
I have gotten, "where you do your time?" I usually give a crazy look and say "some things you dont ask"
cracks me up lol