Serious question... Proposing?


New member
Hey guys. I was wondering if I could get some input on the age old question of how long you should date someone before you propose? I'm at 9 months (9 as an exclusive couple - but we met over a year ago) now and am in love with her. She meets all my qualifications in morality, intelligence, background, appearance, supportive of training (and she trains too - LOL if I slack off my diet for over a month she'll look leaner than me!), ect.

I know there is not specific time frame and that you should do it when you are ready and have really thought it through, but I just want to hear some input from you guys. I don't really have a specific question, but if anybody has any pertinent advice I'd appreciate it. :)

And just so we can get this out of the way: No pictures, and if I did upload one, Presser would make some comment about how he'd bang the trash out of her.
Hey guys. I was wondering if I could get some input on the age old question of how long you should date someone before you propose? I'm at 9 months (9 as an exclusive couple - but we met over a year ago) now and am in love with her. She meets all my qualifications in morality, intelligence, background, appearance, supportive of training (and she trains too - LOL if I slack off my diet for over a month she'll look leaner than me!), ect.

I know there is not specific time frame and that you should do it when you are ready and have really thought it through, but I just want to hear some input from you guys. I don't really have a specific question, but if anybody has any pertinent advice I'd appreciate it. :)

And just so we can get this out of the way: No pictures, and if I did upload one, Presser would make some comment about how he'd bang the trash out of her.

Lol my wife and I moved in together after a month of meeting or so and I proposed in about 7 months and we got married within 3 years of meeting and just celebrated 10 year wedding anniversary and been together 13 years lol so I wouldn't recommend to say my daughter to move that fast but sometimes ya just know....until ya don't know I guess lol
We got each others names tattooed on us after 5 weeks of meeting lol how's that for moving fast and laying down a bet!
Oh and the tat thing wasn't the brightest thing I've ever done lol I've wanted to cut my name out of her pelvic skin with a dull butter knife many of times lol it took a lot of work to get to where we are lol too many people give up now days!
Oh and the tat thing wasn't the brightest thing I've ever done lol I've wanted to cut my name out of her pelvic skin with a dull butter knife many of times lol it took a lot of work to get to where we are lol too many people give up now days!

i agree, I have had some rough times that most would have thrown in the towel but it gets better all the time now. I am glad we made it work. But back to the question at hand a lot of people wait like a year or two, I myself am on almost 9 years and we haven't gotten married yet (not that we don't want to), just timing and tax issues etc.
I think it's different for everyone. I waited about a year and had a year long engagement. We have been together for over 7 years with no break ups ever
if she's the one then make your move before someone else does (not saying anyone could do that to you).....seems like you already know....I knew from day one of meeting my wife......but didnt make my move....after 4 years of dating she bailed out of State for a year....she waited until I got my Sh*t together and fly back to NE to get we then flew to Vegas and just did it without anyone there.....been married for 8 years now.......long story short....dont wait if you know..I almost lost a great thing.....
Ok thanks guys for the replies! I know that she is the one. I could write a book on how/why, but I think everyone who has been in this position will agree that when you know, you know. My thinking before I heard from the replies was that I might as well enjoy marriage as soon as I can as opposed to just waiting for no reason other than to fulfill an "appropriate" timeframe. You all confirmed my thinking! Thanks!

eswol, I'd love to go to Vegas and do it like that! I really dread the thought of a big wedding.

Presser LOLOLOL you're like "I was 29 no wait 28 no hold on sorry I was 27."
awesome man i dont know what to tell you. but i met my chick and i proposed 9 months later lol we moved in and things have been even better since havent gotten married though we have alot going on at the moment with school and everything. but im sure you will make the right decision i thought and thought about it then the day i decided i went out and got the ring and proposed that same night with our friends around
awesome man i dont know what to tell you. but i met my chick and i proposed 9 months later lol we moved in and things have been even better since havent gotten married though we have alot going on at the moment with school and everything. but im sure you will make the right decision i thought and thought about it then the day i decided i went out and got the ring and proposed that same night with our friends around

Dude that's so awesome. Hearing all this stuff makes me want to do it soon.
im happy for ya brutha. if yall both had been married like 2 or 3 times i would probably suggest waiting but seems like yall are meant to be. ive been with my gf 3 years now and been living together over 2 years so we consider ourselves married just not legal yet.
Ok thanks guys for the replies! I know that she is the one. I could write a book on how/why, but I think everyone who has been in this position will agree that when you know, you know. My thinking before I heard from the replies was that I might as well enjoy marriage as soon as I can as opposed to just waiting for no reason other than to fulfill an "appropriate" timeframe. You all confirmed my thinking! Thanks!

eswol, I'd love to go to Vegas and do it like that! I really dread the thought of a big wedding.

Presser LOLOLOL you're like "I was 29 no wait 28 no hold on sorry I was 27."

Thats what happens when you start getting old bro!! Lol you lose your fucking memory I guess!

And if you can afford it bro....have a nice wedding! You'll thank yourself later! We had a beautiful wedding thanks to her parents lol. Just my 2 cents
The wife and I met at our jobs, dated for 9 months, got married at 29 (did not live together before marriage) moved in both finished college, 2 years later had a little girl, 4 years later a little boy, still going strong. No tattoos though that's Gangsta!! Lol, And I agree with Presser have a nice wedding, it will pay off later, it's really about the bride, and do the honey moon the best you can. Best of luck bro.
Again, thanks for all the replies. It's really cool that at MC guys don't just care about muscle and bodybuilding but also care about the stuff going on in the lives of the members. :)