Shipping, T/A talk... People think before you Post/Speak.

Eat'n Big

New member
Fellow Members,

I have noticed a lot of T/A and shipping questions over the past few months.
So I figured I would take a moment here and inform those that are new to Forums, and this way of life ( The dark side ).
Big brother is always watching us, and has eyes all over for that matter.
Unfortunately we have to go above and beyond to protect ourselves at all cost, thus keeping sensitive information regarding Shipping/Receiving and packaging should remain a silent topic.

We all already suffer a great deal in this sport/lifestyle with the scrutiny of the general population. In order to assure our safety, YOUR SAFETY, please refrain from any source talking, and anything that has sensitive information, cause this can/ and will be used against us, as we have enough hurdles to jump through as it is.

Please think about safety, and lets not keep giving big brother that opportunity here of taking away anything more from us Test Junkies!

Safety and strength comes in numbers, so lets just stick together here and pass the word and look out. Cause God knows what LE has up their sleeves.

Your Fellow community Member

Mods/Reps please delete if this crosses any lines
Very smart info here, too many people need to take warning and think about what you're saying as you can easily give too much info away
exactly my man!

People don't really think about the fact that talking about T/A often gives away a lot more info than you'd think, but if you stop to truly think about it, it gives out all the info someone really needs to begin to take action. Not getting into specifics, but I'm sure people know what I'm getting to
Speaking hypothetically of course, I agree.
Too many people feel the need to tell us life stories.
We don't need to know- also keep an eye for those that are baiting---we know who those are and people just need to be careful in general.
If you see something suspect, don't hesitate to let us know.
Hypothethetically speaking...
I love the reactions I get when I say that! Classic

My buddy would die when I said it, if we seen a hot gal he would point her out, then say oh never mind, cause let me guess you'll let her shit on you?!?!
My Dad has already (jokingly) said 'I'd eat a mile of her shit to get to her ass'...............