Superted is on the Road to 240lb and a 500ln bench

Popped 4 Ibuprofen for back today to keep the inflamation at bay

Also kept reps high and TUT and didnt really go to much above body weight just multiple sets.. Overall a decent WO and pain definitely subsided from Monday's abandoned back session...

Cable Rows
250 x 15 x 5ish

Lat Pull downs
250 x 15 x 5

Stright arm lat pull downs

285 x 12 x 3

Behind the back BB shrugs
- Hold for 2-3 seconds
315 x 12 x 3

Farmer Walks x 3
120 shrug 10 times walk 30 second shrug 5 times walk back shrug to failure 15ish

Thursday - Bis/tris
Friday - Rest or chest play by ear

Working on putting together my new routine as this phase progresses, a little longer in the hypertrophy phase and we will then start conditioning the CNS.
why do you keep posting pics of this guy?
probably because he figures he looks pretty beastly, and also I think superted said he works out with him.

superted- looking good buddy. Starting to see some decent cuts in there in those last pics. Also that dudes arms/shoulders are friggin huge son!
why do you keep posting pics of this guy?

probably because he figures he looks pretty beastly, and also I think superted said he works out with him.

superted- looking good buddy. Starting to see some decent cuts in there in those last pics. Also that dudes arms/shoulders are friggin huge son!

Correct he does look beastly and yes i do get the chance to WO with him or his brother about once a week

Thanks for the compliment the cycle is going great so far slight tendon strain connecting shoulder to bicep (left) im working around it biceps + 7/8" happy about that as arms were my weak spot

Here is a video of man Chris Duffin he is the guy that has been working my bench program and he wants me to work these in on bench day as come close to the end of the Hypertrophy phase

Looking great, bro, keep it up! Hmmm...that exercise reminds me a lot of sissy squats since there isn't much range of motion in it. I don't know that it would really be that necessary to do them unless you were a very advanced lifter like your huge friend.
You've definitely made a huge transformation already, you're on the right path, keep up the great work man
Looking great, bro, keep it up! Hmmm...that exercise reminds me a lot of sissy squats since there isn't much range of motion in it. I don't know that it would really be that necessary to do them unless you were a very advanced lifter like your huge friend.

The reason he has me doing these as well as the flat-bench lock outs is to prime my CNS and get it used to handling heavier weight, its all part of the program that Chris Duffin designed for me in order to get closer to that 500 bench actually he wants me to reduce the range of motion on those overhead lock outs so I can do reps @ 405
The reason he has me doing these as well as the flat-bench lock outs is to prime my CNS and get it used to handling heavier weight, its all part of the program that Chris Duffin designed for me in order to get closer to that 500 bench actually he wants me to reduce the range of motion on those overhead lock outs so I can do reps @ 405

exactly...i keep preaching CNS on this board and it plays on huge role...some people think its bullshit, but its not...the CNS is critical in so many need it for all phases of athletic training...props to chris for bringing this into your workouts. I expect that from someone like him...awesome
and still got veins

Incline skull crushes - 30sec interval drop set
180 x 6
179 x 8
170 x 8
160 x 8
150 x 8
140 x 8
130 x 9
120 x 10

3 minute rest

V Bar pull downs - drop set
180 x 10
170 x 9
160 x 9
150 x 13
150 x 12

Flat bench skull crushes - ezbar drop set
160 x 8
150 x 8
140 x 8
130 x 8
120 x 8
110 x 11

Reverse preacher thing for tris
60 x50


Preacher - 60sec drop set
150 x 6
140 x 7
130 x 7
130 x 6
120 x 7
110 x 9
100 x 7

3 min break
Hammer curls on preacher - drop set
Getting tired

50lb DB x 10
50 x 9
45 x 11
45 x 9

Incline bench 1 ARM cable curls thingies

been looking for isolation curls to give the tendon a break and came up with these, i get a really good contraction and peak and definitely gonna keep them in my repertoire and i thought a picture would better demonstrate what im talking about

4 sets 8-12 reps


Out of focus but you can see despite being + 34.2lbs there is quite some vascularity in my forearms

damn wish my soup would get here already so I could gain some fudgin weight already.......... Explain the CNS thing more, Mike sorry I havent read what I guess u have already written about it other than something about rest
Been traveling last 2 weeks but staying on track hitting gyms wherever i am able and ive kept diet relatively tight.. Still working closely with Chris Duffin on my bench program
Weight 245lbs


Got back at 6am yesterday no sleep

had every intention of going to gym for legs but work and an event just wouldnt allow for it

Got up 5a.m this morning and got angry with the forces of nature.... SMASHED BACK and have every intention of going back for legs later

Gonna be a Tour de Force of eating today Back and Legs same day


1 arm dead
225 x 8
315 x 5 gripps
405 x 2
495 x 2 conventional 2 hand grip
585 x 2

635 x 1 PR

645 Failed
675 with bands 6" F
655 x 1 with bands
Bands have 45lb assist at bottom all me at top
495 x 8 no bands

Lower back on fire

Pull ups + 45 pre exhaust

Lat pull down nice slow and light
295 x 10,11,11,15

Standing straight arm lat pull downs wide

Stack x 11,11,12

Farmer walks - 3 sets
shrug 10 times walk 30 seconds shrug 10 times return to base shrug to failure

Just realized that my tendon really was not tweaked in the slghtest with any of the pulling that is a good sign

Surfing in Rincon PR with my best buddy

u went up to 405 pounds with 1 armmed deads? ive never done 1 armmed deads, I did em today with 315 with both arms lol. Any updates with the other thing yet? backs lookin good dude good weight too
Seem to have hit a plateau on chest


Tendon felt better not yet 100% right but no pain, however i did all
the same warm up sets as last week but only got 365 x 5 last week i
failed on 6 but an attempt of 6 wasnt even on the cards today, i had
to fight that 5th one up

Triceps felt strong.....

Doctor put me on some nasal spray for allergies Nasacort(steroid
based) Sides can be headaches which i did have no but headache was
gonna stop me, i was 110% wound up and ready to lift and i had a
strong back session yesterday.... Those damn kneeling squats got me
real sore, that was a nice change up :)

I reckon ive got 5-6 weeks before i wrap this cycle up


15mins stretching

365 rep max
135 x 12
225 x 8
275 x 5
315 x 5

365 x 5 :(
315 x 11
225 x 32

Floor presses BB with chains - 2min breaks
[media][/media]255 x 5
245 x 5
245 x 6 forced last rep using my feet

Incline skull crushers BB
Take a 3min break
Drop-set 60 seconds
200 x 6 This was good
190 x 5
180 x 7
170 x 8
160 x 8
150 x 8
140 x 9

3 sets of light TUT cable incline flys supersetted with V bar pull down no rest
flys 50 x 17
vbar 200 x 8
Flys 50 x 19
Vbar 180 x 11
Flys 50 x 16
Vbar 160 x 11

Flat-bench ezbar skull crushers - 45 sec intervals
140 x 11
140 x 8 forgot to take 10 off
130 x 8
120 x 10


Gotta break on through, yea putting this track on next time :)

Last edited:
Friday was the onset but now im hurting still hit abs on Saturday and Bis/Shoulders yesterday

That being said i can see the error of my ways as was very clearly pointed out to me by Chris (I got my knuckles rapped)

"You will NEVER hit your potential max on bench the day following max effort dead and back"

Lats and upper back are huge players in the bench so fatiguing them
out will reduce your weight.

"Deads themselves are one of the most demanding exercises on your
nervous system. Gear does not help your CNS recover. Deads fry the CNS
when you go all out. Always leave 1 rep in the tank and don't count on
heavy lifts in the days following. Maxing out on deads or deads for
reps can fry your CNS for weeks.

NO more heavy deads for remainder of month. Put back training so that
you have 2-3 days rest prior to benching.

Should have known better but the gear definitely gives you that false sense of security of recovery that you can keep on going at it 7 days a week but as Chris made abundantly clear gear is going to do anything for my CNS :(

OK now lets shake this could and get back on track drinking as much water as humanly possible and carbing up normally helps, I think ill take a days rest maybe light cardio and re-think my split.....

Was nice to get back to the flat bench and although ive been coughing a lot i just drank fluids the entire WO seemed to keep the cough at bay for the most part. Didnt over push anything and kept my reps a little bit slower than normal, overall i can safely say my departure to the incline was a success it didn't cost me anything in terms of stregnth in fact i basically got about the same numbers while being sick and with the benefit of my tendon being in much better shape and tris are stronger for sure


135 x 12
225 x 8
275 x 5
315 x 5

365 x 10
315 x 15
225 x 30

225 x 12
245 x 12
275 x 11

Cables from the bottom

3 sets TUT


Incline skull crushers BB
Take a 3min break
200 x 4 missed by 2
190 x 5
180 x 7
170 x 8
160 x 8
150 x 8
140 x 9

V Bar cable drop set - 30 sec intervals
Stack -20lbs

Rope pull-downs
didnt log weight but nice slow drop set concentrating on the contraction

Pretty happy with that all things considered


Day 1 - cardio
Day 2 - Chest/ tris or shoulders
Day 3- Back
Day 4 - Bis/ tris or shoulders
Day 5 - Legs
Day 6 - Cardio/Abs
Day 7 - Chest
Day 8 - Back
Plan of Attack

Due to strain on tendon i think this is the best i can hope to do with out further injury a theoretical 500lbs - 405 x 8

Plan of Attack

Due to strain on tendon i think this is the best i can hope to do with out further injury a theoretical 500lbs - 405 x 8


Well that was the shortest plan of attack ever.....

Just not going to happen :(
first set of 385 didnt feel right 2nd set hurt dropped 20lbs to 365 and that didnt feel great on that note i am abandoning any attempt of 405 x 8 just not worth the risk.... Ill focus theses last few weeks on high reps and building few extra lbs of muscle and hopefully ill be 100% in condition to take another run at this at the end of Summer


135 x 12
225 x 8
275 x 5
315 x 5

385 x 5
385 x 5 put a lot of strain on shoulder
365 x 5 That hurt too fck
315 x 5

225 x 12
245 x 12
275 x 12
315 x 5
225 x 25

Phone battery died no log


3 sets close grip BB floor presses in power-rack

V-Bar Pull downs[/B]
Stack for 4 sets

Flat-bench Ezbar skull crushers

5 sets - got 160 x 11 that was good

Rope pull-downs
4 sets
Well that was the shortest plan of attack ever.....

Just not going to happen :( first set of 385 didnt feel right 2nd set hurt dropped 20lbs to 365 and that didnt feel great on that note i am abandoning any attempt of 405 x 8 just not worth the risk.... Ill focus theses last few weeks on high reps and building few extra lbs of muscle and hopefully ill be 100% in condition to take another run at this at the end of Summer


135 x 12
225 x 8
275 x 5
315 x 5

385 x 5
385 x 5 put a lot of strain on shoulder
365 x 5 That hurt too fck
315 x 5

225 x 12
245 x 12
275 x 12
315 x 5
225 x 25

Phone battery died no log


3 sets close grip BB floor presses in power-rack

V-Bar Pull downs[/B]
Stack for 4 sets

Flat-bench Ezbar skull crushers
5 sets - got 160 x 11 that was good

Rope pull-downs
4 sets

Try laying off flat for a while and focusing on incline instead, I as well as another friend found that flat can cause/add to shoulder injury
50 minute run 740cals

WO was a mess was 10 minutes into it and got a work call that had to be taken care of I was like 20minutes into it barely warmed up and had to abort :(

Glad I got the cardio going again sun came out and I hit the pavement in the am for 50 minutes 740cals 1cc of hellos 20 mins pre run and started T3 at 50mcg. I'm wearing my HR monitor for a 24 hour period to see how they effect my cals. 8hours 30mins 4,028 cals I am a thermogenic monster