
I used to just swap business clothes for workout wear when I hit the gym. I always looked damn good with my black socks and white nikes. No need to shower - think 'pheremones'.
I always shower before gym, I just get a better workout. Plus I need to get all the white heads off my chest. dam clomid.
LOL! I never shower beforehand, and never use deodorant beforehand, and usually have old smelly sneakers and a ratty tank top....

Presser, PLLLLEEEEEEZZZZE tell me you're joking, right? I mean, the tight lycra shorts and matching bandana???? And None of that Phucking-pissin-me-off-cologne, right? PLeeZe say it ain't so!

Next thing, you'll tell us that you read GQ in the sauna.....
i shower b4 the gym....cuz i dont have an office job where i punch keys or push pencils all day.....its just good hygeine and u guys that dont shower are the guys that spread disease and shit to others...WIPE UP YOUR DAMN SWEAT 2!!!
went to 24 hour today. There's this guy. you can smell him from 15 feet. Smells like he's been at the bottom of a pile of damp dirty laundy for 3 months.

I don't really care if anyone takes a shower before the gym but HEY MILDEWMAN WASH YOUR &@$&$# CLOTHES!!!
We have a shit load of foreign dudes at our gym. I would almost prefer the smell of dingy old sweat and sneakers compared to the caustic nausiating fume of goddam curry rolling down the back of your throat when you're benching heavy and Mr and Mrs curry walk by.