STALKER guy update:


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
looked up his record, he has beat both his past wifes, he has a couple of battery charges including 'battery with great bodily harm' with reg ppl, and possesion of alot of cocaine, amoungst other shit like forgery fraud, theft and speeding shit
Scratch my previous statements, kick his fucking ass
Right, I called the local PD to make sure im covered incase I have to react in the future, he didnt even hear my whole story and said he was going to call the gym and strongly urge them to have him quit(the cop sounded as to make an aggresive approach to it) He called back and said he spoke to the gym, and with the stalker guy and he told me, basically everyone stay in there own neutral corners, and to start with a clean slate........... (great job of getting nothing done) So I replied, so if this guy comes within 2 feet of me again how am I supposed to react, he took a big sigh than said, well just call us back...... Yeah right, that sounds very realistic, someone is going to come in my bubble, im going to run away to my car to get my phone, than call them and go thru the automated messages till I can press the correct numbers to reach someone. As usual fucking useless
Accidently drop a 45 pound plate on his foot then head butt him accidently trying to help pick it
I'm afraid you are going to call so much attention to him that they end up accusing you of stalking him. If you have to throw him a beating, try with all your might not to do it in the gym. Have your wife lure him out back or something.
I'm afraid you are going to call so much attention to him that they end up accusing you of stalking him. If you have to throw him a beating, try with all your might not to do it in the gym. Have your wife lure him out back or something.
well I have a friend (dont really hang out with him for a few years now) thats a cop in a neighboring city and he told me to take that step so if I do have to slap the shit out of the guy, they will know he is the primary instigator (how he worded it) so onlytime will tell what happens from here
looked up his record, he has beat both his past wifes, he has a couple of battery charges including 'battery with great bodily harm' with reg ppl, and possesion of alot of cocaine, amoungst other shit like forgery fraud, theft and speeding shit

how did u look his record up, secondly if this truely is his record and u also notified the cops about him being a stalker and he has this kind of record, then im sure the cops would have done something, so are u sure this is the stalkers police record bro, cause i cant see the cops doing nothing about a guy being accused of stalking with those type of charges

Im sorry ur in this situation bro! Again play it cool bro, i know we all have our breaking points but just try to push urs backa little further, cause if u touch him ur in big trouble regardless of him stalking, but i know u know this and from what i can tell u did everything correctly so far, im just realy surprised the cops told u to stay in nuetral corners, thats a crock of shit
how much money do you have?

Because your gonna need it for a lawyer when this guy does it again. NOW he just found out that he can get away with it. Neutral corners??? What the fuck is that all about? He should have been kicked out end of story.

Since you have already gone to the police you cant take things into your own hands because you will be the prime suspect.

According to his background he has mental problems and is a man of violence toward women. Is he gonna fuck with you and your wife again yeah because he can get away with it. This is his entertainment this is how he gets off.

If I were you I would quit the gym get your money back and go elsewhere before this thing gets too far out of control. Like I said-he's gonna do it again.
how much money do you have?

Because your gonna need it for a lawyer when this guy does it again. NOW he just found out that he can get away with it. Neutral corners??? What the fuck is that all about? He should have been kicked out end of story.

Since you have already gone to the police you cant take things into your own hands because you will be the prime suspect.

According to his background he has mental problems and is a man of violence toward women. Is he gonna fuck with you and your wife again yeah because he can get away with it. This is his entertainment this is how he gets off.

If I were you I would quit the gym get your money back and go elsewhere before this thing gets too far out of control. Like I said-he's gonna do it again.

I agree completely! Go to managment, explain the problem again and tell them you want to end your membership and your wifes membership, tell them you will stay if they kick this asshole out, so it will come down to a simple numbers game at that point, ...Lost 2 paying memberships, or 1 paying membership! I would defiantly ask to terminate my contract and see what they say about losing u and ur wifes business as opposed to this perverts, i would also disclose his record in a round about way, kind of say "you heard" or "word has it" he has a record like this,
Since you have already gone to the police you cant take things into your own hands because you will be the prime suspect.

yep your fucked now if u touch him bro, even if u pay someone to fuck him up, ur still suspect numero uno
I would say as long as you don't seriously hurt him, it should only be a battary charge. BUT now that the law has been notified they can probably tie in a premeditated attack against him and that will only hurt you. I know you wanted to do the right thing, but that might've been following him somewhere and beating his ass without him knowing it was you, but you can't get away with anything at this point. I agree with Presser, you need to make the gym realize they're losing 2 memberships to let one asshole stay. She won't be the only one to leave because of him, so I'd have your girl talk to some other females that go there so they have a heads up as well. At this point you can either leave or will have to deal with it. And I know you don't want to deal with it, hell no one does. I know what I'd do if I was in your shoes, but then again, that's why I have been in trouble in the past.
Or if this is his record, just slap the shit out of your girl and say he did it then kick his ass lol, that's a joke, don't do that
On top of doing what dorian said, youcan try getting a restraining order agaist him.
And ignore him as best as you can. Not worth it bro.
There are two types of men who hit women: 1) the type who just hits anyone and everyone with no regard 2) the type who are scared to hit a man. If you've provoked him and he didn't come after you, he is definitely type 2. I would really be surprised if he doesn't stand down now that you've threatened him and the gym management has spoken to him.
If you would happen to get a restraining order, he wouldn't be allowed in while you all are there if you're there first from my understanding, but that may be wrong
how did u look his record up, secondly if this truely is his record and u also notified the cops about him being a stalker and he has this kind of record, then im sure the cops would have done something, so are u sure this is the stalkers police record bro, cause i cant see the cops doing nothing about a guy being accused of stalking with those type of charges

Im sorry ur in this situation bro! Again play it cool bro, i know we all have our breaking points but just try to push urs backa little further, cause if u touch him ur in big trouble regardless of him stalking, but i know u know this and from what i can tell u did everything correctly so far, im just realy surprised the cops told u to stay in nuetral corners, thats a crock of shit

Yeah man Im positive, if u want go to allbrevard (google search that) than under public records look up thomas burns, his is with the birthdate of 1957. Cops as usual dont do anything until its too late to do something, this should not really come as a surprise. I am trying to stay come and pursue this in the right way, but depending on what he does directly effects what I do.
There are two types of men who hit women: 1) the type who just hits anyone and everyone with no regard 2) the type who are scared to hit a man. If you've provoked him and he didn't come after you, he is definitely type 2. I would really be surprised if he doesn't stand down now that you've threatened him and the gym management has spoken to him.

Out of what everyone has said I have to agree with this the most, I dont wantg to quit the gym bc A) its like 200 yards from my house B) 14 a month C) my wife does Zumba there and the gym is included into the price. I feel like I have justified myself if it does get pyhsical bc I tried to do the right things by taking the actions I did first. I still feel like I cant just walk up to him and hit him but If he reaches back to grab for something or pushes or hits me, the cops would take my side when they find out everything preceeding these events. I could be wrong ofcourse but I feel that it should work in my favor if something like that does occur. Why does a 25 year old have to deal with someone twice his age that acts half of his own (25) age?? At thgis point the guy recieved verbal and written warning from the gym and now verbal from po-po
another route you can take is to notify the other women at the gym-your wife's friends and every time they go to walk to their cars-they demand that someone at the gym walks them...even if the guy is not there he could be sitting outside stalking

if the gym refuses then have them call the cops and ask for it

if cops start showing up at the gym that is bad for business and they will get rid of the guy
Hey bro
I talked to a friend of mine who is a cop and he had a situation similiar where they called and this is what he said when he couldnt do anything criminally to him. he said tell the gym he is looking at your wifes behind and trying to look at her crotch when she works out and is following her around if they dont do something you will sue the gym for allowing him to sexually harass her. File a written complaint with the gym and ask for corporation address.You can also threaten to call the cops and ask for the general manager, tell them you will bring the cops to the gym and it wont look good to the other patrons. I guess this happened to someone who called him and the wife said a guy was following her around and sstaring at her ass. they threw the guy out cancelled his membership and gave him a no trespass order, he tried to sue the gym but they have the right to refuse service to anyone.