
National Strongman Competitor
Ok so here's the link to Super DMZ through Blackstone Labs..and trust me when I say they are selling out, I have seen 2 companies sell out already.

Bodybuilder and friend PJ Braun has set up a link and a discount code.

Please USE CODE "PJB15" for 10-15% off your order...(updated 1/23/13)

Blackstone Labs - Buy Super-DMZ Rx 2.0

Now you may be thinking I somehow make money or benefit from this...I DO NOT benefit from this AT ALL...You guys do. I am in no way affiliated with this product or company, but 2 things...

1) I have never used something so powerful OTC as this product, so I personally stand behind it..

2) PJ Braun was decent enough to Support the Fundraiser for the school shooting in Newtown CT 2 weeks ago, so he is a genuinely good person who works for IRON MAG LABS. The least I could do is link this up, so take advantage of this if you want a good OTC product at a discounted rate...

Been here long enough that my word is good, it's a win win product...I stand behind both SuperDmz and PJ's company....enough said.

Anyways, check out this article...per MG it is stronger then Anadrol and Dbol and safer...And it is "legal" this is the biggest benefit to this product...

Super-DMZ Rx 2.0

You want it, buy it, you don't...don't...But I dare you to find someone who says it doesn't work... I have 3 long time bodybuilders who I personally train using the product..and one after 20+ years in the gym put on 12lbs in 30days..and just ordered 4 more bottles...

Please see this as a favor to the MC crew and not a sales pitch.

Read the other DMZ thread for gains and sides, etc...
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I emailed them about 1 week ago and never heard back so I didn't feel comfortable sending them my money. That's just my expiereance though
Bump for a great product. I am using this product right now. I have definitely noticed some serious changes in my body since starting this. I second everything he says about this product. I ordered 4 bottles and had them in 2 days.
Thanks...just ordered some. I havent done any prohormones in years, so I'm very interested to see how this works.
Ordered 2 bottles last month and just re-ordered 2 more to make sure I had a few as back up, that's how much I like this product,deffinetly legit.
I emailed them about 1 week ago and never heard back so I didn't feel comfortable sending them my money. That's just my expiereance though

This is why you have your MC family at your disposal..If you or anyone from MC order and have an issue receiving your product, I will personally contact PJ on your behalf...I don't see it happening.

If you really desperately want it, go through amazon or ebay may have a bottle here and there..might pay a bit more.
This is why you have your MC family at your disposal..If you or anyone from MC order and have an issue receiving your product, I will personally contact PJ on your behalf...I don't see it happening.

If you really desperately want it, go through amazon or ebay may have a bottle here and there..might pay a bit more.
Ok, Wes, I trust you. I'll put my order in by Monday and let you know. Thanks bro
great question im wondering to

Probably not wonderful...I believe one of the compounds is a DHT base, so this is why many people get strong..Id guess it hits the hairline..I have a light hairline so I personally don't care..but if I did care Id run finasteride
Ok, Wes, I trust you. I'll put my order in by Monday and let you know. Thanks bro

Anytime Rep, if there is an issue I will get it fixed for you..but I truly don't see it happening :)

They do have poor CS as far as returning emails and I am not sure why...I would imagine its because of all the questions they get, if they answered them all it would take tons of manpower and wasted money..Even my own friends have emailed them stupid questions that the site answers :)

Myself and many personal friends of mine have used this company with not a single issue.
And just so I've got it right, if you take the max dose of 2 a day and run for 4 weeks at a time, one bottle will get you through one cycle correct?
Yes a bottle has 60 pills and you can take 2 per day...I tried one per day for awhile and even that worked wonders...

Stuff is phenomenal and yes I'd never put my name on anything unless I swore by it...The one thing I don't like about this product or products like dbol when I was on AAS are the back pumps...that was the most unbearable part for me. I have several friends using this now who have no back pumps, so likely individual. I hate pumps this strong when trying to get strong..but for size I have not gotten more compliments in years as when I started using this product and I was using only this product so it cannot be attributed to anything other then this..

Like I have said, this is the strongest OTC product I have seen on the market in my 20+ years. Out of PH's though, I have to say for strength purposes I prefer the Boladrol, though there was no size gains with this, this is more similar to Var. Each PH having it's purpose.
you got results on one a day? (yeah, just ordered. lol) Hey Wes, what doses have you tried and w/what
results at each. Just picking your brain before I figure my dosing. (also how breaking up doses) Now didnt
you say 25 to 30 lbs of pure muscle gain the first week??? LOL Just kidding. I been around long enough
that a tiny difference is good for me.

- - - Updated - - -

LOL, the 10 % off got me. I am such a cheap bastard. lol Happy 2013 Guys
you got results on one a day? (yeah, just ordered. lol) Hey Wes, what doses have you tried and w/what
results at each. Just picking your brain before I figure my dosing. (also how breaking up doses) Now didnt
you say 25 to 30 lbs of pure muscle gain the first week??? LOL Just kidding. I been around long enough
that a tiny difference is good for me.

- - - Updated - - -LOL, the 10 % off got me. I am such a cheap bastard. lol Happy 2013 Guys

Hey McGaret, Happy New Years, and as always good to see you here, when I was out your way at that competition it was 2009...can u believe that?? Man time flies!!

Anyways, at one per day I take it first thing in the am, and ALWAYS with food, and I force down two glasses of water immediately. I'd say for the few weeks I ran this 1 per day I sat a solid 5-7lbs heavier, but noticeably bigger.

I have now used this with probably 7 athletes I train. The most remarkable was a 17lb gain in 30 days on an inexperienced lifter, and 12lbs on a bodybuilder who has been at it nearly 20 years..He too was skeptical at first but just bought four more..

If you do 2 per day def try and put a few hours in between I was doing 7am and then 3pm, and it worked well..

All I can honestly say is that I had more compliments the very few times I have run this product in years...And my clothes are noticeably not fitting. Some water, some muscle, maybe some fat, but a good overall frontload..again very similar to Dbol is how I compare it...minus estrogen.