Serious question... Proposing?

Again, thanks for all the replies. It's really cool that at MC guys don't just care about muscle and bodybuilding but also care about the stuff going on in the lives of the members. :)

Good luck bro!!! You're lucky to have found love in life!

P.S. She got any sisters!? Lol
I got married when I was 20 years old. We met in High School and we are still married today going on 16 years married. Its about compromise and sacrifice.

My best advice is NEVER bring home work. I MEAN NEVER. Come home and act as if work never existed. Dont ever sweat the small stuff. If she forgets to put the cap on the toothpaste so fucking what. If she burns dinner, so fucking what. Let it go. Make her laugh. Tell jokes, make fun of yourself. Most important is do not ever take her for granted.
I got married when I was 20 years old. We met in High School and we are still married today going on 16 years married. Its about compromise and sacrifice.

My best advice is NEVER bring home work. I MEAN NEVER. Come home and act as if work never existed. Dont ever sweat the small stuff. If she forgets to put the cap on the toothpaste so fucking what. If she burns dinner, so fucking what. Let it go. Make her laugh. Tell jokes, make fun of yourself. Most important is do not ever take her for granted.

Well said Brother
I don't think there is a right or wrong time to pop the question. You will know when it is time. The first time I got married I knew the day I got married it wasn't going to last. But my family and hers wanted it so bad. Because she was a straight arrow. And she was going to keep me out of the bars and away from the drugs. And her family to marry her to get her out of their hair. And that is the truth. Lol. So I lived in hell for 11 years with this woman. But I did have to beautiful little boys. And they are my world.

Now I meet my wife now only a month and a half after my first marriage was over. And the first day I meet her I knew I would marry her. She walked my me and there was a glow around her. I never seen anything more beautiful in my life than her. And I meet her I January asked her to marry on April and got married in August of the same year in Niagara falls. I thank God ever day for her. And both my little guys love her. And she id only 13 years older than me. And she goes to the gym with me every day. And I will give her this she trains harder than me.

So all I can say Bro you will know when it is time.

But the only advice I can gave you if she is your best friend on life and you can't go a day without seeing her. Don't wait and do it.

I got married when I was 20 years old. We met in High School and we are still married today going on 16 years married. Its about compromise and sacrifice.

My best advice is NEVER bring home work. I MEAN NEVER. Come home and act as if work never existed. Dont ever sweat the small stuff. If she forgets to put the cap on the toothpaste so fucking what. If she burns dinner, so fucking what. Let it go. Make her laugh. Tell jokes, make fun of yourself. Most important is do not ever take her for granted.

Great advise! I could use a dose of not sweating the small stuff! That's cool that you were married at 20! That's so young.

- - - Updated - - -

I don't think there is a right or wrong time to pop the question. You will know when it is time. The first time I got married I knew the day I got married it wasn't going to last. But my family and hers wanted it so bad. Because she was a straight arrow. And she was going to keep me out of the bars and away from the drugs. And her family to marry her to get her out of their hair. And that is the truth. Lol. So I lived in hell for 11 years with this woman. But I did have to beautiful little boys. And they are my world.

Now I meet my wife now only a month and a half after my first marriage was over. And the first day I meet her I knew I would marry her. She walked my me and there was a glow around her. I never seen anything more beautiful in my life than her. And I meet her I January asked her to marry on April and got married in August of the same year in Niagara falls. I thank God ever day for her. And both my little guys love her. And she id only 13 years older than me. And she goes to the gym with me every day. And I will give her this she trains harder than me.

So all I can say Bro you will know when it is time.

But the only advice I can gave you if she is your best friend on life and you can't go a day without seeing her. Don't wait and do it.


Glow would be the exact way I'd put it. Funny you said that bc the other day I literally told her that she had a "glow" about her.
I did get married young but she is awesome, comes from a great family that basically took me in my Senior year of High School. Her dad cried when I left to go to Basic Training. I married her about 3.5 years after we met. 20 may be young but its really about maturity level. We were ready for it. Most at 20 do not know what flavor of Ice Cream they like best much less have the maturity to get married and make it work.

I'm a no Drama kind of guy. I don't want ANY drama in my life. My wife gives me no drama. What else can I say?
I did get married young but she is awesome, comes from a great family that basically took me in my Senior year of High School. Her dad cried when I left to go to Basic Training. I married her about 3.5 years after we met. 20 may be young but its really about maturity level. We were ready for it. Most at 20 do not know what flavor of Ice Cream they like best much less have the maturity to get married and make it work.

I'm a no Drama kind of guy. I don't want ANY drama in my life. My wife gives me no drama. What else can I say?

I like her family very much as well. As for the no drama thing, I'm the same way too.
Lol my wife and I moved in together after a month of meeting or so and I proposed in about 7 months and we got married within 3 years of meeting and just celebrated 10 year wedding anniversary and been together 13 years lol so I wouldn't recommend to say my daughter to move that fast but sometimes ya just know....until ya don't know I guess lol

I'll be hitting 10 years soon too!

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I agree though, there is no right or wrong time just like there is no right or wrong time to have kids. The one thing I was asked when I thought about proposing is if I had cancer and was dying do I think she would stay by me and clean me, bathe me and take care of me. She was and is so pretty much that was marriage is bro, you have each others back no matter what and you trust each other.
Ok thanks guys for the replies! I know that she is the one. I could write a book on how/why, but I think everyone who has been in this position will agree that when you know, you know. My thinking before I heard from the replies was that I might as well enjoy marriage as soon as I can as opposed to just waiting for no reason other than to fulfill an "appropriate" timeframe. You all confirmed my thinking! Thanks!

eswol, I'd love to go to Vegas and do it like that! I really dread the thought of a big wedding.

Presser LOLOLOL you're like "I was 29 no wait 28 no hold on sorry I was 27."

He forgot to take his ginko baloba, someone's altheimers is kicking in something fierce. Now that he really thinks about it what he meant was it was either 1928 or 1927. When presser was a kid there were only 2 different types of exercise known to man kind, 5 years later the push up would be invented :)~
I say wait about 15 years. lolol I been married for 22 years. whew!! For some people a surprise proposal is neat, but sometimes it is good to
sit down, romantic dinner, and talk about what she wants. She might have some ideas you didnt think of. I like to talk it over and have fun working
it out. It is a fun thing. Discuss your future. Are you on same page about kids, future ect. Sometimes they will have a vision about their future that
you wouldnt even think about but it sounds good to you. Dont go the tattoo route. Just my opinion. Remember dont sweat the small stuff, burnt
dinner ect. And I think a big wedding is most girls priority ever since they were little girls. Not all are into that though. Thats why it is good to talk
about it. Give them what they want. I didnt give a shit about the wedding but my wife had wanted a big grand one since she was a little girl. I did
it for her, no resentments later on. lol Wedding for them, hunnymoon for you. lol Have a good hunnymoon if you can afford it. Memories bro.
Again, there is no right time frame, just what is good for you guys. If you havent talked about specifics you might be surprised what is important
to her. Comunication bro, one of the most important things for a lasting relationship. Let us know how it goes and nothing but good luck to you bro.
I say wait about 15 years. lolol I been married for 22 years. whew!! For some people a surprise proposal is neat, but sometimes it is good to
sit down, romantic dinner, and talk about what she wants. She might have some ideas you didnt think of. I like to talk it over and have fun working
it out. It is a fun thing. Discuss your future. Are you on same page about kids, future ect. Sometimes they will have a vision about their future that
you wouldnt even think about but it sounds good to you. Dont go the tattoo route. Just my opinion. Remember dont sweat the small stuff, burnt
dinner ect. And I think a big wedding is most girls priority ever since they were little girls. Not all are into that though. Thats why it is good to talk
about it. Give them what they want. I didnt give a shit about the wedding but my wife had wanted a big grand one since she was a little girl. I did
it for her, no resentments later on. lol Wedding for them, hunnymoon for you. lol Have a good hunnymoon if you can afford it. Memories bro.
Again, there is no right time frame, just what is good for you guys. If you havent talked about specifics you might be surprised what is important
to her. Comunication bro, one of the most important things for a lasting relationship. Let us know how it goes and nothing but good luck to you bro.

Very interesting point about a surprise vs. sit down and talk first.
The wife and I met at our jobs, dated for 9 months, got married at 29 (did not live together before marriage) moved in both finished college, 2 years later had a little girl, 4 years later a little boy, still going strong. No tattoos though that's Gangsta!! Lol, And I agree with Presser have a nice wedding, it will pay off later, it's really about the bride, and do the honey moon the best you can. Best of luck bro.

lmao, I cant stop laughing at this shit!

I also wanted to mention, that I actually asked my wife's dad first if he minded if i married his daughter, no idea what i would have done had he said NO , lol. Then I gave him the ring to hold and one night we had family dinner with my wifes parents, sister, grandmother and her dad slipped me the ring and i got down on one knee at the dinner table! Best decision ive ever made was marrying this women! And its always good to have the familys blessing and do things right! and yes I felt GAY AS HELL getting down on one knee at dinner and proposing, all the while her grandmother speaking spanish, they tell me she was saying 'Oh how beautiful , Oh How beautiful" but in reality she was probably saying "Dont do it, dont do it" lmao!
Shit I'll be 54 in 2 months, still single, so you probably dont want or need my advice (I'm a commitophobia per my last GF). Good luck to ya Bro, hope you have a lifetime of happiness!
My friend's uncle got married for the first time at 92 and died a year later. No lie he walked down the isle with a pimp hat, pin stripe suit, and cane (he didn't need one to actually walk).
92? Wow theres still hope for me!! LOL
I guess the moral of the story is dont get married if you wanna see 94.....