Started some DNP

The Dude

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I'm pretty lean as is and I'll post up some before pics. I had to miss a few days over the holidays and I only got an hour yesterday and now have to skip Sat and Sun. This has me bummed out and with stuff going on with my work situation I'm having trouble focusing.... So let's do some experimenting. I starter with 250mg of crystalline DNP yesterday. It was noticeable in the gym later. I gassed out much faster and I was down maybe 4 to 5 reps on most things. I got worn out pretty quick. Today I took my dose about an hour ago and already I'm hot, but it's a weird kind of hot. Not like the temp outside is hot and almost closer to a sick hot like a fever. Not pleasant. I plan to stay with 250mg per day for 14 or maybe a few days. I'm pretty lean as is so lets see what this stuff will do.
I'm keeping carbs low. Mostly vegetables and some brown rice. I am starting the day with a bagel, but very low carbs after that. Protein is very high and fat is from Olive oil. I didn't get my exact weight, but it's stayed around 235 238 for a while now

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So I came home and did some cardio on the treadmill since Silk was at the gym. Normally Im a cardio machine and can go indefinitely even on the stair stepper. 40 minutes on the tread mill at 3mph literally wore me out. Im also crazy flat... like no muscle fullness at all... I smell a little funny too... my sweat has a weird chemical smell. no bueno
Will be tuned into this log, still don't think I will ever try it but I love seeing how good it works and peoples experiences with it. Had a friend a few years ago love the stuff and he would drop a ton of fat in just days on it.
Im not real familiar with this stuff but am interested. Do you think 125mg would still be effective and cause less sides.
I think 125mcg would work. This stuff works period. The higher doses just mean less ATP production and more suffering as well as faster fat loss. Today was rough. I had trouble getting out of bed and even had to rest on the couch for 5 minutes mid way through my 10 minute morning drill. I am devastated. Walking is difficult and I am so hot it's almost unbearable. I am face first into one of those big circulating fans so I don't overheat. I still have sweat beads forming. Silk says it's worst at the beginning. I will say this... I will never do more than 250mg. I would also not do this with anything other than a climate controlled desk job. I'm in great cardiovascular shape, but I feel like I did a 2 hour workout then spent an hour on the treadmill... and zero muscle pump. I'm flat as a pancake.

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Today was a little better. I'm definately flat and looking thinner, but I'm very lean looking. Energy was a little better and had 2 big fans on me all day. I think in another 10-11 days I'm going to look pretty damn good.
I'm doing shoulders, hams, and cardio today so we will see how it goes

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Man I hoped for more interest. With all the hype and taboo around DNP I thought this would be a hot topic. So the gym today definately stood up to the reputation of DNP. It sucked. Absolutely ZERO pump. ZERO endorphins... nothing. No sense of accomplishment. It just sucked. I looked flat and despite looking leaner... I looked worse as it looks like I have a thin layer of water...
My reps were down and I even used a little less weight on most things. I'm going to do 16 days. Man legs is going to be terrible. I count on that endorphin rush to get me through.
In other news it seems like I'm hungrier. .. also eating carbs is like throwing lighter fluid on a fire... I immediately start sweating I'm expecting to be pretty sick lean after this. I stay in condition where I could get on stage in 4-5 weeks so I'm expecting to look maybe 2 weeks out after this... while that doesn't sound crazy since I'm doing it for two weeks remember that I'm not changing ANYTHING. I'm eating the same or maybe a smidgen more. I'm doing less training and less cardio. This pic is typical of where I stay all year round

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I'm definately leaner, but man this shit sucks. No pumps even doing arms and my arms are freakish!! Once I finish this and drop the water rhat DNP makes you hold I'm going to look pretty sick. I've got veins in my erector spinae and obliques and I've only done 4 pills. I was in a tank top and shorts with the windows down driving around today and still sweating. It was 60*. I sweat just having a thought... fortunately that isn't a common occurrence for me

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I've been silently following. I am very interested in DNP, not for use, but I like to see how it works on people. From other logs i've seen, once you come off and replenish your glycogen and atp you will really see how much fat you lost. It's hard to tell when you look all flat and depleted.
I've been silently following. I am very interested in DNP, not for use, but I like to see how it works on people. From other logs i've seen, once you come off and replenish your glycogen and atp you will really see how much fat you lost. It's hard to tell when you look all flat and depleted.

That's true. I was on it for 14 days a few months ago and you really don't see the true results till about day 3 AFTER your last dose. I was very pleased! I ended up losing 7lbs of body fat.
Yesterday was my last day. I went to 500mg per day for the last 3 days and it was brutal. I soaked the bed so badly each night I had to sleep on towels. It was disgusting. I had the maintenance guy come up to where I work and adjust the AC since even with a full size box fan 2ft from me it was unbearable. I was light headed and miserable. I lost anywhere from 12-15lbs in about 10 days. Even with the water retention I'm crazy lean.

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Im not real familiar with this stuff but am interested. Do you think 125mg would still be effective and cause less sides.

No Bro. Minimum for a guy is 250mg to start and you really need to go higher to get the crazy fat burning. It takes a toll on you though. While it's as simple as taking a pill, the lethargy is insane. The body heat is extreme. You've really got to be dedicated to do it more than a couple days. I planned on doing it for 14 days, but 10 was all I could manage

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Im on a cut now so im gonna see where I can take this and then may use dnp as a finisher. Nice abs. Was those pics after last dose.
Im on a cut now so im gonna see where I can take this and then may use dnp as a finisher. Nice abs. Was those pics after last dose.

Those pics are before pics. I'm much leaner now. Water should be gone tomorrow or Thurs and I'll take some after pics

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Those pics are before pics. I'm much leaner now. Water should be gone tomorrow or Thurs and I'll take some after pics

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awesome bro, man you stay lean as shit in offseason props to you. Cant wait to see the afters to see the big difference, bet your damn near ready to step on stage.
You could never use dnp during the summer, you could overheat. The sweating is just unreal. Right after a heavy carb intake it just pours out like a beast. I lost like 1lb of fat a day.
You could never use dnp during the summer, you could overheat. The sweating is just unreal. Right after a heavy carb intake it just pours out like a beast. I lost like 1lb of fat a day.

I totally agree. Before using this I could never have imagined how uncomfortable it would be... pretty impressive stuff though. I'm feeling a little better now. Took my last pill about 1400 yesterday

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The Dude is looking pretty sick! I can't wait to see what he looks like once his muscles fill back in. I eat clean for the most part, but I wish I had his discipline. He eats clean all the time. That damn sweet tooth of mine... lol! Even though he felt miserable he still made it to the gym...didn't skip one training day. He's a good motivator that's for sure. I'm really proud of him. And he's not bad to look at either :-)