Story behind your username???

In my Early 20's I worked for Pinnacle as a rep. They produced Revivarent... the GBL product. I was able to buy it for a little less than $10 a bottle. Retail was $90. During that time I was infatuated with The Big Lebowski so I would have people over and we would all get hammered on Revivarent and watch that movie until we passed out. I began to quote that movie pretty much non stop and when I would go out to parties I would bring my Revivarent and sell caps for $5... so I was making about $300 on a $10 investment. At every party people would come up to me and ask if I was "The Dude with the Revivarent". The name stuck as shortly before it was banned I bought crates of it and used the profits to pay for a new Corvette and most of my college.
First of all, I'm not very creative, but back when I was trying to come up with my username, I was getting laser hair removal on my legs so that's where "silk" comes from (like silky-smooth...don't make fun, lol). Since I like my quads, I half jokingly said "SilkQuads" to my hubby. I didn't like anything else we came up with and even though I thought it sounded like a cheesy porn name or something, I decided to just go with it ;)
I have used the same username for so long now, I have a 2000 Anabolic Steroid Reference Manual autograph to PUMPED by William Llewellyn.

lmao, bro i see your Llewellny book as I have that too! signed to Presser lol , and I also will raise you one with my Signed copy of Legal Muscle signed by Rick Collins lmao,

We use to sell those books here for William Lleweln and Rick Collins, and a bunch of other books

but yeah bro, your certainly showing your age there big guys lmao , best to keep that shit to ourselves lmao

I think my other signed book is called Chemical Muscle Enhancement its purple cover i think, anyhow, yeah all those books are so obsolete now thanks to sites like ours
First of all, I'm not very creative, but back when I was trying to come up with my username, I was getting laser hair removal on my legs so that's where "silk" comes from (like silky-smooth...don't make fun, lol). Since I like my quads, I half jokingly said "SilkQuads" to my hubby. I didn't like anything else we came up with and even though I thought it sounded like a cheesy porn name or something, I decided to just go with it ;)

lmao, yeah i remember when my wife which was my girlfriend back then lol, when we tried thinking of a name for her they all sounded so porn star like, and she settled on SpanishFly which still sounds like a fucking porn star lol, oh well!
lmao, yeah i remember when my wife which was my girlfriend back then lol, when we tried thinking of a name for her they all sounded so porn star like, and she settled on SpanishFly which still sounds like a fucking porn star lol, oh well!

That is a porn site
lmao, yeah i remember when my wife which was my girlfriend back then lol, when we tried thinking of a name for her they all sounded so porn star like, and she settled on SpanishFly which still sounds like a fucking porn star lol, oh well!
Lol, yes they do! They're all cheesy porn names... I felt so silly using that name at first cuz if you really knew me, I'm nothing like a "cheesy porn star" ...low budget maybe, but NOT cheesy! LOL
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My name is Rob, once I visit the blue lagoon. Till that time i use this nickname Roblagna. Lagna it's shortly from lagoon
Heck it was back when i first started on forums, I wanted to "get swole" so there it was. Not the most creative, and almost wish I would have put more thought into it. Oh wells though 12 years going strong I'll keep it.
Jimbo Smith is for James Smith which is not my real name. James is the top 10 most common first name, Smith is the top 10 most common last name = Good luck searchinb those terms and finding the real me easily!
Jimbo Smith is for James Smith which is not my real name. James is the top 10 most common first name, Smith is the top 10 most common last name = Good luck searchinb those terms and finding the real me easily!

$100 says i can find your real name and social security number before the days out, lol,
$100 says i can find your real name and social security number before the days out, lol,
If you are going to get a ssn then get one you can do something with lol besides $100 is enough to stop me from looking!

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
If you are going to get a ssn then get one you can do something with lol besides $100 is enough to stop me from looking!

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

lmao, i needed that laugh brutha, lol, thanks! and im just messing with you,