slin ?


New member
well, i haven't been on in about two months and am planning to get some d-bol & deca shortly. until then i'd like to run some slin. i haven't done it in years so i'm looking for some suggestions on starting up. i know i probably should have started after i finished my last cycle. anyway, all help is appreciated.
i just would like to know how much to start with and how often. as far as the d-bol & deca i will be running it with some nolvadex and some milk thgistle and thats about it. hoping to get some fina too but we'll see.
My recomendation would be based on what kind of slin you can get. If it's "R" then pick 1-2 days a week and run it 2-3x a day (dose depends on experience/weight). If it's log then run it PW (again dose depends on experience/weight).
Add some test to that deca and dbol....I am not a fan of any cycle that doesnt include test or some kind...unless it is like a slin hgh cycle or something....I would run the slin 2x day 10 iu 10 iu upon waking and then 10iu post workout
Yeah but if you had done your research, you would had known not to start that high..I would hold off on slin if I were you...always work your way up and see how your body reacts!