
big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I did squats today for the first time in a while. I've decided to split hams and quads up into 2 different days and really focus on each. So now that I can take my time on squats I decided to do a lot of volume today and I can already feel the soreness coming on. I did 7 sets and didn't go heavy, but I made sure that I went at least parallel on each rep as I'm going to be competing again soon so I have to get used to breaking parallel.

The funny thing was, me and another powerlifter were squatting in stations side by side and we both happened to be in between sets when some kids fresh out of high school started squatting. This one kid in particular put 225 on the bar, got really hyped up, threw his belt on and grunted a few times prior to getting under the bar and then he unracks it and goes down no more than 6" and comes back up. That's the first thing, the second was his form was awful (knees well over his toes, back curved, the whole nine yards). At the exact same time me and the other guy started shaking our heads and he looked at me and noticed my reaction was identical to his and we started laughing. The kids looked over knowing we had to be laughing at them and then walked out of the gym
When they get older those are the guys that are going to go up to real bodybuilders and say "ya back in high school I was built like you". I fucking hate that shit! I wan to scream in their face "No you fucking weren't!! You would've been Mr Olympia!!". Sorry, off topic rant. We have those idiots in my gym all the time and the worst part is that they workout for FREE!!! Yes high school seniors work out for free!!
That's crazy, I mean this kid was maybe in the range of 145-160. Now I'm light as hell right now (160), but I'm as strong as I've ever been. I'm still squatting 315 for reps, deadlifting 460, benching nearly 300. So to watch this and know that they were thinking that it was a good lift because he's so small is what makes it worse.
In competition my best lifts have been a 501 squat, 468 deadlift and a 314 bench. And those were all in the 181 class and I'm pushing all of those right now raw. Those lifts were all in suits and shirts. So my stats now are raw as I've not used anything other than a belt and wraps for a while. So my raw squat is probably only around 425 or so, but still, I just wanted to go smack the shit out of this kid and his dip shit friends
When they get older those are the guys that are going to go up to real bodybuilders and say "ya back in high school I was built like you". I fucking hate that shit! I wan to scream in their face "No you fucking weren't!! You would've been Mr Olympia!!". Sorry, off topic rant. We have those idiots in my gym all the time and the worst part is that they workout for FREE!!! Yes high school seniors work out for free!!

I cant stand the fucking high school stories. I hear that shit all day long here at the gym from people. All I can say is so if you were big then what happen to you now.